Is it possible to move the Validation Panel in SurveyJS below each question in the designer? - surveyjs

I am trying to see if its possible to have the validation panel (the one that usually shows up on the right side of the editor with options like Required Error message etc) show below each question in the designer tab.
Thanks in advance

Unfortunately, there is no option to move the validation panel below a question element on a design surface. Survey element properties are located in the right-side property grid panel.
As an option, you can add a custom adorner action which would activate a property grid's Validation category.
By the way, I'm curious as to why you wish to display the validation panel below a question? Please elaborate on your usage scenario.


VB.Net: Winforms Designer: Use verbs from custom control in parent custom control

We're developing a custom control (to make our lives easier), which included a customs (external) grid control and some default buttons and text. The grid control has the option to add columns by clicking the small arrow on the top right of the grid in designer, like shown in the picture.
We want to keep this option when putting our new custom control on a (win)form. Is there any way we can achieve this?
I've already looked into the 'verbs' and I can add my own custom verbs to the new control, but I'm not sure the arrow is a verb (as it does not show the option on the bottom of the properties). I also haven't been able to find how to use the verbs from the grid control.
Thank you very much!
I've found the solution to my problem.
I thought the way to add columns was a custom control when in reality, it was a default CollectionEditor. This, in combination with Smart Tag, solved my problem.

Turn off field programmatically in VB.Net

I'm creating an addin button in Arcmap via that when clicked, runs the identify tool. But I want only selected fields to appear in the identify dialog. I thought of hiding the unnecessary fields and then showing them again after the button is used.
Does anyone know how to programmatically turn off/on field?
you have to iterate the fields in layer and then set visible property into false .
see this link in

Removing item level mouseover effect in SharePoint 2010

I am trying to remove the hover effect that brings up the checkbox next to the row item in SharePoint 2010 list item rows. Is there any settings that can make this happen? I would like to keep away from having to tinker with the CSS and javascripts. Please see illustration below. Thank you.
There are no settings for that sort of thing - the selection check box is a default behavior. You are going to have to modify the CSS, for that.
Use SharePoint Designer (Available Here]1) to help determine whitch CSS elements control that behavior, and make a custom style sheet to override it.
You can accomplish this by going to the Modify View option of your list and unchecking the Allow Individual Item Checkboxes under Tabular View options.
Note: If you are using a Web Part to view it you might have to set the view again for the changes to reflect.

How to edit Expression Blend selected control part?

I am trying to edit a specific control part within a custom TabItem Template. In this case, it's the TemplateBottomSelected control part.
I'm having an issue where I cannot seem to view or edit any control parts within the template editor except the default TemplateTopSelected. Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:
Even though I'm selecting the "TemplateBottomSelected" grid, the only thing I can see is the template for the TemplateTopSelected item.
How the heck do I edit the other control parts within the template using the editor?
that's because these templates are either collapsed or the opacity of them is set to 0. :)
you can use the eye toggle button to only show the one you want to modify at design time, set the visibility to visible, do your changes, and reset it to collapsed.
please let me know if you need more info.

How does the tooltip control enhance all controls on the form with a new property?

When answering another question I started to wonder how I could Add new properties to all controls in a form just like the ToolTip-control does.
For example I could use that to Add a "IsDirty"-flag to all textboxes just by adding the component to the form and it would handle this for every textbox.
When adding the tooltip-control to the form all controls magically gets a new property "Tooltip on tooltip1" that can be set both programatically and in design view.
I want to be able to do my own enhancer like that.
It's an Extender Provider.