Is there a way to specify a list of preinstalled apps for a group of meta quest 2 test user accounts? - testing

Is there a way to specify one list of apps to associate with all the test users in a group created using the meta quest developer console, such that when each test user account logs into a given device, all the specified apps appear in the library and can then be installed from the app menu without searching for each app? These would all be freely available apps in the meta quest store, not in-house developed apps for testing.


Authenticating user without creating app manifest in teams app

Just because of authentication I need to create an app manifest and share the app manifest with users who want to test it .Is there a way to Authenticate user without creating app manifest so that I can directly share bot link with users.
Talking to your bot by ID is intended for basic testing purposes only. Any Teams-specific functionality you have added to your bot fails to work.
Doc ref: Talk to your bot directly by ID
In this example
Is is an OAUTH flow with Azure AD directory v2 without any app manifest.
This one is in java_springboot but you can find the same for your prefered langage in the samples directory. The number 18 (and all the others) in all samples is the example but in different langages.

Where to store PWA app data on OneDrive not to be accessible by user?

I want to write a PWA app (to run on Android and Windows 10) working with user's files and photos on OneDrive. I need to store some metadata and I prefer those to be inaccessible to the user.
What are my options?
OneDrive approot special folder is normal folder visible to the user.
I do not want to store the data locally on the device, as I want the app to be run on multiple devices.
I cannot use Windows 10 UWP roaming app data, as they would sync between Windows 10 devices, but not to Android devices.
I do not want to store the data at the PWA's backend, as it would need creating an extra user account. I want the user to log in to their MS Account to access their OneDrive, and to create another account for storing metadata. I prefer the app to be 100% client side.
Are there any other options I missed? I would prefer creating some hidden folder on OneDrive accessible by the app, but by the user. OneDrive does not seem to have such functionality, at least if I read it's API docs properly.
Depending on your exact use case you may want to check out Microsoft Graph:
Microsoft Graph is an cross-device experiences platform and available for nearly all platforms. Within the Microsoft Graph you can use Activities to share metadata between different devices:
There is also an demo project on Github of an PWA with usage of the Microsoft Graph:

Testing a Dialogflow app

Is it possible to install a Dialogflow chatbot for testing on my Google Home device
without using the phrase "Talk to my test app?"
I am a rather new user of Dialogflow and have several simple test apps that
I plan to develop as learning exercises. Can set them up for testing on my
personal Google Home device without entering the "Talk to my test app" and without
submitting them for distribution to the Google Home community. I do not consider them
sinificant enough to offer them the the Google community at large.
I anticipate the develop of the following apps: 1 - SillyNameMaker, 2 - Woodchuck,
Gettysburg Address.
Thanks for any help
If you provide an app name and sample invocations in the "App information" section of the Actions on Google console, you'll be able to use this name to invoke your app on devices that are signed in to the Google account you are using for development.
One thing to note, however, is that you can only have one app in testing at a time. If you start testing a new app, the previous one (even if it is named) will be unavailable.

Getting Started - Viewing a Store

Installed the platform.
Installed the Commerce bundle of modules.
Setup a couple catalogs
Setup a couple stores, one on default url and one on another url mapped to same Azure site.
Installed the timber theme on each.
The urls only show the login page. How do I get the stores to show up, the catalogs each have at least one product.
You need both platform and storefront which are two different web applications.
Storefront connects to the platform and shows stores and products to customers, while platform is intended for managers, not for customers.

Can I submit an application to iTunes Connect that is signed by another Apple Developer account?

I have a question regarding app submission.
Situation: We have an iPhone Developer account and our customer has an iTunes Connect account. Is it possible that we hand them the signed, zipped application (that is signed with a provisioning profile from OUR account) and they upload it on their account?
Or is it REQUIRED that they give us acces with the "technician" role?
From my first impression, i think it should be possible that both accounts are not in any way connected, but i am not sure.
Any help is appreciated. If it is possible, please post references, Thanks =)
I think the short answer to the question in the title is "No".
See the iTunesConnect > FAQs > Manage your applications
I sold my app to another developer and
can no longer distribute on the App
Store. Can I transfer the app to the
new developer's iTunes Connect
account? At this time, applications
cannot be transferred to another
developer account. If you would like
the application to be sold through
another developer account, you will
need to remove the app from sale in
the current iTunes Connect account and
upload the app under the new iTunes
Connect account.
Not exactly your question, but sounds similar enough.
We had a need to resign a 3rd party developer supplied app with our signing keys - which sounds similar to what you want to do:
1) Use Xcode's Build > Build and Archive feature to create the version of the app to had off to your customer.
2) Select that build in the Archived Applications source in the Organizer
3) Choose Reveal Archived Application in Finder from the contextual menu
4) Select and compress the enclosing folder
5) Send that zip archive to your customer.
Your customer would then unzip and expand that archive in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Archived Applications. That will make it available in the Xcode Organizer. Your customer can then use the Share Application… and/or Submit to iTunes Connect… buttons to re-sign and distribute the app using your customer's distribution provisioning profile.
EDIT: A follow up that may not be clear from the info above.
To be able to do this, the 3rd party developer needs to build the app with your development profile; e.g. they need to be a "Team Member" of your account. They can do nothing more than build the app and sign it with development keys. Then they can deliver a build that has been compiled with your development keys at which point you can re-sign this with your distribution keys and submit.
If you need to, you can remove them and revoke their information from the iOS Provisioning Portal after successful app deployment.
EDIT2: With the Xcode 4 .xarchive bundles, you can just copy the .xarchive bundle into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/[date]/ folder. Then it will show up in the Organizer under the Archives section - validate, share and submit from there.