Getting Unknown filter type [icu_collation] for [icu_collation_filter] error when trying to index data in opensearch - indexing

URI [/<index_name>?include_type_name=true], status line [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request]
Warnings: [299 OpenSearch-1.0.0-34550c5b17124ddc59458ef774f6b43a086522e3 “[types removal] Using include_type_name in create index requests is deprecated. The parameter will be removed in the next major version.“]
{“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:“illegal_argument_exception”,“reason”:“Unknown filter type [icu_collation] for [icu_collation_filter]“}],“type”:“illegal_argument_exception”,“reason”:“Unknown filter type [icu_collation] for [icu_collation_filter]“},“status”:400}


Mapping Data Flows - Cannot retrieve value from cached sink

I am trying lookup up a value from a cached sink. The Dataflow looks like the following
I have created a hash value in my cashed sink and want to reference that in my main pipeline.
My key for the cached sink is an array of columns. When I preview the data I get results.
My derived column is then trying to do a lookup against the cached data and running into an error.
When debugging I get the following error. What am I missing or getting wrong in this statement?
Spark job failed: {
"text/plain": "{"runId":"98c9bae9-210e-4791-9b0d-60bc557ff416","sessionId":"02bc59a8-ac6f-4eeb-952c-2e9bdda49691","status":"Failed","payload":{"statusCode":400,"shortMessage":"DF-SYS-01 at Derive 'GenerateHashKey': java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: Id","detailedMessage":"Failure 2022-04-26 04:07:47.375 failed DebugManager.processJob, run=98c9bae9-210e-4791-9b0d-60bc557ff416, errorMessage=DF-SYS-01 at Derive 'GenerateHashKey': java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: Id"}}\n"
} - RunId: 98c9bae9-210e-4791-9b0d-60bc557ff416

vkMapMemory validation error on vkQueuePresentKHR, but never called the function directly

When calling vkQueuePresentKHR i get the following validation error:
Validation Error: [ VUID-vkMapMemory-size-00680 ] Object 0: handle = 0x8483000000000025, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE_MEMORY; | MessageID = 0xff4787ab | VkMapMemory: Attempting to map memory range of size zero The Vulkan spec states: If size is not equal to VK_WHOLE_SIZE, size must be greater than 0 (
I never called vkMapMemory() directly.
Here is an excerpt of my code:
Closing RivaTuner Statistics Server fixed the issue.
I had 3 other validation errors caused by it.
As stated in
I get an access violation error in the core validation layer: Make sure that MSI Afterburner / RivaTuner Statistics Server is not
running, because it has some compatibility problems with Vulkan.

How to return distinct multi-word strings from blocks of usage log text with POSIX?

First time poster and still learning the ropes, so I apologize if the description below is overly verbose.
I have a database of usage logs I'm pulling data from via various pre-parsed fields. This query is intended to return the count of how many times a distinct error signature was logged over a given period of time. Each logged error is assigned a signature_id, errors of the same type are all assigned the same signature_id. One of the fields I'm returning in my query, message, returns the entire message stack trace/block of usage log text.
I want my query to group by signature_id, which is a pre-parsed field in the table I'm selecting from. I'm struggling to make it work because, while similar error types are assigned the same signature_id', every usage log differs slightly due to the timestamp of when the message was logged. So my query is grouping bymessageinstead ofsignature`.
EX: Of what my query returns if I return the entire usage log message
2019-01-17 18:01:52,130 ip-BLANK [WARN ][159] [request_id=00e74d7c] Type=Blank.Multiverse.Web.Mvc.Attributes.Usage+UsageLoggingException Message=UsageLogContext not present in HttpContext.Current.Items Data: Signature=b2dea422 Stack Trace: at Blank.Blank.Web.Mvc.Attributes.Usage.GetUsageLogContext() at Blank.Blank.Web.Mvc.Attributes.Usage.AddData(Object data)
2019-01-17 16:21:36,681,130 ip-BLANK [WARN ][38] [request_id=c140f8ea] Type=Blank.Multiverse.Web.Mvc.Attributes.Usage+UsageLoggingException Message=UsageLogContext not present in HttpContext.Current.Items Data: Signature=b2dea422 Stack Trace: at Blank.Blank.Web.Mvc.Attributes.Usage.GetUsageLogContext() at Blank.Blank.Web.Mvc.Attributes.Usage.AddData(Object data)
I mentioned above that every usage log differs due to the timestamp of when a given message was logged, but similar error types are assigned the same signature_id. Similar error types also share the same Exception Message=...
EX: Every time a message is logged with signature_id=ab7d890pq, it will also have Exception Message=Cannot read property 'get' of undefined in the message block.
Since the table I'm selecting from doesn't have a pre-parsed exception_message field, I want to parse out the Exception Message= string so my GROUP BY will return the count of distinct logged signature_id's and a column with the exception message is for each distinct signature.
My current query shown below begins to parse out the exceptionmessgage string, but I can't get it to return the entire string:
WHEN sourcecategory = 'source_hello_world_category' THEN 'hwCategory'
END AS Service,
NULLIF(SUBSTRING(REGEXP_SUBSTR(message, 'Message=\\w+[[:space:]]+'), 9), '') AS exceptionmessage,
FROM user_usage_logs
WHERE (signature IS NOT NULL
AND signature NOT IN ('ccce9e73',
AND sourcecategory IN ('source_hello_world_category')
AND messagetime > (getdate() - 1)
GROUP BY signature,
The code shown above returns:
signature_id exceptionmessage count
b1det422 Cannot 31,321
330ope77 Unauthorized 1,207
53m6m466 Reference 311
This is an example of I want returned:
signature_id exceptionmessage count
b1det422 Cannot read property 'get' of undefined Stack 31,321
330ope77 Unauthorized access response for many users 1,207
53m6m466 Reference cannot be set to an empty.object.3 311

rpubchem error - collecting data from pubchem

This is my first try at using R to collect data from pubchem. However i am getting the following error every time for every cid that i have used.
Error in, unlist(Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), cvals), :
second argument must be a list
Can anyone point out what am i doing wrong. The link for the cid is ""

Yodlee executeUserSearchRequest error

I try to get information from Yodlee API.
I have a test user where I've implemented adding an account and I got refresh OK from the site:
{ siteRefreshStatus: {
siteRefreshStatusId: 8
- siteRefreshMode: {
refreshModeId: 2
refreshMode: "NORMAL"
- updateInitTime: 0
nextUpdate: 1391603301
code: 403
noOfRetry: 0
Now when I try to perform search and get the actual transactions I get this error:
errorOccured: "true"
exceptionType: "com.yodlee.core.IllegalArgumentValueException"
refrenceCode: "_57c250a9-71e8-4d4b-830d-0f51a4811516"
message: "Invalid argument value: Container type cannot be null"
The problem is that I have container type!
Check out the parameters I send:
There is an error occurred while adding the account, which can be interpreted by this parameter code: 403 and hence you will not be seeing that account when you call the getItemSummary API. An account is successfully linked if the code has zero as value. E.g.code:0 . 403 is an error which is show if Yodlee's data agent has encountered an unhandled use case. Hence for any such error you should file a service request using Yodlee customer care tool.
To know more about error codes please visit -
The status is show as completedsiteRefreshStatus: "REFRESH_COMPLETED_WITH_UNCERTAIN_ACCOUNT"because addition of any account is followed by a refresh in which Yodlee's data agent logs into the websites of FIs and try scraping data. Hence completion of this activity is denoted as REFRESH_COMPLETED even when there is an error occurred.
TranasctionSearch issue -
I can see two of the parameters with a "+" sign. Since transactionSlipttype and containerType are dependent on each other the error is thrown.
The right parameters are -