How to configure Tesults report with CodeceptJS - testing

I am trying to integrate Tesults dashboard with CodeceptJS + Playwright tests, but there seems not to be a way to pass playwright report configuration through codeceptJs' conf file.
Documentation specifies that for playwright use reporter: [['playwright-tesults-reporter', {'tesults-target': 'token'}]] but that is inside the Playwright.config.js file which doesn't exist in codeceptJS projects.
Is there a way to pass such configuration through codeceptJs' conf file?
Tesults documentation

Tesults just developed a specific CodeceptJS integration now!!


Electron cannot access user data directory when using Selenium ChromeDriver

I am using Selenium with Robot Framework to run an Electron application. The application is built to read a configuration file from the user data directory. As far as I understand, this is the location where this file should be stored.
The electron main process reads the configuration file:
const localConfigFile = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'config.json');
const localConfig = fs.existsSync(localConfigFile) ? require(localConfigFile) : {};
The built production version works just fine and reads the file as expected, but when starting it from Robot using SeleniumLibrary, the file is not read. This leads me to believe it's a problem with Robot, Selenium or ChromeDriver.
Robot creates the webdriver using SeleniumLibrary:
Create Webdriver Remote desired_capabilities=${starting_parameters} command_executor=
Where starting parameters are simply:
{ "chromeOptions": {"binary": <binary_location> }}
Chromedriver is started as a separate process from /usr/bin/chromedriver where it has been installed and uses the default port 9515.
The versions that I am using are:
ChromeDriver 2.36.540471 (9c759b81a907e70363c6312294d30b6ccccc2752)
"electron": "^6.0.2"
"electron-builder": "^21.2.0"
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Experienced the same problem. Finally changing the Chromedriver's user-data-dir argument to Electron's userDataDir solved the problem.
options.add_argument('--user-data-dir=' + str(app_config_path()))
I found out the problem by using Spectron and logging the Electron main console. In general I would advice using Spectron instead of Robot to test Electron apps.
The issue is that the user data directory was not the same as the Electron default. When running the application through Chromedriver, the user data directory is changed to /tmp/somethingsomething so naturally the file under ~/.config/app-name was not found.
My solution was to use Electron'ss application data directory instead:
By default this is one directory up from the user data directory, but remains the same when running through Chromedriver.

What do we specify in "mainWindowUrl" property in .testcafe-electron-rc for executable electron apps like atom/vscode?

I was looking at repository.
To automate electron apps using testcafe, I see we need to provide "mainWindowUrl" in .testcafe-electron-rc . Regular electron apps have index.html files in it which I can pass to mainWindowUrl but I'm not sure what should we pass for executable electron apps like atom.exe/vscode.exe.
TestCafe will show a list of URLs opened during the app initialization time if it fails to find the main window URL. You can specify an empty string as a value of mainWindowUrl, wait until TestCafe shows an error and use links from the displayed list.
To test executable electron applications you should configure the 'testcafe-browser-provider-plugin' in another way. See the Testing an Executable Electron Application section for more information.

SAUCE_CONFIG_PATH is not working for me in testcafe-browser-provider-saucelabs

I am trying to use testcafe-browser-provider-saucelabs.
My tests can successfully connect to SauceLabs and run there, but testcafe creates a unique sauceconnect tunnel, whereas I need to use a shared tunnel. Also, screenResolution is not being picked up from sauceLabsConfig.json file.
I have saucelabs credentials set as environment variables.
I am launching tests using these commands:
export SAUCE_JOB="Regression Job"
export SAUCE_BUILD="Build 1"
export SAUCE_CONFIG_PATH="./sauceLabsConfig.json"
testcafe saucelabs:chrome tests/
I created a sauce config JSON file:
"parentTunnel": "PARENT_TUNNEL",
"tunnelIdentifier": "qa",
"screenResolution": "1920x1080"
Why is my SAUCE_CONFIG_PATH variable not working?
At present, not all SauceLabs options are supported for the 'testcafe-browser-provider-saucelabs'. For example, the tunnelIdentifier option is not supported. I've created an issue in the browser provider repository. Track it be informed about the progress.
Note that this issue seems to be fixed, per this pull request:
...and integrated in to testcafe 1.14.0:

Run Same Testcafe tests with different URLs per environment

I am working on a TestCafe proof of concept. I have a few tests working in one test environment. I need a way to run the same tests in up to 3 different test environments that have different URLs. Is there a best practice for this scenario?
A solution is to add custom options on the testcafe command-line like for example : --env=uat.
Use minimist to read all custom options that you have added to the TestCafe command-line and export a config object like this:
import * as minimist from 'minimist';
const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
// get the options --env=xxx --user=yyy from the command line
export const config = {
env: args.env,
user: args.user,
Then import that config object wherever you need it in the test code.
see How do I work with configuration files and environment variables? for more details.
In v1.20.0 and later, TestCafe offers a way to specify the baseUrl in the test run setup:
Program API{baseUrl})
Config file
You can use this approach along with environment variables or custom command line arguments to determine what url should be assigned to the baseUrl option.
Alternatively, you can have a different configuration file for each test run setup and switch between these files using the --config-file option.

AngularJS : e2e tests with Karma Scenario Test Runner using cached source?

I am trying to set up some AngularJS e2e tests with Karma Scenario Test Runner. I did some modifications to the source files, but Karma doesn't seem to use these latest versions when testing.
In the source files, I added ids to some elements. Karma still couldn't find them, so I added a pause in the e2e test, so that I can mark and "Inspect elements" (using Chrome) on the current page in the test runner. The source code seems correct, except the latest changes are missing, i e, the ids aren't there. So what's happening here? Do I need to explicitly tell Karma the files have been updated somehow?
You can fix this issue by forcing angularjs to clear the application cache:$rootScope, $templateCache) {
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
In Chrome developer tools settings, check "Disable cache (while DevTools is open)".
Obviously, this is a much more general issue than Angular's e2e test runner, but I decided to leave it here for now, in case somebody else has the same question.