Pinescript function for checking if price has crossed line in the past - line

Does pinescript have any built in functions to check if a line has been crossed in the past? The line would be repainting as I am looking to check if a linear regression channel's deviation lines have been crossed previously or not, but more specifically the number of times crossed to attempt to validate it's strength.
This code will work, although the code execution time is very slow:
priceFound = 0
countAbove = 0
countBelow = 0
length = 100
slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) //Calculates slope of using line coordinates
for i = 0 to length
priceFound := slope*((_y1/slope) + bar_index[i] - _x1) //Calculates price at y-coord
countAbove := high[i]>priceFound ? countAbove+1 : countAbove //Checks if above
countBelow := low[i]<priceFound ? countBelow+1 : countBelow //Checks if below

What your code is doing is checking on every single newly created bar 100 bars back if price was above/below your coordinate. Yes it's not really efficient, though I don't think simple arithmetic operations would challenge pine script. (Of course I can be wrong)
Instead you could try another direction with ta.crossunder() / ta.crossover() or ta.cross(). With these you wouldn't need slope calculation or whatsoever because you can check your plot value and the high/low real time (or rather on bar close). Of course this way you would only find out if your line did not hold and you would build up your strength tracking the opposite way.
Still, I think it's worth considering as a solution to your problem.


Does anyone see any issues with my Fibonacci retracement function?

Pinescript doesn't have a built-in function that calculates Fibonacci retracements yet so I tried to write my own. It works by taking data from a security() call and running it through a for loop which does the actual calculations. I was hoping that the function would be able to identify support and resistance levels and use that information to help identify when to buy or sell. However, I'm having an issue simply getting the syntax correct, I have been looking for hours now and I can't seem to find the issue. Can anyone spot the issue? If you have any suggestions besides just syntax I'm all ears, I'm pretty new to pinescript so maybe there is a simpler way of doing this.
// Function for calculating Fibonacci Retracements
// Inputs: tickerid, 'D' (for daily chart), fibonacci_length
fibonacci(tickerid, chart_type, fibonacci_length) =>
// Retrieve high and low prices of the given asset
hl = security(tickerid, chart_type, high, low)
high = hl[0]
low = hl[1]
// Calculate the retracement levels
fibonacci_levels = fill(0.0,fibonacci_length+1)
for i = 0 to fibonacci_length
level = low + (high - low)*i/fibonacci_length
fibonacci_levels[i] := level
// Return the calculated retracement
resulted in syntax error on line that says "fibonacci_levels[i] := level"

pyomo: minimal production time / BIG M

I am looking for a way to map a minimum necessary duty cycle in an optimization model.
After several attempts, however, I have now reached the end of my knowledge and hope for some inspiration here.
The idea is that a variable (binary) mdl.ontime is set so that the sum of successive ontime values is greater than or equal to the minimum duty cycle:
def ontime(mdl,t):
min_on_time = 3 # minimum on time in h
if t < min_on_time: return mdl.ontime[t] == 0
return sum(mdl.ontime[t-i] for i in range(min_on_time)) >= min_on_time
That works so far, if the variable mdl.ontime will not be recognized at all.
Then I tried three different constraints, unfortunately they all gave the same result: CPLEX only finds inf. results.
The first variant was:
def flag(mdl,t):
return mdl.ontime[t] + (mdl.production[t]>=0.1) >= 2
So if mdl.ontime is 1 and mdl.production is greater or equal 0.1 (the assumption is just exact enough), it should be greater or equal 2: a logical addition therm.
The second attemp was quite similar to the first:
def flag(mdl,t):
return (mdl.ontime[t]) >= (mdl.production[t] >= 0.1)
If mdl.ontime is 1, it should be greater or equal mdl.production compared with 0.1.
And the third with a big M variable:
def flag(mdl,t):
bigM = 10**6
return mdl.ontime[t] * bigM >= mdl.production[t]
bigM instead should be great enough in my case...
All of them do not work at all...and I have no idea, why CPLEX returns the error that there is only an infeasible solution.
Basically the model runs if I don't consider the ontime-integration.
Do you guys have any more ideas how I could implement this?
Many greetings,
It isn't real clear what the desired relationship is between your variables/constraints. That said, I don't think this is legal. I'm surprised that it isn't popping an error....and if not popping an error, I'm pretty sure it isn't doing what you think:
def flag(mdl,t):
return mdl.ontime[t] + (mdl.production[t]>=0.1) >= 2
You are essentially burying an inferred binary variable in there with the test on mdl.production, which isn't going to work, I believe. You probably need to introduce another variable or such.

Can I run a GA to optimize wavelet transform?

I am running a wavelet transform (cmor) to estimate damping and frequencies that exists in a signal.cmor has 2 parameters that I can change them to get more accurate results. center frequency(Fc) and bandwidth frequency(Fb). If I construct a signal with few freqs and damping then I can measure the error of my estimation(fig 2). but in actual case I have a signal and I don't know its freqs and dampings so I can't measure the a friend in here suggested me to reconstruct the signal and find error by measuring the difference between the original and reconstructed signal e(t)=|x(t)−x^(t)|.
so my question is:
Does anyone know a better function to find the error between reconstructed and original signal,rather than e(t)=|x(t)−x^(t)|.
can I use GA to search for Fb and Fc? or do you know a better search method?
Hope this picture shows what I mean, the actual case is last one. others are for explanations
Thanks in advance
You say you don't know the error until after running the wavelet transform, but that's fine. You just run a wavelet transform for every individual the GA produces. Those individuals with lower errors are considered fitter and survive with greater probability. This may be very slow, but conceptually at least, that's the idea.
Let's define a Chromosome datatype containing an encoded pair of values, one for the frequency and another for the damping parameter. Don't worry too much about how their encoded for now, just assume it's an array of two doubles if you like. All that's important is that you have a way to get the values out of the chromosome. For now, I'll just refer to them by name, but you could represent them in binary, as an array of doubles, etc. The other member of the Chromosome type is a double storing its fitness.
We can obviously generate random frequency and damping values, so let's create say 100 random Chromosomes. We don't know how to set their fitness yet, but that's fine. Just set it to zero at first. To set the real fitness value, we're going to have to run the wavelet transform once for each of our 100 parameter settings.
for Chromosome chr in population = run_wavelet_transform(chr.frequency, chr.damping)
Now we have 100 possible wavelet transforms, each with a computed error, stored in our set called population. What's left is to select fitter members of the population, breed them, and allow the fitter members of the population and offspring to survive into the next generation.
while not done
offspring = new_population()
while count(offspring) < N
parent1, parent2 = select_parents(population)
child1, child2 = do_crossover(parent1, parent2)
mutate(child2) = run_wavelet_transform(child1.frequency, child1.damping) = run_wavelet_transform(child2.frequency, child2.damping)
end while
population = merge(population, offspring)
end while
There are a bunch of different ways to do the individual steps like select_parents, do_crossover, mutate, and merge here, but the basic structure of the GA stays pretty much the same. You just have to run a brand new wavelet decomposition for every new offspring.

Comparing a saved movement with other movement with Kinect

I need to develop an application where a user (physiotherapist) will perform a movement in front of the Kinect, I'll write the data movement in the database and then the patient will try to imitate this motion. The system will calculate the similarity between the movement recorded and executed.
My first idea is, during recording (each 5 second, by example), to store the position (x, y, z) of the points and then compare them in the execution time(by patient).
I know that this approach is too simple, because I imagine that in people of different sizes the skeleton is recognized differently, so the comparison is not reliable.
My question is about the best way to compare a saved motion with a movement executed (on the fly).
I have done this, where a doctors frame is projected onto the patients frame, but with the whole skeleton this doesn't work so well because of different bone heights :/. The code can be found here. It is in beta 2 code, the more current version can be found here, although it is not currently working perfectly
As for comparing, do something like this
for (int i = 0; i < patientList.Count; i++)
int diff = (int)Math.Abs(patientList[i] - doctorList[i]);
if (diff < 100) //or whatever number you want
Debug.WriteLine("Good Job");
I have abandoned the idea of a whole figure because of the bone heights mentioned by Fixus, so my current program looks some thing like:
This is the concept of camparing two movements with kinect and calculate a similarity between the two movements I explain in depth.
Suppose I have the following 2 points, point A (0, 0, 0) and point B (1, 1, 1). Now I want to find the difference from point A to B, so I would subtract all of the X, Y, and Z numbers, so the difference is 1 X 1 Y 1 Z. That is the simple stuff. Now to implement it. The code I have written above, I would implement like this.
//get patient hand coordinates
double patienthandX = Canvas.GetLeft(patienthand);
double patienthandY = Canvas.GetTop(patienthand);
//get doctor hand coordinates
double doctorhandX = Canvas.GetLeft(doctorhand);
double doctorhandY = Canvas.GetTop(doctorhand);
//compare difference for each x and y
//take Absolute value so that it is positive
double diffhandX = Math.Abs(patienthandX - doctorhandX);
double diffhandY = Math.Abs(patienthandY - doctorhandY);
Now here comes another issue. The doctor coordinates are always the same, but what if the patient isn't standing where the doctor coordinates were recorded? Now we implement more simple math. Take this simple example. suppose I want point A(8, 2) to move to point B(4, 12). You multiply the x and y's of A to get to B. So I would multiply the X by .5, and the Y by 6. So for Kinect, I would put a element on the patients hip, then compare this to the doctors hip. Then multiply all of the doctor joints by that number to achieve the doctor joints on top of the patients (more or less). For example
double whatToMultiplyX = (double) doctorhipX / patienthipX;
double whatToMultiplyY = (double) doctorhipY / patienthipY;
This is all pretty simple, but bringing it together is the harder part. So far we, 1) Scale the doctor frames on top of the patient frames, 2) Calculate the difference. 3) Compare the difference throughout the entire rep. and 4) Reset for the next rep. This seems simple but it is not. To calculate the entire difference for the rep, do something like this:
//get patient hand coordinates
double patienthandX = Canvas.GetLeft(patienthand);
double patienthandY = Canvas.GetTop(patienthand);
//get doctor hand coordinates
double doctorhandX = Canvas.GetLeft(doctorhand);
double doctorhandY = Canvas.GetTop(doctorhand);
//compare difference for each x and y
//take Absolute value so that it is positive
double diffhandX = Math.Abs(patienthandX - doctorhandX);
double diffhandY = Math.Abs(patienthandY - doctrorhandY);
//+= so that it keeps adding to it.
totaldiffhandX += diffhandX;
totaldiffhandY += diffhandY;
Now we can compare, and say:
if (totaldiffhandX < 1000 && totaldiffhandY < 1000) //keep numbers pretty high since it is an entire rep
//reset difference
totaldiffhandX = 0;
totaldiffhandY = 0;
//tell the patient good job
Debug.WriteLine("Good Job");
This is pretty easy, but keep in mind you must do this for every single joint's x and y. Otherwise it will not work. Hope this Helps.
First of all remember that people are diffrent. Every person has diffrent height, width, weight, diffrent bones length etc etc
You`re code probably will never work cause of this.
Secondly you need to think more geometrically. Don`t think about points only, think with vectors, their directions. Each movement is movent of some vectors in some directions.
Then the proportion. You need to configure application for each user.
You have some pattern. The patter is your physiotherapist. You need to remember not only his movements but also his body. Arm length, leg length, distances etc. Each user that will be using your app also need to me mesured. Having all this data you can compare movement by scaling sizes and comparing directions of movent
Of course remember that there are some very simple moves like for example. They can be recognized by simple mathematic by checking actual position of the hand and checking direction of the movement. You need for this 3 control points and you`re at home :)
Gesture recognizing isn`t a simple thing

Bouncing ball not conforming to Conservation of Energy Rule

I am currently busy on writing a small ball physics engine for my programming course in Win32 API and c++. I have finished the GDI backbuffer renderer and the whole GUI (couple of more things to adjust) but i am very near to completion. The only big obstacles that last are ball to ball collision (but i can fix this on my own) but the biggest problem of them all is the bouncing of the balls. What happens is that i throw a ball and it really falls, but once it bounces it will bounce higher than the point were i released it??? the funny thing is, it only happens if below a certain height. This part is the physics code:
(If you need any more code or explanation, please ask, but i would greatly appreciate it if you guys could have a look at my code.)
#void RunPhysics(OPTIONS &o, vector<BALL*> &b)
UINT simspeed = o.iSimSpeed;
DOUBLE DT; //Delta T
BOOL bounce; //for playing sound
for(UINT i=0; i<b.size(); i++)
for(UINT k=0; k<simspeed; k++)
//handle the X bounce
if(>rBall.left <= 0 &&>dVelocityX < 0 ) //ball bounces against the left wall
{>dVelocityX =>dVelocityX * -1 *>dBounceCof;
else if(>rBall.right >= SCREEN_WIDTH &&>dVelocityX > 0) //ball bounces against the right wall
{>dVelocityX =>dVelocityX * -1 *>dBounceCof;
//handle the Y bounce
if(>rBall.bottom >= SCREEN_HEIGHT &&>dVelocityY > 0 ) //ball bounces against the left wall
//damping of the ball
if(>dVelocityY < 2+o.dGravity/o.REFRESH)
{>dVelocityY = 0;
//decrease the Velocity of the ball according to the bouncecof>dVelocityY =>dVelocityY * -1*>dBounceCof;>dVelocityX =>dVelocityX *>dBounceCof;
//gravity>dVelocityY += (o.dGravity)/o.REFRESH;>pOrigin.y +=>dVelocityY + (1/2)*o.dGravity/o.REFRESH*DT*METER;
//METER IS DEFINED GLOBALLY AS 100 which is the amount of pixels in a meter>pOrigin.x +=>dVelocityX/o.REFRESH*METER;>UpdateRect();
You are using the Euler method of integration. It is possible that your time step (DT) is too large. Also there seems to be a mistake on the row that updates the Y coordinate:>pOrigin.y +=>dVelocityY + (1/2)*o.dGravity/o.REFRESH*DT*METER;
You have already added the gravity to the velocity, so you don't need to add it to the position and you are not multiplying the velocity by DT. It should be like this:>pOrigin.y +=>dVelocityY * DT;
Furthermore there appears to be some confusion regarding the units (the way METER is used).
Okay, a few things here.
You have differing code paths for bounce against left wall and against right wall, but the code is the same. Combine those code paths, since the code is the same.
As to your basic problem: I suspect that your problem stems from the fact that you apply the gravity after you apply any damping forces / bounce forces.
When do you call RunPhysics? In a timer loop? This code is just an approximation and no exact calculation. In the short interval of delta t, the ball has already changed his position and velocity a litte bit which isn't considered in your algorithm and produces little mistakes. You'll have to compute the time until the ball hits the ground and predict the changes.
And the gravity is already included in the velocity, so don't add it twice here:>pOrigin.y +=>dVelocityY + (1/2)*o.dGravity/o.REFRESH*DT*METER;
By the way: Save in a temporary variable, so you don't have to recompute it in every line.
Ball* CurrentBall =;
ANSWER!!ANSWER!!ANSWER!! but i forgot my other account so i can't flag it :-(
Thanks for all the great replies, it really helped me alot! The answers that you gave were indeed correct, a couple of my formulas were wrong and some code optimisation could be done, but none was really a solution to the problem. So i just sat down with a piece of paper and started calculation every value i got from my program by hand, took me like two hours :O But i did find the solution to my problem:
The problem is that as i update my velocity (whith corrected code) i get a decimal value, no problem at all. Later i increase the position in Y by adding the velocity times the Delta T, which is a verry small value. The result is a verry small value that needs to be added. The problem is now that if you draw a Elipse() in Win32 the point is a LONG and so all the decimal values are lost. That means that only after a verry long period, when the values velocity starts to come out of the decimal values something happens, and that alongside with that, the higher you drop the ball the better the results (one of my symptons) The solution to this problem was really simple, ad an extra DOUBLE value to my Ball class which contained the true position (including decimals) of my ball. During the RenderFrame() you just take the floor or ceiling value of the double to draw the elipse but for all the calculations you use the Double value. Once again thanks alot for all your replies, STACKOVERFLOW PEOPLE ROCK!!!
If your dBounceCof is > 1 then, yes your ball will bounce higher.
We do not have all the values to be able to reply to your question.
I don't think your equation for position is right:>dVelocityY += (o.dGravity)/o.REFRESH;
This is v=v0+gt - that seems fine, although I'd write dGravity*DT instead of dGravity/REFRESH_FREQ.>pOrigin.y +=>dVelocityY + (1/2)*o.dGravity/o.REFRESH*DT*METER;
But this seems off: It is eqivalent to p = p0+v + 1/2gt^2.
You ought to multiply velocity * time to get the units right
You are scaling the gravity term by pixels/meter, but not the velocity term. So that ought to be multiplied by METER also
You have already accounted for the effect of gravity when you updated velocity, so you don't need to add the gravity term again.
Thanks for the quick replies!!! Sorry, i should have been more clear, the RunPhysics is beiing run after a PeekMessage. I have also added a frame limiter which makes sure that no more calculations are done per second than the refresh rate of the monitor. My dleta t is therefore 1 second devided by the refresh rate. Maybe my DT is actually too small to calculate, although it's a double value??? My cof of restitution is adjustable but starts at 0.9
You need to recompute your position on bounce, to make sure you bounce from the correct place on the wall.
I.e. resolve the exact point in time when the bounce occured, and calculate new velocity/position based on that direction change (partially into a "frame" of calculation) to make sure your ball does not move "beyond" the walls, more and more on each bounce.
W.r.t. time step, you might want to check out my answer here.
In a rigid body simulation, you need to run the integration up to the instant of collision, then adjust the velocities to avoid penetration at the collision, and then resume the integration. It's sort of an instantaneous kludge to cover the fact that rigid bodies are an approximation. (A real ball deforms during a collision. That's hard to model, and it's unnecessary for most purposes.)
You're combining these two steps (integrating the forces and resolving the collisions). For a simple simulation like you've shown, it's probably enough to skip the gravity bit on any iteration where you've handled a vertical bounce.
In a more advanced simulation, you'd split any interval (dt) that contains a collision at the actual instance of collision. Integrate up to the collision, then resolve the collision (by adjusting the velocity), and then integrate for the rest of the interval. But this looks like overkill for your situation.