How to ignore a Block to be include in other template? - django-templates

I have two templates in my django project which have different bootstrap version and styling.
I am including one template to other but don't want them to interfere with each others cdns/links which i have put inside a block called links.
So is there any way to ignore the links block in includes tab?


Page specific tailwind classes with SSG

Currently I'm developing a website using the following stack:
tailwind CSS
SSG was chosen as the rendering mode.
Tailwind, as described in the documentation, allows you to specify directories and file extensions (content property) , in which he will try to find the classes, in order to leave only those that are actually used in the project.
As a result, the 'main.css' file is formed, in which only those classes that are used remain.
Next, I just take this file and include it in every page that was rendered during the build phase of the project.
This results in:
index.html - main.css
about.html - main.css
blog.html - main.css
It turns out that main.css file may contain classes that are needed only for one of the pages and are not needed for others.
I would like to implement the following:
Take main.css which turned out
Render a page, for examle about.html
take only those styles that are needed for about.html page from the main.css file
create a new about.css file
link the resulting about.css styles to about.html
I’ve already tried to implement this using an awesome PurgeCSS tool as following:
render page content usind #vue/server-renderer's renderToString() method;
Pass an resulting css and html sources to PurgeCSS
here is an example
But there are too many corner cases around this solution, such as:
Dynamic classes which can be added to the html on the client side
Some components may be missing in rendered html and their content will be added later (for example, v-if directive was used on the component)
A few takeaways:
PurgeCSS is not needed anymore since Tailwind v2 (the latest being v3.x)
as far as I know, you cannot have code-splitting with Tailwind, not that it matters anyway since it will still perform okay with further optmizations
the classes that will be generated, will be only once for the whole app (hence no need to have a bg-red-500 for index or about page, both are referencing the same unique declaration)
if you want to have SSR/SSG, I recommend the usage of Nuxt (in it's v3 if you're using Vue3 or plan to have anything long-term)
dynamic classes are not possible with Tailwind, you can create things like bg-[#ccc] but it goes on the opposite side of what Tailwind is achieving and should be used exceptionally
for Tailwind's content, still the defaults on this page, section Configure your template paths, no need to do anything crazy or complicated
if you want to have some scoped/local style, style to using style scoped, you can still use Tailwind inside of those tags tho
if you want to write vanilla CSS into dedicated CSS files like index, about, blog etc, then Tailwind is probably not the best approach because this is not how it is supposed to work
stay simple, the performance will still be amazing. Only focus on not having too many screens, colors etc that you're not using
you could run some bundle size tests to see if the CSS is taking a huge chunk in terms of size. Will probably not, but if it still is: you can then start making complex configurations
JS will be far harder to reduce and be more impactful regarding the performance (because of how a browser works with it: parsing, executing is indeed blocking the main thread)

Implementing Vue on Existing Site Issue

We have an existing website. We'd like to add Vue to areas of the site. Some areas we'd only need a single Vue app to run like a shopping cart. Other areas we'd have multiple of the same component on the page broken up by non Vue items. We'd also like to use single .vue files for our building. I can't for the life of me figure out the best way to do this.
If we use the CLI to build individual apps, we can of course bring those apps in on the pages and where needed. However on the pages where we have the same component separated by non Vue items, it seems we'd need the exact same app multiple times and compiled this doesn't seem to work.
Whats the best route to do this. I'd like to just add a global wrapper to my site, compile a single APP and then house all logic inside components. This breaks down as it replaces my existing content with the app's content when it's a compiled app. I can on the core layout page just instantiate an app and that works, but then I can't use single file components.
Am I missing something. I'd like to use single file components, have a global wrapper on my site with existing content used and components only where needed, AND not have to import each component file one by one.
We cannot use WC builds either as we can't drop IE 11.

Nuxt layout and getting static content

I have a header on every page thats generally static — besides the button that needs to update based on the page. Ideally I would like to have a variable called link in static/content/xxx
and then to call it from layouts/default. However it does not seem that I have access to any of the variables in my static content. Being new to vue and nuxt I was hoping for some guidance. I tried using asyncData however, it doesn't seem to get called at all in my layout.
a layout is a static wrapper that will wrap your main content. the main idea behind using layout is to not write the same content again and again. If you work with Vue only project than this type of functionality can be accessed by the using the child routes.
just add the common layout as the parent Component and the changed or different content as the child components.
back to the point, if you have different button content depending upon the pages than don't place it in the layout instead pass through the components individually.
whereas the static folder in the nuxt application holds the data that should not be changed such as the css files or external script files just take and example of bootstrap and jquery these are the libraries that are embeded in the application, instead of changing their internals we just use them. this type of content is placed in static directory (folder)
I hope it helps

Dynamic includes or mixins or anything else?

I am building a wiki app with lots of static pages (for articles).
I am using the same layout I use everywhere in the mother app, and I want to include only content parts with the articles into a single template based on the request href. For example, if href is "/wiki/article_one", I would like to include partial template article_one.pug in the layout.
Here is my Pug code for the layout
extends partials/layout
block head
include partials/head
block header
include partials/header
block content
include partials/wiki/main // here I would like to replace the last main with partial template name
block logs
include partials/logs
block footer
include partials/footer
block scripts
include partials/scripts-chat
partials/wiki/#{article} approach doesn't work. I looked at mixins but mixin names are also fixed. At this point I can make bunch of full article templates and copy/paste layout. Or there will be huge "if else if" block where I will match the right mixin (really hate this one). Is there a better way?

Velocity template that output multiple files

Is there any way to write a velocity template that outputs multiple files in different paths.
I am making a velocity template that generates a Vue.js component file which has its html in a separate file.
For example.. creating Vue component with the name Sidebar will generate:
No. You would typically use two different templates, but you would merge them with the same context.
Documentations are usually generated using specific tools that extract objects/methods formatted comments to produce html. Such a tool would typically run on the generated component.