pushing allure xml report to Xray using webdriver.io (Framework: Jasmine) - webdriver-io

We are using webdriver.io with JavaScript with jasmine and also we are generating allure report which gives allure-results and allure-report as an output. Now we want to put the results to XRAY.
Can someone please help me how I can do this?
Am completely new to XRAY and I don't have any work arounds for this.


How to integrate hyperexecute with selenium projects

Im trying yo find a simillar way that integrating labda autoamtion run with existing selenium- testng tests by hyperexecute
Can somebody help !?!

How to share allure report to stakeholders?

I have generated the allure report from my webdriverio framework and configured the report in jenkins.
How can I share the allure report from jenkins to stakeholders?
Could you please help me?
Thank you for the question.
There are several ways to make this happen:
You may provide a link to the Jenkins job which contains the report but, usually, stakeholders don't want to dive into CI. Or they don't have the necessary credentials.
You may download and archive and send it. In case there are many tests in the suite, the archive might be massive. That's also an issue.
In case you need to share reports often, I would recommend trying Allure TestOps: it's an Allure Report-based management tool providing an extremely flexible report and dashboard sharing opportunities.

SOAPUI and testrail integration

Can anyone help me with the Integration of SOAPUI and Testrail. If there is any Youtube or any other tutorials please share
After execution of testcases from soapui the status should get updated in testrail
Can u try this??
Also Test rail api is exposed.. you can take the code and convert that code in to jar put in to soapui/bin/ext folder. Now u write a groovy code to use that library
You might want to have a look at (Agiletestware Firefly plugin for ReadyAPI (SoapUI Pro).
It integrates with ReadyAPI and upload test results (including HTTP/SOAP request and response) into TestRail for each run of your tests in ReadyAPI.
Here is the link to the documentation: https://www.agiletestware.com/docs/firefly-docs/en/latest/
Disclaimer: Agiletestware Firefly is a commercial product and I'm a developer of this product

Customized Reports for Protractor test

I am newbie from Selenium to Protractor. I am extensively using well customized reports such as Extent and ATU reports.
But in protractor i don't find anything apart from basic XML and jasmine2HTML. Is there anyone aware of any third party such as Extent/ATU in selenium for protractor?
If you are using Jasmine as your Protractor driver then you can create a custom reporter that does whatever you want.

How can I setup and execute reports using ReportNG

I'm using TestNG to execute my selenium test but now I would like to output the contents to a more understandable format for my team using ReportNG. I've done some search but haven't been able to find anything useful on how to setup and successfully use ReportNG . Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Normally reportng integrated with the testng following link will help you click here.
You can Use Apache Ant ,its very gud report generating tool for testng