Is there any way to upload SnowballObjects(.tar Auto-Extraction) in MINIO for python? - amazon-s3

I want to upload a .tar file containing objects and MINIO will unzip automatically through the MINIO uploadSnowballObjects API.
While searching I foind For java client there is an API called uploadSnowballObjects. I am using Fast-Api python client. I couldn't find such way to resolve this issue.


Is there a way to upload files to the Amazon S3 from SFTP

My idea is this: I have an SFTP host with data on it and I want to create a file in S3 from this data, but to save network resources I don't want to download all of this data to a system first to upload again. So my question is: is it possible to transfer the data directly to the s3 without first downloading it? (preferably with the Amazon S3 Java SDK)

How to create and interaction between google drive and aws s3?

I'm trying to set up a connection a Google Drive folder and S3 bucket, but I'm not sure where to start.
I've already created a sort of "Frankenstein process", but it's easy to use only by me and sharing it to my co-workers it's a pain.
I have a script that generates a plain text file and saves it into a drive folder. And to upload, I've installed Drive file stream to save it in my mac, then all I did was create a script using Python3, with the boto3 library, to upload the text file into different s3 buckets depending on the file name.
I was thinking that I can create a lambda to process the file into the s3 buckets but I cannot resolve how to create the connection between drive and s3. I would appreciate if someone could give me a piece of advise on how to start with this.
if you just simply want to connect google drive and aws s3 there is one service name zapier which provide different type of integration without line of code
For more details you can check this link out

How to decompress split zip files on AWS S3?

I've got a file (4GB) which is too big to upload on AWS S3 with unstable internet connection, so I split the file into several parts using WinZip.
So, file.csv became a series of files:
- file.z01
- file.z02
- ...
- file.z12
After uploading it on AWS S3 I need to unzip it. How do I do it?
You wont be able to do it without the help of an EC2 instance.
If you have already uploaded these small zip files, launch a new EC2 instance, download these files from S3 using curl or wget, combine them together and upload to s3 again.
Since you are using Winzip, consider launching a Windows based instance, as it will be tough for you find a linux based equivalent for winzip.

How to receive an uploaded file using node.js formidable library and save it to Amazon S3 using knox?

I would like to upload a form from a web page and directly save the file to S3 without first saving it to disk. This node.js app will be deployed to Heroku, where there is no local disk to save the file to.
The node-formidable library provides a great way to upload files and save them to disk. I am not sure how to turn off formidable (or connect-form) from saving file first. The Knox library on the other hand provides a way to read a file from the disk and save it on Amazon S3.
1) Is there a way to hook into formidable's events (on Data) to send the stream to Knox's events, so that I can directly save the uploaded file in my Amazon S3 bucket?
2) Are there any libraries or code snippets that can allow me to directly take the uploaded file and save it Amazon S3 using node.js?
There is a similar question here but the answers there do not address NOT saving the file to disk.
It looks like there is no good way to do it. One reason might be that the node-formidable library saves the uploaded file to disk. I could not find any options to do otherwise. The knox library takes the saved file on the disk and using your Amazon S3 credentials uploads it to Amazon.
Since on Heroku I cannot save files locally, I ended up using transloadit service. Though their authentication docs have some learning curve, I found the service useful.
For those who want to use transloadit using node.js, the following code sample may help (transloadit page had only Ruby and PHP examples)
var crypto, signature;
crypto = require('crypto');
signature = crypto.createHmac("sha1", 'auth secret').
update('some string').
this is Andy, creator of AwsSum:
I just released v0.2.0 of this library. It uploads the files that were created by Express' bodyParser() though as you say, this won't work on Heroku:
However, I shall be looking at adding the ability to stream from formidable directly to S3 in the next (v0.3.0) version. For the moment though, take a look and see if it can help. :)

Can I cUrl a file from the web to Amazon S3?

Is there a way to transfer a file from the web directly to my Amazon S3 account?
For example, I want to transfer a large RDF file from directly to Amazon S3 without having to download the file to my local machine first.
You need a server somewhere that will execute the curl command. The easiest way is probably to use this a tool that I wrote for AWS EC2: You can check out the docs on a live version at