I was reading documentation on telegram.updater.ext and saw a polling method. This method has a timout parameter. Can someone explain this? - telegram-bot

start_polling(poll_interval=0.0, timeout=10, clean=None, bootstrap_retries=- 1, read_latency=2.0, allowed_updates=None, drop_pending_updates=None)

The timeout parameter is the time in seconds that the bot will wait for a response from the server. If the server does not respond within that time, the bot will assume that the server is down and will try to reconnect.


mule 4 http listener - what is the use of ReadTimeout

Using mule 4.4 community edition running on premise
while configuring HTTP listener came across this property :
Checked online and documentation here
Maximum time in milliseconds that the listener must wait while receiving a message.
I tried changing it to 5000 ( 5 seconds ) and was waiting without making a request for more than a minute .
Then I invoked the listener and it worked fine so I am confused on what is the significance of this attribute ?
when should we use this value ? os this meant to act as a response timeout which consumer of http listener would get ?
Read Timeout: (Number) Maximum time in milliseconds that the listener must wait while receiving a message. Default Value: 30000. Documentation is here
Read Timeout indicates once a TCP connection is opened, till how long the listener should wait to get the body.
From my understanding this is done sometimes by clients to keep the connection alive and to mitigate situations, where too many connections are opened and closed. Refer This
You can keep the default values in there and it won’t impact your implementation, given that you aren’t sending GB’s of data to your endpoints and not uploading any file using multi-part upload of HTML.
And if you are then you’ll need to tweak it a bit according to your needs

TimedOut in python-telegram-bot but message is sent

I've got following error while trying to send a message to a specific telegram channel:
TimedOut: Timed out
The read operation timed out
the method which I used from python-telegram-bot was send_message.
Although my bot got this error but it still sent the message to the channel and because I did not catch that exception all data from the message was lost but I really need to remove my messages from that channel after a specific period of time.
Is this OK that the bot sent the message even though it got Timed Out? How can I prevent this from happen again or remove this kind of messages from the channel after being sent?
Time out errors mean that TG didn't send a response to your send_message request quick enough. It does not necessarily mean that the request wasn't processed - that's why the message may still be sent. However, without response from TG, you don't have the message id of the resulting message and it will be hard to impossible to delete it.
You can try to increase the time that PTB waits for a response from TG. THis can be done in different ways:
with the timeout parameter of send_message
with Defaults.timeout, if you're using PTBs Defaults setup
by specifying it via the request_kwargs that you pass to Updater
You may want to have a look at this wiki page on networking.
Disclaimer: I'm currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot
After a couple of hours reading here and there, and passing timeout=30 to context.bot.send_audio and getting an error that says unknown parameter even though send_audio's docs clearly states it takes a timeout param, I found that you can fix this by passing the timeouts to the Application upon building it:
application = ApplicationBuilder()
This fixed my bot. Hope this helps you as well.

Rails 3: Return large amount of data to user via API

My app has an API that users can request data. Sometimes that data takes time to process and is breaking my code.
I need a solution for this and I was thinking in using delayed_job but I'm not sure how this works. If the user makes a request, I need to give him an answer. Even if I process the data in background, the call still needs to wait until the job returns.
What is the solution for this? I am not sure how to do it.
Heroku has a 30 second timeout, which is why your requests are failing (Probably H12 or H13 in your heroku logs).
There are three methods to work around this.
Keep the connection open by sending blank data.
You'll need to respond within the first 30 seconds and every 55 seconds after that. Use the time in between to process the data. Sending spaces should not affect the ability of the browser to read the response.
Have the user provide a callback URL in the initial request. When you finish processing the data, hit the callback url with your response.
As suggested by Codeglot, you can provide the user with a key. To check on their request, they can ping your server with that key.
Tell the user that their data is being processed and will be available shortly. Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, they all do this.

Work managers threads constraint and page cannot be displayed

We have a memory intensive processing for certain functionality and we would like to limit the number of parallel requests to this processing. We are able to configure by using "Work Managers" in WebLogic and putting a limit on the number of threads for that servlet.
For example, if we put maximim thread limit as 3, then if there are 10 parallel requests; 7 requests are in queue. There could be situations where these the requests waiting in queue could take up to 30-40 minutes to be processed. We did simple testing and the received page cannot be displayed due to timeout after 15 mins and received the message after 1 hour.
Does any one know if there is a setting in WebLogic to increase/decrease timeout and avoid page cannot be displayed?
Appreciate if any one has any thoughts around this.
Does any one know if there is a setting in WebLogic to increase/decrease timeout and avoid page cannot be displayed?
There might be something but I actually didn't check as it would be a bad advice anyway. By looking for this, you are trying to solve the wrong problem here. A browser is just not made for long-running process like the one you are describing (>30mn) even if you don't mind the user waiting (not mentioning that he could refresh the page and queue more and more jobs).
So, the right answer here is in my opinion: use asynchronism, this is the perfect use case. When the user clicks on the button, send a JMS message to a queue (or create a Quartz job) and send the user a page with a request ID telling him to come back later. When the processing is done, update the status somewhere and make the status/result available to the user. Really, the user experience will be better doing this and you'll face less problems than with a browser.
1) Use some other tool (not browser) like WGET where you can control timeout parameter (--timeout).
2) Why do you use HTTP? Use message driven beans and send message JMS to that and don't care about time outs.
Perhaps quartz can do what you need? Start a job and check in on it as you need to?

Timeout Question about Invoking a Remote WCF Service

When I invoke a remote WCF service I get the following timeout:
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.2810338. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
Please note that I am sending a single object which is LOADED with a LOT of data.
Any ideas how to fix this issue and is this a problem on the client (ME) or the Server.
Given the size, have you tried increasing your maxBufferSize/maxReceivedMessageSize in your binding?
Chunk your data into smaller pieces if possible and try again. This is a server setting that you will need to work around or request that the service provider increase it.
Without a stack trace I'm can't be 100% sure, but I'm relatively certain this is a client side exception. If you know it's going to take more than a minute to send the data all you need to do is change the sendTimeout on your binding to be whatever amount of time you need it to be.