Tensorflow concat two transfer learning model - tensorflow

I want to concat two transfer learning models with the same input, the two model will run parallelly , and then flatten the combined features for image classification. But I don't know why I got this error. Thank you!
input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(300,300,3))
from tensorflow.keras.applications import ResNet50V2
base_model2 = ResNet50V2(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_tensor=input)
for layers in (base_model2.layers)[:90]:
layers.trainable = False
from tensorflow.keras.applications import InceptionResNetV2
base_model1 = InceptionResNetV2(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_tensor=input)
for layers in (base_model1.layers)[:90]:
layers.trainable = False
output = Concatenate()([base_model1, base_model2] , axis= 1)
output = Flatten()(output)
output = Dropout(0.8)(output)
output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(output)
combine = Model(input = input, output = output)
Error Message:
I try to concat two transfer learning models, so I will have a model, input image, and have two transfer learning model for features extraction and run it parallelly and do the image classification

You want to concat the output of the models, that is base_model1.output and base_model2.output. They differ in the shape, so you have to flatten them before concatenating:
output = Concatenate()([Flatten()(base_model1.output), Flatten()(base_model2.output)])
output = Dropout(0.8)(output)
output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(output)
combine = Model(inputs = input, outputs = output)


How do you fit a tf.Dataset to a Keras Autoencoder Model when the Dataset has been generated using TFX?

As the title suggests I have been trying to create a pipeline for training an Autoencoder model using TFX. The problem I'm having is fitting the tf.Dataset returned by the DataAccessor.tf_dataset_factory object to the Autoencoder.
Below I summarise the steps I've taken through this project, and have some Questions at the bottom if you wish to skip the background information.
TFX Pipeline
The TFX components I have used so far have been:
CsvExampleGenerator (the dataset has 82 columns, all numeric, and the sample csv has 739 rows)
StatisticsGenerator / SchemaGenerator, the schema has been edited as is now loaded in using an Importer
Trainer (this is the component I am currently having problems with)
The model that I am attempting to train is based off of the example laid out here https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/generative/autoencoder. However, my model is being trained on tabular data, searching for anomalous results, as opposed to image data.
As I have tried a couple of solutions I have tried using both the Keras.layers and Keras.model format for defining the model and I outline both below:
Subclassing Keras.Model
class Autoencoder(keras.models.Model):
def __init__(self, features):
super(Autoencoder, self).__init__()
self.encoder = tf.keras.Sequential([
keras.layers.Dense(82, activation = 'relu'),
keras.layers.Dense(32, activation = 'relu'),
keras.layers.Dense(16, activation = 'relu'),
keras.layers.Dense(8, activation = 'relu')
self.decoder = tf.keras.Sequential([
keras.layers.Dense(16, activation = 'relu'),
keras.layers.Dense(32, activation = 'relu'),
keras.layers.Dense(len(features), activation = 'sigmoid')
def call(self, x):
inputs = [keras.layers.Input(shape = (1,), name = f) for f in features]
dense = keras.layers.concatenate(inputs)
encoded = self.encoder(dense)
decoded = self.decoder(encoded)
return decoded
Subclassing Keras.Layers
def _build_keras_model(features: List[str]) -> tf.keras.Model:
inputs = [keras.layers.Input(shape = (1,), name = f) for f in features]
dense = keras.layers.concatenate(inputs)
dense = keras.layers.Dense(32, activation = 'relu')(dense)
dense = keras.layers.Dense(16, activation = 'relu')(dense)
dense = keras.layers.Dense(8, activation = 'relu')(dense)
dense = keras.layers.Dense(16, activation = 'relu')(dense)
dense = keras.layers.Dense(32, activation = 'relu')(dense)
outputs = keras.layers.Dense(len(features), activation = 'sigmoid')(dense)
model = keras.Model(inputs = inputs, outputs = outputs)
optimizer = 'adam',
loss = 'mae'
return model
TFX Trainer Component
For creating the Trainer Component I have been mainly following the implementation details laid out here: https://www.tensorflow.org/tfx/guide/trainer
As well as following the default penguins example: https://www.tensorflow.org/tfx/tutorials/tfx/penguin_simple#write_model_training_code
run_fn defintion
def run_fn(fn_args: tfx.components.FnArgs) -> None:
tft_output = tft.TFTransformOutput(fn_args.transform_output)
train_dataset = _input_fn(
file_pattern = fn_args.train_files,
data_accessor = fn_args.data_accessor,
tf_transform_output = tft_output,
batch_size = fn_args.train_steps
eval_dataset = _input_fn(
file_pattern = fn_args.eval_files,
data_accessor = fn_args.data_accessor,
tf_transform_output = tft_output,
batch_size = fn_args.custom_config['eval_batch_size']
# model = Autoencoder(
# features = fn_args.custom_config['features']
# )
model = _build_keras_model(features = fn_args.custom_config['features'])
model.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'mse')
steps_per_epoch = fn_args.train_steps,
validation_data = eval_dataset,
validation_steps = fn_args.eval_steps
_input_fn definition
def _apply_preprocessing(raw_features, tft_layer):
transformed_features = tft_layer(raw_features)
return transformed_features
def _input_fn(
data_accessor: tfx.components.DataAccessor,
tf_transform_output: tft.TFTransformOutput,
batch_size: int) -> tf.data.Dataset:
Generates features and label for tuning/training.
file_pattern: List of paths or patterns of input tfrecord files.
data_accessor: DataAccessor for converting input to RecordBatch.
tf_transform_output: A TFTransformOutput.
batch_size: representing the number of consecutive elements of returned
dataset to combine in a single batch
A dataset that contains features where features is a
dictionary of Tensors.
dataset = data_accessor.tf_dataset_factory(
tfxio.TensorFlowDatasetOptions(batch_size = batch_size),
transform_layer = tf_transform_output.transform_features_layer()
def apply_transform(raw_features):
return _apply_preprocessing(raw_features, transform_layer)
return dataset.map(apply_transform).repeat()
This differs from the _input_fn example given above as I was following the example in the next tfx tutorial found here: https://www.tensorflow.org/tfx/tutorials/tfx/penguin_tft#run_fn
Also for reference, there is no Target within the example data so there is no label_key to be passed to the tfxio.TensorFlowDatasetOptions object.
When trying to run the Trainer component using a TFX InteractiveContext object I receive the following error.
ValueError: No gradients provided for any variable: ['dense_460/kernel:0', 'dense_460/bias:0', 'dense_461/kernel:0', 'dense_461/bias:0', 'dense_462/kernel:0', 'dense_462/bias:0', 'dense_463/kernel:0', 'dense_463/bias:0', 'dense_464/kernel:0', 'dense_464/bias:0', 'dense_465/kernel:0', 'dense_465/bias:0'].
From my own attempts to solve this I believe the problem lies in the way that an Autoencoder is trained. From the Autoencoder example linked here https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/generative/autoencoder the data is fitted like so:
autoencoder.fit(x_train, x_train,
validation_data=(x_test, x_test))
therefore it stands to reason that the tf.Dataset should also mimic this behaviour and when testing with plain Tensor objects I have been able to recreate the error above and then solve it when adding the target to be the same as the training data in the .fit() function.
Things I've Tried So Far
Duplicating Train Dataset
steps_per_epoch = fn_args.train_steps,
validation_data = eval_dataset,
validation_steps = fn_args.eval_steps
Raises error due to Keras not accepting a 'y' value when a dataset is passed.
ValueError: `y` argument is not supported when using dataset as input.
Returning a dataset that is a tuple with itself
def _input_fn(...
dataset = data_accessor.tf_dataset_factory(
tfxio.TensorFlowDatasetOptions(batch_size = batch_size),
transform_layer = tf_transform_output.transform_features_layer()
def apply_transform(raw_features):
return _apply_preprocessing(raw_features, transform_layer)
dataset = dataset.map(apply_transform)
return dataset.map(lambda x: (x, x))
This raises an error where the keys from the features dictionary don't match the output of the model.
ValueError: Found unexpected keys that do not correspond to any Model output: dict_keys(['feature_string', ...]). Expected: ['dense_477']
At this point I switched to using the keras.model Autoencoder subclass and tried to add output keys to the Model using an output which I tried to create dynamically in the same way as the inputs.
def call(self, x):
inputs = [keras.layers.Input(shape = (1,), name = f) for f in x]
dense = keras.layers.concatenate(inputs)
encoded = self.encoder(dense)
decoded = self.decoder(encoded)
outputs = {}
for feature_name in x:
outputs[feature_name] = keras.layers.Dense(1, activation = 'sigmoid')(decoded)
return outputs
This raises the following error:
TypeError: Cannot convert a symbolic Keras input/output to a numpy array. This error may indicate that you're trying to pass a symbolic value to a NumPy call, which is not supported. Or, you may be trying to pass Keras symbolic inputs/outputs to a TF API that does not register dispatching, preventing Keras from automatically converting the API call to a lambda layer in the Functional Model.
I've been looking into solving this issue but am no longer sure if the data is being passed correctly and am beginning to think I'm getting side-tracked from the actual problem.
Has anyone managed to get an Autoencoder working when connected via TFX examples?
Did you alter the tf.Dataset or handled the examples in a different way to the _input_fn demonstrated?
So I managed to find an answer to this and wanted to leave what I found here in case anyone else stumbles onto a similar problem.
It turns out my feelings around the error were correct and the solution did indeed lie in how the tf.Dataset object was presented.
This can be demonstrated when I ran some code which simulated the incoming data using randomly generated tensors.
tensors = [tf.random.uniform(shape = (1, 82)) for i in range(739)]
# This gives us a list of 739 tensors which hold 1 value for 82 'features' simulating the dataset I had
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tensors)
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x : (x, x))
# This returns a dataset which marks the training set and target as the same
# which is what the Autoecnoder model is looking for
model.fit(dataset ...)
Following this I proceeded to do the same thing with the dataset returned by the _input_fn. Given that the tfx DataAccessor object returns a features_dict however I needed to combine the tensors in that dict together to create a single tensor.
This is how my _input_fn looks now:
def create_target_values(features_dict: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tuple:
value_tensor = tf.concat(list(features_dict.values()), axis = 1)
return (features_dict, value_tensor)
def _input_fn(
data_accessor: tfx.components.DataAccessor,
tf_transform_output: tft.TFTransformOutput,
batch_size: int) -> tf.data.Dataset:
Generates features and label for tuning/training.
file_pattern: List of paths or patterns of input tfrecord files.
data_accessor: DataAccessor for converting input to RecordBatch.
tf_transform_output: A TFTransformOutput.
batch_size: representing the number of consecutive elements of returned
dataset to combine in a single batch
A dataset that contains (features, target_tensor) tuple where features is a
dictionary of Tensors, and target_tensor is a single Tensor that is a concatenated tensor of all the
feature values.
dataset = data_accessor.tf_dataset_factory(
tfxio.TensorFlowDatasetOptions(batch_size = batch_size),
dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: create_target_values(features_dict = x))
return dataset.repeat()

evaluating two inputs and one output model tensorflow

I am trying to evaluate a model with 2 inputs and 1 output, each input goes to separate pretrained model and then the output from both the models get averaged. I am using the same data for both the inputs.
test_dir = 'D:\Graduation_project\Damage type not collected'
test_datagen = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255,)
test_set = test_datagen.flow_from_directory(test_dir,
class_mode = 'categorical',
batch_size = 16,
test_set1 = test_datagen.flow_from_directory(test_dir,
class_mode = 'categorical',
batch_size = 16,
loading first model and renaming the layers
def load_dense_model():
densenet = tf.keras.models.load_model('D:\Graduation_project\saved models\damage_type_model.h5', compile=False)
for i, layer in enumerate(densenet.layers):
layer._name = 'Densenet_layer' + str(i)
return densenet
loading second model
def load_vgg19_model():
vgg19 = tf.keras.models.load_model('D:\Graduation_project\saved models\damage_type_VGG19.h5', compile=False)
return vgg19
creating ensemble model
def ensamble_model(first_model, second_model):
densenet = first_model()
vgg19 = second_model()
output_1 = densenet.get_layer('Densenet_layer613')
output_2 = vgg19.get_layer('dense_4')
avg = tf.keras.layers.Average()([output_1.output, output_2.output])
model = Model(inputs=[densenet.input, vgg19.input], outputs=avg)
return model
tfa.metrics.F1Score(name='F1_Score', num_classes=5),
model = ensamble_model(load_dense_model, load_vgg19_model)
compiling and evaluating the model
model.compile(optimizer = 'adam' , loss ='binary_crossentropy',
metrics = 'accuracy')
model.evaluate({'Densenet_layer0':test_set1, 'input_2':test_set})
evaluate() fails to run
ValueError: Failed to find data adapter that can handle input: (<class 'dict'> containing {"<class 'str'>"} keys and {"<class 'tensorflow.python.keras.preprocessing.image.DirectoryIterator'>"} values), <class 'NoneType'>
My guess is that your model complaining because you are feeding a dict/list of iterators that yield an image each, instead of feeding an iterator that yields the image twice (once for each model).
What would happen if you wrap your DirectoryIterator on a generator that can feed the data correctly?
def gen_itertest(test_dir):
test_set = test_datagen.flow_from_directory(test_dir,
class_mode = 'categorical',
batch_size = 16,
for i in range(len(test_set)):
x = test_set.next()
yield [x[0], x[0]], x[1] # Twice the input, only once the label
and then you can feed this to the evaluate
testset = gen_itertest('D:\Graduation_project\Damage type not collected')
result = model.evaluate(testset)
I am not sure this will work but because you haven't provide us with a minimal, reproducible example, I am not going to do one to test it.
Try calling the evaluate() like this:
result = model.evaluate(x=[test_set1, test_set])
Then you could get the name of the metrics doing something like this:
dict(zip(model.metrics_names, result))

Modify Tensorflow model at runtime

I am trying to modify data flow of a tensorflow model at runtime. Consider a 3 layers FC neural network. Let's say I want to define 2 different layers for the middle position.
Let's say,
1st option: 64 neuron layer
2nd option: 128 neuran layer.
Then during predict function, I want to give an input alongside the input data like;
model.predict([x_test, decider])
Then if decider is 0, I want my model to execute 64 neuron layer as middle layer. Otherwise, I want my model to execute 128 neuron layer as middle layer.
If I choose one of them, I don't want the other option to be executed for performance reasons.
Note: I do not care for training.
Is there a way to do that? So far, I have been trying to use tf.cond() but could not make it work.
I think you could achieve same thing by recombine the independent models:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers, models
import numpy as np
# First model
input_shape = (16, )
inputs_0 = layers.Input(shape=input_shape)
outputs_0 = layers.Dense(256, 'relu')(inputs_0)
fc_0 = models.Model(inputs_0, outputs_0)
# Middel model 0
inputs_1_0 = layers.Input(shape=(256, ))
outputs_1_0 = layers.Dense(64, 'relu')(inputs_1_0)
outputs_1_0 = layers.Dense(128, 'relu')(outputs_1_0)
fc_1_0 = models.Model(inputs_1_0, outputs_1_0)
# Middel model 1
inputs_1_1 = layers.Input(shape=(256, ))
outputs_1_1 = layers.Dense(128, 'relu')(inputs_1_1)
outputs_1_1 = layers.Dense(128, 'relu')(outputs_1_1)
fc_1_1 = models.Model(inputs_1_1, outputs_1_1)
# Last model
inputs_2 = layers.Input(shape=(128, ))
outputs_2 = layers.Dense(1, 'sigmoid')(inputs_2)
fc_2 = models.Model(inputs_2, outputs_2)
def custom_model(x, d):
h = fc_0(x)
if d == 1:
h = fc_1_0(h)
h = fc_1_1(h)
return fc_2(h)
x = np.random.rand(1, input_shape[0])
decider = 0 # Middel model 0 or 1
y = custom_model(x, decider)

Multiple inputs of keras model with tf.data.Dataset.from_generator in Tensorflow 2

I am trying to implement a model in keras that will have multiple inputs:
image (200x200)
some numbers (1x50)
three 1d signals (1x50000, 2x100000)
To feed that model, I want to write a generator to use with tf.data.Dataset.from_generator. From the docs of from_generator, its not clear to me how I should provide its parameters output_types, output_shapes. Can anyone help me with this?
I had a similar issue, and it took me many tries to get the structure right for those inputs. Here's an example of a network with 3 inputs and 2 outputs, complete to the .fit call.
The following works in tensorflow 2.1.0
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def generator(N=10):
Returns tuple of (inputs,outputs) where
inputs = (inp1,inp2,inp2)
outputs = (out1,out2)
for i in range(N):
inputs = (np.random.rand(N,3,3,1).astype(dt),
outputs = (np.random.rand(N,3,3,1).astype(dt),
yield inputs,outputs
# Create dataset from generator
types = ( (tf.float32,tf.float32,tf.float32),
(tf.float32,tf.float32) )
shapes = (([None,3,3,1],[None,3,3,1],[None,3,3,1]),
data = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(generator,
# Define a model
inp1 = tf.keras.Input(shape=(3,3,1),name='inp1')
inp2 = tf.keras.Input(shape=(3,3,1),name='inp2')
inp3 = tf.keras.Input(shape=(3,3,1),name='inp3')
out1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(1,kernel_size=3,padding='same')(inp1)
out2 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(1,kernel_size=3,padding='same')(inp2)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[inp1,inp2,inp3],outputs=[out1,out2])
# Train
So assuming you have a generator that is similar to this mock:
def dummy_generator():
number_of_records = 100
for i in range(100):
an_image = tf.random.uniform((200,200,3))
some_numbers = tf.random.uniform((50,))
signal1 = tf.random.uniform((50000,))
signal2 = tf.random.uniform((100000,))
signal3 = tf.random.uniform((100000,))
yield an_image, some_numbers, signal1, signal2, signal3
each record is of datatype float32 so the output types are easy:
out_types = (tf.float32, tf.float32, tf.float32, tf.float32, tf.float32)
for the output shapes we just list the shapes in the same order:
out_shapes = ((200,200,3), (50,), (50000,), (100000,), (100000,))
so now we can just call from_generator:
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(dummy_generator,
model.fit([input_1, input_2, input_3], y, epochs=EPOCHS)
You got to have n(3 in the case above) input layers in your model.

Trying to build an ensemble in Keras. Getting a graph disconnected error

from keras.models import load_model
import h5py
# sq_model.save_weights('sq_model_weights.h5')
# res_model.save_weights('res_model_weights.h5')
# model.save('my_model.h5')
# dense_model.save_weights('dense_model_v3_weights.h5')
models = [sq_model, res_model, dense_model]
model_input = Input((3,32,32))
def ensemble(models, model_input):
outputs = [model.outputs[0] for model in models]
y = Average()(outputs)
model = Model(inputs = model_input, outputs = y, name='ensemble')
return model
ensemble_model = ensemble(models,model_input)
I am getting the following error when I run the above code:
RuntimeError: Graph disconnected: cannot obtain value for tensor Tensor("input_2:0", shape=(?, 3, 32, 32), dtype=float32) at layer "input_2". The following previous layers were accessed without issue: []
You have three models, each of them with a separate input. In your call to
model = Model(inputs = model_input, outputs = y, name='ensemble')
you specify a new Model. Its input should be your model_input, and the outputs should be your averaged outputs.
But you forgot to actually connect your three models to your input. So you have a disconnected model containing the loose input layer model_input and the ensemble, with each of the three models contained in the ensemble waiting for an input on its own input layer (so 4 input layers in total).
outputs = [model.outputs[0] for model in models]
outputs = [model(model_inputs) for model in models]
should do the trick. It calls each of the models on model_input and gives the corresponding outputs.
outputs = [model.outputs[0] for model in models]
outputs = [model(model_input) for model in models]
worked for me