Why does GitBash create a file named "1" when I use my alias? - alias

So I wanted to create an alias that opens a new GitBash terminal at the current location. I looked it up and found this command
/git-bash.exe & > /dev/null 2&>1
I added it to aliases.sh like so:
The command works just fine. It opens a new bash terminal at the current directory like I wanted, But it always creates a file called "1" with command not found:
I tried removing the 2&>1 part but that did nothing.

Fixed by using what Joachim Sauer said: "Move the & at the end of the alias"


Mac: Replace "users/<computer-name>" in all terminals

I'm running into an issue with hiding my computer name. I want all terminal outputs on my mac (iTerm ->zsh & IntelliJ) to stop showing my computer name and show ~/. Can someone help me achieve this, I'm not sure what setting I'm looking to change.
Prompt format in zsh is controlled by PROMPT or PS1 variable. You can check if one of these variables is set up in ~/.zshrc (if there's no such file, create it by running touch ~/.zshrc).
If in your .zshrc you see a line setting either PROMPT or PS1, in its value substitute %/ (absolute path) with %~ (relative to home path).
If there's no such line in your .zshrc, you can just add this:
PROMPT='%~ %# '
Then save the file and restart your terminal.
You can change the prompt in your terminal to display ~ instead of the full path by modifying your shell's configuration file.
For zsh, you can add the following line to your ~/.zshrc file:
PROMPT='%~ %# '
For bash, you can add this line to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file:
PS1="\w \$ "
This will change the prompt to display only the current directory, represented by ~ for the home directory, and the command prompt symbol ($ for normal users, # for superusers).
You will need to either restart your terminal, or run the command source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc to apply the changes.

package.json not able to locate file

I have added a script in my script section of package.json which is present at root directory
"packagr": "ng-packagr -p src/ng-package.json"
But while running this script using
npm run pacakgr
gives error saying "no such file or directory" and tries to find my file at location
instead of
Does we need some configuration to map files?
It was a stupid mistake and it happened because I wrote the command in microsoft word.
When you type - in word and press space-bar it converts that character to something else.
Accidentally I used "–" character instead of "-"
Though python interpreter shows same ascii value for both the characters.

ConEmu + WSL: Open new console in current tab directory

I'm using WSL and ConEmu build 180506. I'm trying to setup a task in ConEmu to use the current directory of the active tab when opening a new console but I cannot get it to work.
What I did is to setup the task {Bash: bash} using the instructions on this page
setting the task command as :
set "PATH=%ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl;%PATH%" & %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\conemu-cyg-64.exe --wsl -C~ -cur_console:pm:/mnt
Then following the instruction on this page, I added to my .bashrc
if [[ -n "${ConEmuPID}" ]]; then
and finally setup a shortcut using the macro :
Shell("new_console", "{bash}", "", "%CD%")
But it always open the new console in the default directory ('/home/[username]').
I don't understand what I'm not doing right.
I also noticed that a lot of environment variables listed here are not set. Basically, only $ConEmuPID and $ConEmuBuild seem to be set.
Any help would be appreciated.
GuiMacro Shell was intended to run certain commands, not tasks.
You think you may try to run macro Task("{bash}","%CD%")
Or set your {bash} task parameters to -dir %CD% and just set hotkey for your task.
Of course both methods require working CD acquisition from shell. Seems like it's OK in your case - %d shows proper folder.
I found the answer:
Shell("new_console:I", "bash.exe", "", "%CD%")
The readme is actually pretty good: https://github.com/cmderdev/cmder/blob/master/README.md

How to use current file as parameter to Run configuration in pycharm

I want to create custom run configurations, but i cannot figure out how to get the current file name as a parameter...
I would like to do something like this:
py.test -m mymarker %f
autopep8 %f
where %f is the current file name.
The answer by Ctrl+C already hints at $FileName$ and at least in the current version 2020.2 of PyCharm this works in Run Configurations.
Create a run configuration as you desire, e.g. Python
In Parameters field you can simply use macros like $FileName$ or $FilePath$. Or click on the + at the right end for a full list
Hit the Run button or Shift+F10 by default while your target file is opened
What you want to insert there is called a macro, which is a context-dependent variable: $FileName$ (current file in this case). Unfortunately this doesn't work yet in Run configurations.
Workaround - use External Tools
Settings > Tools > External Tools
set "Program" as path to your script/program ('py.test')
in "Arguments" use button [Insert Macro...] on the right. There will be a list of possibilities. For example you wanted $FileName$ for the current file.
If you want both of those commands in one External Tool command, then create a bash script:
#!/bin/bash -exu
py.test -m mymarker $#
autopep8 $#
Finally you can use it via [Tools]>[External Tools], [Right click on a file]>[External Tools] or you can add a shortcut to the command.
I solved similar problems with Ruby as shown in screenshot link below.
After that: right click on script-file, select in Pop-up menu External Tools -> [Your runner]

GNU screen source a custom bashrc file for new windows

At the office, we have a shared user we use half the time. I'm trying to get screen to automatically load a custom bashrc file that I created for myself when using the shared user. So far I have this which works well:
alias screen='screen -d -R -S redhar -c /home/redhar/.screenrc bash -rcfile '\''/home/goldenuser/.bashrc_redhar'\'''
This works well for the very first window it creates. The problem comes when I create a new window. Is there anyway to get a newly created window to automatically use the same rcfile?
So far I have considered the following option, but I'm looking for a more streamlined solution along the lines of a missing GNU screen config option I overlooked or something. My proposed solution:
In regular .bashrc which gets loaded automatically:
if [[ $SCREENFLAG == "REDHAR" ]]
. /home/goldenuser/.bashrc_redhar
Set alias to:
alias screen='SCREENFLAG=REDHAR screen -d -R -S redhar -c /home/redhar/.screenrc bash -rcfile '\''/home/goldenuser/.bashrc_redhar'\'''
Discovered the solution is to create a file with
bash -rcfile /home/goldenuser/.bashrc_redhar
then set your shell command in .screenrc to it
shell='<path to file created above>'