How to search in Json array using Laravel Query builder - laravel-8

This is Json array i want to search into:
I Want to search pid, and i am trying whereJsonContains method but it's not working. Please help me.
$orders= DB::table('orders')
->whereJsonContains('products',['pid' => '71'])->get();


Retrieving image files from referenced items in filtered items

Being new to REST APIs (and APIs in general), I ran into some problems while trying to retrieve some Podio data using the Klipfolio web service, where I want to setup a simple dashboard with a list containing a name field from collected Podio and a image field from a reference field from the collected items.
So far I was led in the direction of 'bundling' and 'nesting', but I am not quite sure if this is the way forward.
In order to retrieve the filtered items, I have used the following POST method:
POST /item/app/11821547/filter/
"from": -1mr,
"to": -0mr
And then, from the items I here retrieve, I want to GET the referenced items, for instance using:
GET /reference/{ref_type}/{ref_id}
And finally, I want to get the image URL from the respective field in these referenced items, for instance using:
GET /item/{item_id}/value/{field_id}
Any help is much appreciated!!
To accomplish this you only need to use one API call to the Podio filter items endpoint in which you wrote above; POST /item/app/11821547/filter/.
In your POST body, you can filter down your results with the created to and from dates. For example, if you only want the items for the past month, you can use Klipfolio's date parameters. Your POST body will look like this:
"filters": {
"created_on": {
"from": "{date.addMonths(-1).format()}",
"to": "{}"
This will return an API reponse of all items that were created within the past month. From here you can build a klip and manipulate the JSON with xpath expressions to extract the image urls and names. All this information will be within the #item/fields array in your API response. You'll have to determine which field ID is used for the name and image url field. These are unique to each account.
An example of xpath to extract these values would be like so:
Where id_number is the exact id number for the field.
If you are unfamiliar with xpath expressions within Klipfolio, here is a document that walks through this.

Sensenet: Search by Content List fields on Query Builder

I'm trying to make an query on Query builder. This query should search by content using the Content List fields.
In the documentation is indicated that I can use CQL but it seems that in this case is not working.
The query that I'm trying to make is:
TypeIs:File AND #Location:Lisbon
The # char should be url encoded (because the query will be executed by an ajax request through OData). So use it this way:
TypeIs:File AND %23Location:Lisbon

django 1.10 postgres full text search is not working

I am trying to integrate full text search for django 1.10 with postgres database.
I am following tutorial from
class Question(models.Model):
text = models.TextField(max_length=500)
ans = models.TextField(max_length=1500, blank=True)
I have several questions in the database which has the text 'for' in its text field for example: one question is:
text: what is best for me?
ans: this is best for you.
I am trying to make a query like
q = Question.objects.filter(text__search='for')
But this query is not returning any result. can anyone suggest me why?
It is actually my mistake. For Full text search when Postgres creates index it by default ignore common words like 'the', 'for', 'are','is' etc. So If you try to search using this keywords you search query will return empty even if there are lots of sentences with these words.
I did not know this. So I thought I misconfigured.

Create custom advance search filter in CGridView in YII

I have a model which contains emails with some other fields.
I want a custom filter in Yii CGridView's advance search which when applied, lists only Invalid Email IDs (using regular expression '^[A-Z0-9._%-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$')
Note: I dont want to add any column in CGridView
I hope to help you out,
you will need several things
the line for filtering in the column of your choice...(i recommend you create a new attribute for this, ask me in comments if you want to know more why.) this goes in the cgridview of course:
'filter'=>CHtml::activeCheckBox($model, $attributeEmail)
the condition in your search of function that brings up the model.
Supposing you have a criteria inside your search in your model wich help you with your filtering what you need is ...
if($this->EMAIL == TRUE)
$criteria->addCondition("\"t\".\"EMAIL\" email NOT LIKE '%_#__%.__%'");
Why not to use regex and make a KISS approach ? better read this first...
Sql script to find invalid email addresses
I'd be glad to hear your comments it is interesting question for yii dev's btw

Lucene query parser not parse field as expected

I want to parse a simple query using lucene (3.0.3):
title:(+return +"pink panther")
Just like in the documentation example.
The expected result is:
+title:return +title:"pink panther"
But instead i get:
+title:return +title:"itle return pink panther"
The code is very simple (c#):
Query query =
new QueryParser(
new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30))
.Parse("title:(+return +\"pink panther\")");
I'm unable to reproduce this. Does this still occur for you?
I'm thinking that it may be some display artifacts from the output window. Is this from the Immediate Window, the Watch Window or a call to Console.WriteLine?
Sorry for the trouble, the issue was a custom-modified Lucene.Net assembly...