Integration test webapi core Authorization fiter - testing

I would like to write and integration test for ASP.NET Core 6 Web API for Authorisation filter.
I would like to write integration test to validate authorization filter. any advice
I am getting an error
testhost.deps.json'. This file is required for functional tests to run properly. There should be a copy of the file on your source project bin folder. If that is not the case, make sure that the property PreserveCompilationContext is set to true on your project file. E.g 'true'. For functional tests to work they need to either run from the build output folder or the testhost.deps.json file from your application's output directory must be copied to the folder where the tests are running on. A common cause for this error is having shadow copying enabled when the tests run.
public class IntegrationTest
protected readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
protected IntegrationTest()
var appFactory = new WebApplicationFactory<Program>();
_httpClient = appFactory.CreateClient();
protected async Task AuthenticateAsync()
_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("barer", await GetJetAsync());
private async Task<string> GetJetAsync()
string token = "eOCwiZXhwIjoxNjUyMzE1NzI4LCJhenAiOiJmN3B2OHFtUmoyaXFHS0xQbW1KYkIzdmNTQWN1UjlsZiIsInNjb3BlIjoib3BlbmlkIHByb2ZpbGUgZW1haWwgYWRkcmVzcyBwaG9uZSByZWFkOnByb2ZpbGUgcmVhZDpwcmVmZXJlbmNlcyB1cGRhdGU6cHJvZmlsZSB1cGRhdGU6cHJlZmVyZW5jZXMgdXBkYXRlOnByb2R1Y3QtbGlzdCByZWFkOnByb2R1Y3QtbGlzdCB1cGRhdGU6bG95YWx0eS1hY2NvdW50IHJlYWQ6bG95YWx0eS1hY2NvdW50IHJlYWQ6Y29sIHVwZGF0ZTpjb2wgc3NvOmNvbCBvZmZsaW5lX2FjY2VzcyIsImd0eSI6InBhc3N3b3JkIn0.blVb5UFO4sU0k3hptbbwXBk6RWGSr60wrsFlQTNbY76XyuqQgMNfU2SHHRq7qnaaC3UdMeYk4HJctfQDH8J3_itth2tF0FopHf_dUnxSnwq9Ga1dw4FXlscTwBUVEvzg_Q3VnhNL7Q8XWyfSthX4laatJ6_6X6cbGM6mdMNl5-8iSp3KH3GUbD3oOLZDKYylFJCxM2227FpPcdH-vI9I54Bqdtvs-2LPvClu-nsUEjo8no87G_llsjBEsEHmQO31Svq8h_8peumS_gpqOOwM6lAhulQcZOnd3m7-LfgGoXKLbJdXuw1rgEWbb-bD8bm7_dJ3i0Q99dkagY4RW6SHaQ";
return await Task.Run(() => token);
public async Task GetAll_ReturnsOK()
await AuthenticateAsync();
string uri = "https://localhost:9999/products";
var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(uri);


Application Insights: Console Application HttpClient correlation not working

I have a Console Application which I plan to use Application Insights to start telemetry. This Console App calls a Web API within it.
Operation correlation works, but the Parent hierarchy does not. Essentially, the Parent of the Web API call is not the initial call from Console Application.
Below is my code:
Console App
static async Task SendHttpOnly()
//Create TelemetryClient
TelemetryConfiguration configuration = TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault();
configuration.InstrumentationKey = "<id>";
var telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(configuration);
RequestTelemetry requestTelemetry = new RequestTelemetry { Name = "ConsoleTest" };
var operation = telemetryClient.StartOperation(requestTelemetry);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:37970/");
var responseTask = await client.PostAsJsonAsync<MessageDto>("MessageReceiver", new MessageDto() { Body = "Test" });
catch (Exception e)
operation.Telemetry.Success = false;
public string Post([FromBody] MessageDto dto)
_telemetryClient.TrackTrace($"Service Bus Message Processed: Message: {dto.Body}");
return $"Processed { dto.Body }";
Weird thing is, if I do a Web API to Web API call, it logs it properly. Even with the same code; the 2nd Web API call parent is the 1st Web API call.
Thankyou Water. Glad that you resolved your issue and posting the same as an answer so that it will be helpful for other community members.
Application HttpClient correlation not working because of using wrong Nuget package instead of using below package
We need to use the below package
Below is the sample code for using SDK in application insights.
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WorkerService" Version="2.13.1" />
For more information check the Application Insight worker service.

Calling async action in core means file in formData is lost from c# API method

I can read a file from the form-data and save it as expected. However, when I do an async action, the stream closes and the file is no longer there. Removing the async action means that it works again. I need to do an async query to save the file in the correct place.
public async void uploadFile()
var files = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files;
if (files != null)
var file = files.FirstOrDefault();
var fileName = file.FileName;
using (var input = file.OpenReadStream())
var id = "someId";
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
// after doing this async action, the file and stream are no longer accessible.
I posted this as a question to the core team and had an answer here.
Don't use async void in your controller action. Use async Task instead so that the framework can wait until you are done.
I didn't expect the return type to impact this functionality, but well, now I know.

Blazor Web Assembly App with Azure B2C is always trying to authenticate as soon as page is loaded

I am adding support for Azure AD B2C to a Blazor WebAssembly App, I followed the instructions here
however, the application is always trying to authenticate as soon as I load the page,
which does not allow for a public anonymous section of the site.
Is there any solution to this problem?
The default httpClient requires authorization so even making a call to see if a person is authorized causes the code to prompt the user to log in kicks in.
So to get around this, in the Program.cs file (in the Client project), I created a httpClient that allows anonymous requests
// This allows anonymous requests
// See:
builder.Services.AddHttpClient("ServerAPI.NoAuthenticationClient", client => client.BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress));
This example should help:
It calls the NoAuthenticationClient httpClient
protected override void OnInitialized()
// Create a httpClient to use for non-authenticated calls
NoAuthenticationClient =
public async Task HandleValidSubmit(EditContext context)
// Save the new Help Desk Ticket
// Create a new GUID for this Help Desk Ticket
objHelpDeskTicket.TicketGuid =
await NoAuthenticationClient.PostAsJsonAsync(
"SyncfusionHelpDesk", objHelpDeskTicket);
// Send Email
HelpDeskEmail objHelpDeskEmail = new HelpDeskEmail();
objHelpDeskEmail.EmailType = "Help Desk Ticket Created";
objHelpDeskEmail.EmailAddress = "";
objHelpDeskEmail.TicketGuid = objHelpDeskTicket.TicketGuid;
await NoAuthenticationClient.PostAsJsonAsync(
"Email", objHelpDeskEmail);
// Clear the form
objHelpDeskTicket = new HelpDeskTicket();
// Show the Toast
ToastContent = "Saved!";
await this.ToastObj.Show();
catch (Exception ex)
ToastContent = ex.Message;
await this.ToastObj.Show();

RestRequest Body not received in .net core web api

I am trying to build a service client to simplify calling my microservices in .net core.
Here is a service client sample:
public ProductServiceClient(SystemEnvironment.MachineEnvironment? environment = null)
this.url = ServiceEnvironment.Urls.GetUrl(ServiceEnvironment.Service.Product, environment);
private RestClient GetClient(string method)
return new RestClient(url + "/api/" + method);
private RestRequest GetRestRequest(Method method)
var restRequest = new RestRequest(method);
restRequest.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
restRequest.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
return restRequest;
public FindProductsResponse FindProducts(FindProductsRequest request)
var restRequest = GetRestRequest(Method.GET);
var client = this.GetClient("Products");
var restResponse = client.Get(restRequest);
return new JsonDeserializer().Deserialize<FindProductsResponse>(restResponse);
public void Dispose()
And here is how I am trying to read it in my .net core api:
public ActionResult<FindProductsResponse> Get()
var request = "";
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
request = reader.ReadToEnd();
var buildRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FindProductsRequest>(request);
var products = _service.FindProducts(buildRequest);
if (products != null && products.Any())
return new FindProductsResponse()
Products = products
return BadRequest("Not found");
However the request variable is always empty after Request.Body has been processed by the StreamReader.
If I make the same request from Postman (also using GET), I get the body just fine.
What am I doing wrong here?
EDIT: This is the unit test calling the api:
public void Test1()
using (var productServiceClient = new ProductServiceClient())
var products = productServiceClient.FindProducts(new FindProductsRequest()
Id = 50
It can be your Request.Body has been already consumed.
Try to call Request.EnableRewind() before to open the StreamReader.
I'm not sure why you are manually doing it. It looks like you are reinventing the wheel. ASP.NET Core already does that for you.
This is what your service should look like:
[HttpGet] // oops, GET requests will not allow Bodies, this won't work
public ActionResult<FindProductsResponse> Get([FromBody]FindProductsRequest buildRequest)
// skip all the serialization stuff, the framework does that for you
var products = _service.FindProducts(buildRequest);
if (products != null && products.Any())
return new FindProductsResponse()
Products = products
return BadRequest("Not found");
And if you don't want to redo all the busy work that is retyping all the code on the client side, I suggest you read up on swagger (probably in the form of Swashbuckle). Client code can be generated. Even from within Visual Studio, if you right-click on the project and in the context menu pick "Add REST API Client...". Please don't erroneously hand-code what can be generated flawlessly by a machine instead. I don't really know what went wrong in your specific case, but searching bugs that could be avoided altogether is just busywork, that time should be spent on other parts of the program.
I just realized this is a GET request. ASP.NET will not recognize bodies for GET-Requests. You will need to make it a PUT or POST request or put your parameters in the query string.
If you happen to make that mistake as often as I did, you might want to write some unit tests that cover this. Because .NET is not helping you there. Been there, done that..

HttpClient default headers not working with Microsoft.Owin.Testing.TestServer

I'm using the Microsoft.Owin.Testing library to integration test my API in-memory. I've added in the OWIN JWT middleware for my authentication needs, and am now trying to pass a generated token to test requests to controllers needing authorization. I can assure you that the JWT middleware is setup correctly, as it works just fine with normal use. However, I am observing some strange behavior with the TestServer.HttpClient object. When I set a default authorization header on HttpClient to pass the token, my tests never pass because the token is not recognized. However, when I use TestServer.CreateRequest(...), the test passes correctly and the token is recognized. I would prefer to use the HttpClient methods because they make things a hell of a lot easier with all the extension methods provided such as PostAsJsonAsync, etc. I'm beginning to think there is either a bug in the TestServer.HttpClient or I that am completely missing something.
Here's my test class (using NUnit3):
public class DefinitionsControllerTests
private TestServer _server;
private string _accessToken;
public void Setup()
_server = TestServer.Create<Startup>();
var credentials = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] {
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("grant_type", "password"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("username", ""),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("password", "testing123")
// get token from OWIN JWT middleware
dynamic resultBody = JObject.Parse(
_server.HttpClient.PostAsync("/oauth/token", credentials).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
_accessToken = (string)resultBody.access_token;
// this does not appear to ever work
_server.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _accessToken);
public void TearDown()
public void GetById_WithExistingId()
// 401 Unauthorized response everytime and test fails
var response = _server.HttpClient.GetAsync($"/api/definitions/{expected.Id}").Result;
var actual = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Definition>().Result;
// 200 Ok every time and test passes
// - these variables aren't part of the test but rather to show alternate request creation method that works
var response2 = _server.CreateRequest($"/api/definitions/{expected.Id}")
.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + _accessToken)
var actual2 = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Definition>().Result;
//...other test methods
And my controller:
public class DefinitionsController : ApiController
private readonly IDefinitionRepository _repo;
public DefinitionsController(IDefinitionRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public IHttpActionResult Get(Guid id)
var definition = _repo.Get(id);
if (definition == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(definition);
Anyone have any idea why only CreateRequest() works? This is slightly infuriating.
The problem is that the HttpClient property returns a new instance every time. It will work if you save that instance and re-use it.