Can I select the price to be returned in another currency? - amadeus

I am using the Amadeus Python Client and the results are being returned in Euros. Is there any way to get the results in US Dollars?
I looked at the documentation but didn't find anything.

If you refer to the Flight Offers Search API, the parameter currencyCode specifies the preferred currency. Currency is specified in the ISO 4217 format, e.g. EUR for Euro. More information can be found in the API reference.


Null check on decimal crystal reports using CDBL({value})

I am using a decimal value in a formula which gives error when there is no data.
I tried using CDBL({value}) i.e. create a formula for value=CDBL({value}) .
The use {#value} in the formula. This used to take care of null values. But now keep getting error IF NOT ISNULL({#Value}) THEN ' A number, or currency amount is required here. Details: errorKind
Any suggestions on how to fix this please
I will try to answer this and see if I get any sort of indication that it worked.. maybe even a correct answer indication :)
You cant have mixed field types returned in Crystal. If one part of the IF statement returns a numeric type then the rest has to be numeric type. If you post your entire formula I (or someone else who is willing to give up valuable time) can show you how it needs to look.

Producing timestamp in correct format using Pentaho DI

I am using Data Integration to get data from our online API. Apart of the data is a timestamp and this is printed like so on the website 1389227435641 but when it is printed up on a table it is printed like so 1.389227435641E12
How do I get it to print like it is from the website and not like the way it is now?
Is the API returning the number in scientific notation?
If you want to convert 1.389227435641E12 to another format, import it as a BigNumber then use Select Values and change the Format.

Yahoo finance API field misalignment

I'm trying to use the Yahoo Finance API to create a custom csv but depending upon the stock there is field misalignment.
For instance, if I just want to download the "k3" field for yahoo which corresponds to last trade size, I would craft the url like so:
However, if you download that csv there are two columns of data.
Similarly, if I decide to get Float Shares , I want the url:
However that gives me 3 columns. Is there a way to get it in exactly one column? I want to automate this process but the different column orientations make it very difficult as different rows then have different column lengths and I am unable to easily match up the column name with the row.
Bonus: If someone can explain where the 3 float share numbers come from that would be great, I seem to only be able to match up the first to the site...
Thank you for your help!
In short, you are describing known bugs that Yahoo isn't going to fix as the feed is officially unsupported.
Specifically re. Float (f6): the number returned is the entire float. It is not 3 csv numbers. The commas are not delimiters; rather, they are 1,000s separators. (I suspect the same is the case with K3. As it is with a couple of other known numbers. (See link below.))
Two solutions:
(1) Write your own workaround using conditional statements (if or case) in your code.
(2) Download the buggy parameters separately from the clean ones.
See: Yahoo's official reply to your question.
The multiple columns is because that excel (or whatever csv viewer you are using) treats "thousand-seperator" as the the "comma-seperator". We used to have this problem in our school project, and found a hack which is good only if you are using this api for some hobby project and not concerning data usage.
The idea is instead of treating the results as a csv, pick a static column (column A) where you will know the value beforehand (e.g. column 's' stock symbol) or put this value as the first column. When constructing the query, use this column to surround those columns (float columns) with formatting problem. once you get the quotes.csv, manual seperate the results on the column A value.
for example using
will get you
"YHOO", 887,675,000,"YHOO",400,"YHOO",N/A
Then use ,"YHOO", to seperate the results (excluding first column).
Not an elegent way to solve the problem, but at least it gives you the correct result.

Changing the currency culture of a field in access database

I have table invoice inside an access mdb that stores DECIMAL in Italian format. ie , is used as the decimal separator.
So thousand will be written as 1.000,00. I would like to change it to UK format like this 1000.00. For this I use this query.
UPDATE invoice SET invoice_amount = Replace(Replace(invoice_amount,'.',''),',','.')
Are there any better options? I am also afraid that an accidental run of this query a second time makes 1000.00 become 100000. Any straight forward fool proof way to change culture here?
P.S: invoice_amount is of type Text here.

Apache Lucene - search by concrete date

I want to find some data of a application which allows using Apache Lucene syntax for search queries. I search data by date and want to find data from concrete date - concrete day. How can I do that?
date: [2010-10-4 TO 2010-10-4]
date: 2010-10-4
does not work.
Short answer: there is no "standard" for date query syntax in Lucene. You need to find out the format(s) your app supports.
Long answer: For the last couple years or so, Lucene keeps the numeric data specially encoded. Most likely, the date in the index is kept in the timestamp format. This means the query parser needs to take in the query, chew it and spit out the timestamp. Querying against a raw timestamp is not very practical - at least for humans - and your query parser likely has some pre-defined format it is able to understand.
For example, Solr has a pre-defined set of supported date/time formats and is able to parse those into timestamps.
Don't forget Lucene is just a library and each application (including Solr and the one you are using) is meant to use it the way they like.
I found the solution.
For searching by one conrete day, query:
date: [2010-10-4T00:00:00 TO 2010-10-4T23:59:59]
is correct
I put the date range without the hyphens and It worked for me.
date: [20210901 TO 20211101 ]
See the doc Range Searches