How to add callable link to inline button url in telegram bot api? - telegram-bot

I need to create inline_keyboard with callable url link in telegram bot api. The problem is that the telegram does not accept a link similar to 'tel:+99891....', is it possible to somehow add a link that opens the call window to the inline button?
Sorry for my bad English

You could send a contact instead of a message with sendContact instead of sendMessage


How to send link with labels in whatsapp business API

I'm using WhatsApp Business API and can't find a way to put links with labels in messages.
Like Click here, in HTML. Couldn't find any reference about it in the docs:
How can I do that?
You can put the direct link in the body of the message, there is no option to format the link,
There are other options, you can create a button, there you can set a label and redirect link on click in the template and interactive message type.

Telegram send message with clickable bot command

I'm writing a bot in telegram (using c#).
I want the bot to send message to a user with a list of clickable links. When user presses such a link, the client should post this command back to the bot. It should look like this (example from #pollbot):
I tried:
sendMesage method with parse_mode=HTML and tg:\ links. Problem:
telegram renders them as unsafe and navigates away from the chat. Or shows no link.
sendMessage with markdown - same result or no link
inline keyboard works OK, but I need a link, not a button
Any advice on how to implement this is higly appreciated.
Words starting with a "/" in a text are automatically made clickable as a link. You can just use sendMessage without a parse_mode and send the text /newpoll.

telegram bot, callback query of an inline button in a group chat, redirect the user to private chat of bot. python

My bot sends messages to groups with inline button, what I want, is when the button is clicked, chat with the bot page should open, i.e. somehow redirect the user to the private chat with the bot.
I'm using this wrapper.
What I have tried so far is to set a url in answer_callback method, equal to the url of my bot i.e. url="
but I keep getting URL_INVALID response from telegram, I tried http(since I read somewhere in the api documentation that the urls should be HTTP), but that did not work either.
My question is am I doing it right? I mean do I have to set the url in answer_callback method to redirect the user, or I should try another way?
Well I figured it out myself, setting the url was the right way to do it, and though the Wrappers documentation is not detailed, I took a look at source code and there was a docstring for the method answer_callback_query that said this about the url:
:param url: (Optional) URL that will be opened by the user's client. If you have created a Game and accepted the conditions via #Botfather, specify the URL that opens your game – note that this will only work if the query comes from a callback_game button.
Otherwise, you may use links like that open your bot with a parameter.
so all I had to do was to give it a link with of my bot, with a start query

can i add utm parameter to the Desktop SMS button from branch

I need to add dynamic and page-specific utm paramenters to the Send me link button from Desktop SMS functionality on branch. Anyone know how to do that
Amruta from here:
If you need to create a new link when using the SMS functionality you can set make_new_link: true in the options object argument of sendSMS() method, and sendSMS will always make a new link. You can then add the page-specific utm and dynamic parameters to the link data. You can check out an example mentioned on the Branch Github repo here.

Share content on facebook with

I'm currently searching for an method to share content on facebook if the user click on a button or when an event is true, how can I do this?
Thanks in advance! :)
You can call the facebook share dialog and supply the URL of the site that you want to share. For example{URL_OF_THE_SITE}
Now, you have to call this inside your VB.NET application. If you are using the WebBrowser, you can call the Navigate(String) method. Or, if not, you can call the default browser using the start command. You will need to call the Shell function for this. Example: