I would like to know if the TeeChart can do a scatter and\or kde contour for a series with downsampling of the data. I also need to be able to click on the chart and get the x and y point value.
I have looked at the documentation and the few examples but have not been able to determine if it can do it or how specifically to set it up. I would like to know before I purchase a license.
In GNUPlot it is possible to plot a function on a surface (see, for example, this question). Similar thing can be done in Mathematica (see this question).
Is it possible to do the same thing in Matplotlib? Alternatively, is it possible to map the colourmap by the function that one intends to plot on the surface?
A good example of this is plotting an ellipsoid, and visualising the Gauss curvature at each point on it with the colourmap.
I am working on a project that requires me to derive equations for some plots that I would get. Here I want to use an accelerometer to get a reading on the points in the Cartesian coordinates and use these to find the equations of the plot for further analysis of the equations.
The reading would be for the vibrations made by an object for which the vibration needs to be damped.
Currently I did not get any method to change a plot from excel to a mathematical equation. The plot points were derived from a smartphone app.
Equations for all three coordinates XYZ can be calibrated separately.
I am in dire need for a vb.net code to change the plot into equation. the charts would be an input to excel.
Any and all help is appreciated.
Thank You
PS. Please explain if posting a code.
I don't know any way to describe this plot, but I need to do it preferably with matplotlib. If there is a name for this plot, I would love to know it.
It can be found on page 10 of this PLOS ONE paper (Figure 6): http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0093590
Basically, each section is made up of three plots. One scatter plot, and two histograms that show the density of points in each region, one for each axis.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
I want to create a contour plot with matlibplot and generate a shapefile from it so that I can use it in QGIS to display it.
Though it is possible to plot a map with matplotlib and then overlay with my contour plot, the choices of map sources are limited. It would be easier to export the contour plot in a shapefile and loaded in QGIS with a customized map.
There is a contour plugin available in QGIS, and it is based on the contouring functions of matplotlib. It's still a little bit buggy but hopefully that will be corrected in the future.
I have a Core-Plot Graph within a Mac Application. But the inside table is appearing shifted down and to the left of the containing "frame/border" so that neither of the axis' are showing. I cannot figure out how to change this does anyone know what parameters I need to change to fix this?
Update: Sorry I did not realize I could upload an image, I have done so know and will try your suggestions in the mean-time.
Not sure what you mean by "inside table". It would be easier to offer suggestions if you could post a screenshot.
Without seeing what's wrong, here are some common areas to look at:
If you haven't already done so, look at the example apps included with Core Plot for ideas. The Plot Gallery app has many sample plots and the others are useful, too.
You may need to add padding (paddingLeft, paddingBottom, etc.) on the graph and/or plot area frame. Padding the graph pushes everything in away from the edges of the graph. Padding the plot area frame pushes the plot area in so the axes and titles can hang outside the plot area (the area where the plots are drawn).
If you want to keep an axes pinned to a specific place, e.g., the edge of the graph, set up a floating axis. Otherwise make sure the orthogonal coordinate is set (it defaults to 0). For example, the orthogonal coordinate for the x-axis is the y-value where the x-axis crosses the y-axis.