AWS Athena JDBC Driver conflict with SDK? - amazon-s3

TL;DR: When I try to add the latest Athena JDBC Driver to my project my other S3 calls no longer work (this driver: I think there's a conflict, but I'm not entirely sure how to resolve it.
A short summary of what I'm doing: I have an app that does PUT calls to S3. I was using the AWS SDK for that.
I now want to be able to query that data from the same app. So I started working with AWS Athena. When I include the JDBC driver in my project to be able to start running queries at Athena it works, but it leads to conflicts with my original app functionality.
Whenever I try to do a PUT call to S3 now, I get this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
It seems the driver may have introduced some kind of conflict which is causing my library references to break?
I'm just not entirely sure how to resolve this...


Bigquery to Redshift data transfer using AWS SCT failing?

I am trying to migrate data from Bigquery to Redshift using this article. I followed through and successfully got till "Start the Local Data Migration Task".I had to setup AWS profile to access "Data Migration View(Other)". AWS profile was setup using access key and access secret of an admin user account in AWS.
What am I missing ?However, upon starting the task I keep getting following error:
class cannot be cast to class ( and are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
I tried to check AWS documentation and looked around but this error is not listed anywhere. I cannot seem to understand that, why is type casting from FileCredentials to UserCredentials is being done ?
Anyone faced a similar issue or can point me in right direction please ?
Based on my testing, I have determined that this is an issue in the 1.0.670 version of SCT. A request has been submitted to correct the issue. In the meantime, to allow you to continue with your project, please revert to AWS-SCT version 1.0.666 using this link.
You will have to uninstall SCT and the extractor agent then reinstall and configure the previous version(s) as you did before.

AWS EC2 Instance Profile for S3 permissions inconsistent

Background: I'm writing an automated deployment script to deploy a ruby on rails application to AWS on an EC2 instance using S3 as the storage for ActiveStorage. My script creates an instance profile/role and attaches it to the EC2 instance on creation. My script uses the ruby sdk for AWS.
Sometimes when my script runs, it works great (which tells me my configuration is correct). Sometimes it throws the following exception:
/home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/2.6.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/aws-sigv4-1.2.1/lib/aws-sigv4/signer.rb:613:in `extract_credentials_provider': missing credentials, provide credentials with one of the following options: (Aws::Sigv4::Errors::MissingCredentialsError)
- :access_key_id and :secret_access_key
- :credentials
- :credentials_provider
I generally have success about 9 times out of 10 using a t3a.micro or t3.micro instance. I usually have a failure 9 times out of 10 using a t3a.nano or t3.nano instance.
It sure seems like there is something eventually consistent about these instance profiles, but I can't find anything in the documentation. What's going on, and what can I do to make this succeed consistently?
Thank you.

Google Cloud Dataflow error: "The Application Default Credentials are not available"

We have a Google Cloud Dataflow job, which writes to Bigtable (via HBase API). Unfortunately, it fails due to: The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See for more information. at at at at at at<init>( at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AbstractBigtableConnection.<init>( at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.AbstractBigtableConnection.<init>( at<init>( at$1.<init>( at at at at at$CloudBigtableSingleTableBufferedWriteFn.getBufferedMutator( at$CloudBigtableSingleTableBufferedWriteFn.processElement(
Which makes very little sense, because the job is already running on Cloud Dataflow service/VMs.
The Cloud Dataflow job id: 2016-05-13_11_11_57-8485496303848899541
We are using bigtable-hbase-dataflow version 0.3.0, and we want to use HBase API.
I believe this is a known issue where GCE instances are very rarely unable to get the default credentials during startup.
We have been working on a fix which should be part of the next release (1.6.0) which should be coming soon. In the meantime we'd suggest re-submitting the job which should work. If you run into problems consistently or want to discuss other workarounds (such as backporting the 1.6.0 fix) please reach out to us.
1.7.0 is released so this should be fixed now

Apache Jmeter JDBC connection issue - JDBC driver class not found

I am trying to connect to PL/SQL through JMeter.
In JDBC connection configuration ,I have provided the database URL as "jdbc:oracle:thin:#//01HW552780:6129))/tnsfile" and JDBC driver class as "com.plsql.jdbc.Driver"
But getting error as "No suitable driver found for jdbc:oracle:thin:#//01HW552780:6129))/tnsfile"
Could someone rectify me here regarding driver class?
I believe that you need oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver class instead.
I believe that you need to remove // from your JDBC URL
I'm not too sure regarding tnsfile (unless it is you real oracle database name) as Oracle JDBC URL takes forms:
jdbc:oracle:thin:#host:port /databaseName
jdbc:oracle:thin:#host:port :serviceName
Relevant driver can be downloaded from Oracle website or alternatively (better) take it from $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/ folder on the machine where Oracle lives
See The Real Secret to Building a Database Test Plan With JMeter guide for more configuration and usage details for the JDBC Sampler.
Faced the same problem.
I used oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver as Driver Class.
No need to remove //. It can be present.
In database URL, it should be jdbc:oracle:thin:#//MachineName:Port/Schema
Download or better copy JDBC Jars from your DB installation and paste it under Jmeter/lib path.
For example, I presume you DB as Oracle 12c, it required ojdbc6.jar and ojdbc7.jar copied and pasted under Jmeter/lib folder.
After this activity, the problem vanished away for me.

What can i do when allow_store_upgrade fails?

I'm using neo4j in a glassfish server through a modified version of Alex Smirnov neo4j JCA connector.
My version is available here :
I'm using this connector with neo4j 1.8.
As a consequence, when i want to use it, i first install the connector in my Glassfish application server, then use this connector in applications wishing to connect to.
It works OK when using it with fresh stores.
But, when using it with stores created with previous version, I encounter weird bugs.
Typically, I got today the following stack
javax.resource.spi.ResourceAllocationException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: Failed to transition org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader#3bbd53b1 from NONE to STOPPED
.../* JCA internal exception stack */
Caused by: com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.PoolingException: Failed to transition org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader#494b584c from NONE to STOPPED
at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.ConnectionPool.createSingleResource(
at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.ConnectionPool.createResource(
at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.datastructure.RWLockDataStructure.addResource(
... 66 more
Caused by: org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifecycleException: Failed to transition org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader#494b584c from NONE to STOPPED
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.init(
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport.init(
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport.start(
at org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase.<init>(
at org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase.<init>(
at com.netoprise.neo4j.AbstractNeo4jManagedConnectionFactory.createDatabase(
at com.netoprise.neo4j.AbstractNeo4jManagedConnectionFactory.createDatabase(
at com.netoprise.neo4j.Neo4jManagedConnectionFactory.createManagedConnection(
at com.sun.enterprise.resource.allocator.ConnectorAllocator.createResource(
at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.ConnectionPool.createSingleResource(
... 68 more
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError
at org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.LuceneDataSource.cleanWriteLocks(
at org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.LuceneDataSource.cleanWriteLocks(
at org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.LuceneDataSource.cleanWriteLocks(
at org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.LuceneDataSource.cleanWriteLocks(
at org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.LuceneDataSource.<init>(
at org.neo4j.index.lucene.LuceneIndexProvider.load(
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader.loadIndexImplementations(
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader.init(
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.init(
... 78 more
A fast inspection reveals that this exception is linked to an undeletable "write.lock" file. My write.lock file can't be deleted because I guess migration is not over.
How can I make sure the migration is done before using it without migrating it outside of Glassfish ?
Is there a way to ahve exclusive store migrations in that context ? And if so, how ?
And is it the solution for my problem ?
EDIT 1 Added exception message.
EDIT 2 All this only happen when loaded graph was previously used with a Neo4j 1.5 and now with a Neo4j 1.8 connector. when graph is created by connector, absolutely no error happens.
EDIT 3 Strangely enough, this happens as long as there is no debugger plugged into that code : as soon as I try to debug it, the issue stop appearing. Which make me thinking there may be a migration cleanup mechanism that remvoe the write lock once migration is done, and this cleanup is not performed when using my neo4j JCA connector. Is it a valid observation ?
I am not too familiar with the JCA connector, but to be sure, I would just write a very small migration java class that opens the database, lets it migrate and shut down. Then try it again with the JCA connector?
After further investigations, truth revealed to not be in multiple calls to the EmbeddedGraphDatabase constructor, but instead to multiple identicail IndexProvider being loaded.
I use neo4j embedded in an open-source JCA connector.
In this connector, the org.neo4j.kernel.Service class is replaced by a custom one which contains a workaround regarding service loading for JBoss non shared libraries.
Unfortunatly, in our context, this workaround implies loading twice the index provider :
once using the EAR classloader
once using the Glassfish library classloader.
Why ?
Because, as our neo4j instance is using for application data AND for authentication, neo4j connector jar is put in ${domain}/lib. As a consequence, due to Classloader delegation in application server, the EAR classloader delegates to the Glassfish library classloader, and find this way the LuceneIndexProvider. Then, the Glassfish library classloader is directly used to load the same LuceneIndexProvider class.
This concludes by us having two LuceneIndexProvider objects, both trying to migrate the lucene index. Which lead to the AssertionError as the write.lock file created by the first object should be deleted by the second one, which can't do that.
I've then changed slightly that very specific class to use JBoss workaround only when default loading mechanism do not return any class (seee commit here). This small change worked like a charm, so I think you can considered this issue as fixed.