R code for matching multiple stings in two columns and returning into a third separated by a comma - indexing

I have two dataframes. The first df includes column b&c that has multiple stings seperated by a comma. the second has three columns, one that includes all stings in column B, two that includes all strings in c, and three is the resulting string I want to use.
x <- data.frame("uuid" = 1:2, "first" = c("jeff,fred,amy","tina,cat,dog"), "job" = c("bank teller,short cook, sky diver, no job, unknown job","bank clerk,short pet, ocean diver, hot job, rad job"))
x1 <- data.frame("meta" = c("ace", "king", "queen", "jack", 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3), "first" = c("jeff","jeff","fred","amy","tina","cat","dog","fred","amy","tina","cat","dog"), "job" = c("bank teller","short cook", "sky diver", "no job", "unknown job","bank clerk","short pet", "ocean diver", "hot job", "rad job","bank teller","short cook"))
The result would be
result <- data.frame("uuid" = 1:2, "combined" = c("ace,king,queen,jack","5,9,8"))
Thank you in advance!
I tried to beat my head against the wall and it didn't help
Edit- This is the first half of the puzzle BUT it does not search for and then concat the strings together in a cell, only returns the first match found rather than all matches.
Is there a way to exactly match a string in one column with couple of strings in another column in R?


Compare two comma separated columns

I want to compare two columns actual_data and pipeline_data based on source column bcz every source has different format.
I am trying to achieve the result column based on comparision between actual_data and pipeline_data .
I am new to pandas and looking for a way to implement this.
df['result'] = np.where(df['pipeline_data'].str.len() == df['actual_data'].str.len(), 'Match', np.where(df['pipeline_data'].str.len() > df['actual_data'].str.len(), 'Length greater than actual_data', 'Length shorter than actual_data'))
The code above should to what you want to do.

How to write a function that evaluates two data frame columns of choice and returns the output?

Given the following data frame:
site <- c("site_1", "site_2", "site_3", "site_4", "site_5", "site_6")
protein1 <- c("M", "Q", "W", "F", "M", "M")
protein2 <- c("M", "W", "V", "M", "M", "M")
protein3 <- c("M", "D", "W", "F", "M", "M")
df <- data.frame(site, protein1, protein2, protein3)
I would like to extract the first column of the data frame, and two additional columns (proteins) that are being compared. However, the latter two columns will vary, depending on the comparison, and only the rows (site_number) where the two proteins differ should be returned. I have achieved this using subset(), but I was hoping to avoid copying and pasting the same line many times and replacing the name of the columns in each line. Here's what I've been able to do, but what I feel is more script than necessary:
comparison1 <- subset(df, protein1 != protein2, select = c(site, protein1, protein2))
comparison2 <- subset(df, protein1 != protein3, select = c(site, protein1, protein3))
#in each case, this produces the desired result of showing the "site" and "protein" values, in rows where the "protein" values differ.
In a large dataset, one would have many columns (18) with different names. Additionally, two different pairwise comparisons would be performed for each column. So I thought it would be wise to write a function that takes the column names of interest as input. Not having so much experience, I tried the following function before learning that you should not use subset() inside functions:
#to establish the function:
compare <- function(first, second){
result <- subset(df, df$first != df$second, select = c(site, first, second))
#then to do my comparisons:
compare(protein1, protein2)
compare(protein1, protein3)
This returned the following error:
Error in `[.data.frame`(x, r, vars, drop = drop) :
undefined columns selected
Downstream, I would like to put the results into a list of data frames.
I'm quite sure I'm overlooking something simple. Perhaps the answer lies in using square brackets ([[). At least it seems that R is not converting the "first" and "second" variables to character strings that can match names of columns, as the error shows columns are undefined. If anyone knows whether writing a function for this is the right thing to do, or if I should do something else, then I would be very grateful for the feedback!
Thanks, and take care,

Can OpenRefine easily do One Hot Encoding?

I have a dataset like a multiple choice quiz result. One of the fields is semi-colon delimited. I would like to break these in to true/false columns.
Desired Output
I've already tried "Split multi-valued cells" and "Split in to several columns", but these don't give me what I would like.
I'm aware that I could do a custom grel/python/jython along the lines of "if value in string: return true" for each value, but I was hoping there would be a more elegant solution.
Can anyone suggest a starting point?
GREL in OpenRefine has a somehow limited number of datastructures, but you can still build simple algorithms with it.
For your encoding you need two datastructures:
a list (technical array) of all available categories.
a list of the categories in the current cell.
With this you can check for each category, whether it is present in the current cell or not.
Assuming that the number of all available categories is somehow assessable,
I will use a hard coded list ["A", "B", "C", "D"].
The list of categories in the current cell we get via value.split(/\s*;\s*/).
Note that I am using an array instead of string matching
and use splitting with a regular expression considering whitespace.
This is mainly defensive programming and hopefully the algorithm will still be understandable.
So let's wrap this all together into a GREL expression and create a new column (or transform the current one):
["A", "B", "C", "D"],
if(cell_categories.inArray(category), 1, 0)))
You can then split the new column into several columns using ; as separator.
The new column names you have to assign manually (sry ;).
Update: here is a more elaborate version to automatically extract the categories.
The idea is to create a single record for the whole dataset to be able to access all the entries in the column "Answers" and then extract all available categories from it.
Create a new column "Record" with content "Record".
Move the column "Record" to the beginning.
Blank down the column "Record".
Add a new column "Categories" based on the column "Answers" with the following GREL expression:
if(row.index>0, "",
Fill down the column "Categories".
Add a new column "Encoding" based on the column "Answers with the following GREL expression:
if(cell_categories.inArray(category), 1, 0)))
Split the column "Encoding" on the character ;.
Delete the columns "Record" and "Categories".

R: Matching two tables on multiple columns and creating a matched/not matched flag

I'm a beginner to R from a SAS background trying to do a basic "case when" match on two tables to get a flag where I have and have not found a match. Please see the SAS code I have in mind below. I just need something analogous to this in R. Thanks in advance.
proc sql;
create table
x as
case when a.first_column=b.column_first and
then 1 else 0 end as matched_flag
from table1 as a
left join
table2 as b
on a.first_column=b.column_first and a.second_column=b.column_second;
I'm not familiar with SAS, but I think I understand what you are trying to do. To see how many rows/columns are similar between two tables, you can use %in% and the length function.
For example, initialize two matrices of different dimensions and given them similar row names and column names:
mat.a <- matrix(1, nrow=3, ncol = 2)
mat.b <- matrix(1, nrow=2, ncol = 3)
rownames(mat.a) <- c('a','b','c')
rownames(mat.b) <- c('a','d')
colnames(mat.a) <- c('g','h')
colnames(mat.b) <- c('h','i')
mat.a and mat.b now exist with different row and column names. To match the rows by names, you can use:
row.match <- rownames(mat.a)[rownames(mat.a) %in% rownames(mat.b)]
num.row.match <- length(row.match)
Note that row.match can now be used to index into both of the matrices. The %in% operator returns a logical of the same length of the first argument (in this case, rownames(mat.a)) that indicates if the ith element of the first argument was found anywhere in the elements of the second argument. This nature of %in% means that you have to be sensitive to how you order the arguments for your indexing.
If you simply want to quantify how many rows or columns are the same between the two matrices, then you can use the sum function with the %in% operator:
sum(rownames(mat.a) %in% rownames(mat.b))
With the sum function used like this, you do not need to be sensitive to how you order the arguments, because the number of row names of mat.a in row names of mat.b is equivalent to the number of row names of mat.b in row names of mat.a. That is to say that this usage of %in% is commutative.
I hope this helps!
You will want to use dataframe objects. These are like datasets in SAS. You can use bind to put two dataframe objects together side by side. Then you can select rows based on conditions and set the flag based on this. In the code below you will see that I did this twice: once to set the 1 flag and once to set the 0 flag.
To select the rows where all fields match you can do something similar, but instead of assigning a new column you can assign all the results back to the name of the table you are working on.
Here's the code:
# make up example a and b data frames
table1 <- data.frame(list(a.first_column=c(1,2,3),a.second_column=c(4,5,6)))
table2 <- data.frame(list(b.first_column=c(1,3,6),b.second_column=c(4,5,9)))
# Combine columns (horizontally)
x <- cbind(table1, table2)
print("Combined Data Frames")
# create matched flag (1 when the first columns match)
x$matched_flag[x$a.first_column==x$b.first_column] <- 1
x$matched_flag[!x$a.first_column==x$b.first_column] <- 0
# only select records that match both data frames
x <- x[x$a.first_column==x$b.first_column & x$a.second_column==x$b.second_column,]
print("Matched Data Frames")
BTW: since you are used to using SQL, you might want to try the sqldf package in R. It will let you use the same techniques that you are used to but in R and on data frames.

Add values from a column when two other columns match

I have an ecology data table with about 12,000 rows. There are three columns: site, species, and value. I need to add up the values for each set of matching site and species - for example, all "red maple" values at "site A". I have the data sorted by site and species, so I can do it by hand, but it's slow going. The number of site/species matches varies, so I can't just add up the values in sets of three or anything.
Similar types of questions have talked about pivot tables, but none have needed to match two columns and add a third column, and I haven't been able to figure out how to extrapolate to my situation.
I'm reasonably comfortable coding and would like to do something that looks like this pseudocode, but I'm not clear on the syntax in VBA:
For each row
if a(x) = a(x+1) and b(x) = b(x+1) then
sum = sum + c(x)
d(x) = sum
sum = 0
Any ideas?
In a PivotTable, put site in Row Labels and species in Column Labels (or vice versa) and Sum of value in Σ Values: