Google pay pass Event Ticket CardTemplateOverride- Unable to hide TextModuleData which is used as a FieldReference - google-pay

I am working on creating an EventPass to be saved to google pay.
I am following this link pass template to create EventPass.
I have succesfully created the Event by Overriding and making a few changes to the layout by using CardTemplateOverride but there are two issues which I am unable to resolve.
1.In CardTemplateOverride I have used FieldReferences of TextModuleData which I had created only for the purpose of showing in CardTemplateOverride. But I do not see a way to hide the TextModuleData which is also showing up at the bottom of the cards.
Could someone suggest a way to hide this textModuleData?
2.In CardTemplateOverride I have used CardRowOneItem, But it is center aligned as mentioned in the document. But my requirement is to have it left aligned and I do not see any option that allows me to do so.
From what I learnt so far the documentation, I do not see a way to do it. But I am not sure.
I have attached an Image Google Pay Event Pass that has been created. The canvas area in the center is a barcode which I have removed just for security concerns.
In the card area we have Date and Time which is referenced from the TextModuleData below the card. But I do not want to show the same information twice. Also the EntryInfo is center Aligned which I could not override and align it to the left.


React native picker long list handler

I have a long list of company names need to be displayed in the picker dropdown and it's causing the app to freeze. I am aware of the infinite scroll if it's viewing the content, where you fetch a limited size of the data from the server side and load more as the scroll reach to the bottom. But does it apply the same concept for a dropdown picker?
I am using the library #react-native-picker/picker and considering the behavior of the component I have no idea how to handle it.
I haven't done anything on my codes yet. Currently it's fetching all the listing from the server side and dump all the data in the picker.
usually it's best practice for large select list to create a modal screen which open up by clicking on the selectbox and there you provide a search box on top and show list using FlatList as it's good for large set of data and will not freeze your screen while rendering.
Check out this
This issue 2850 mentioned something may help you and to be clear there was a solution mentioned by M1K3Yio
please check the code using react-window in this link !!

Screen readers unable to read options of `vue-search-select`

I inherited a vuejs project. People using screen readers as assistive devices complain that their screen readers are unable to read the options in drop down menus that were made from vue-search-select. Here is how you can reproduce the issue:
Install a screen reader such as NVDA.
Turn on NVDA screen reader.
Go to
Tab to a search text field.
Confirm drop down of results appear.
Press the down arrow key to focus on any of the search result items.
Confirm the NVDA says the word "Blank" instead of actually reading out the contents of the selected item.
Here is a 10 second clip to that demonstrates steps 3 of 7.
How do you modify vue-search-select such that in step 7, the screen reader will read out the contents of the selected item instead of reading out the word "Blank"?
Right now, as a temporary solution, I'm trying to write a setTimeout function that will automatically add the appropriate meta data to force screen readers to read out the content. But I'm not sure how successful this approach will be. I prefer an approach that is idiomatic to vue-search-select.
I tried adding a customAttr like so:
<model-select :custom-attr="ariaAttrs" />
function ariaAttrs() {
return function() { return '" aria-label="hello" tabindex="0'; }
Although the attributes do appear in my developer console's inspector, my screen reader still does not read out the options.
It seems custom-attr will not help you as it does not allow you to add any attr you want - anything the function returns is just placed as a value of data-vss-custom-attr attribute
Any decent Vue library with similar functionality would offer a slot to customize rendering of menu items, but this does not. Plus it doesn't seem to be maintained for a long time so maybe it is a time to look for an alternative....

Accessibility for blind people

How does the aria-current works as we need to tell the screen reader where the page it is even after user does not made any movement on the laptop. Which Aria can be used ?
Aria-current works by informing the screen reader which element is current. For example, you can use aria-current="page" on a list of navigation links where it shows by visual decoration (color or underline, etc) which page link is currently chosen. Aria-current="step" could be used if there is a visual indication of checkout steps (for example) to show which step (2 of 3) the user is currently on. Aria-current="true" could be used if there are a set of size links to show which size is currently selected.
aria-current is one of the attributes defined in the WAI-ARIA specification, meant to help people with disabilities to perceive common UI widgets that are not part of the HTML specification.
It should be used to identify the current item in a set of items and it can take several values:
aria-current="page": indicates the current page within a set of pagination. It can be used, for example, within a main pagination widget (likely in the header).
aria-current="location": indicates the current page within an hierarchy of navigation. In can be used, for example, within a breadcrumb widget.
aria-current="date": indicates the current date. It can be used, for exemple, within a date picker.
aria-current="step": indicates the current step within a set of steps. It can be used, for exemple, within multi-step wizard form.

Custom odoo module - how to make a table

I am creating a custom module with additional part numbers on a separate tab in the products screen. I have built the module, but am having trouble figuring out how to display the information so it matches the layout in the attached image. I have tried tree view but have not been able to get the fields on the same line. Can this only be accomplished through css or is there a table view that I am not aware of?
I also need to make sure that all of the information in row 1 stays tethered together for additional forms, etc. My plan is to make the field names for each row end with a different number (i.e. x_mfrname1,x_mfrpn1,x_mfrname2,x_mfrpn2, etc.). Can somebody please just tell me if I am on the right track. This is the initial Odoo setup for a client of mine and I don't want them to come back to me down the line and find out I forgot something. I have been scouring the internet and reading a few books but I am not completely confident.
Here is a link to a layout of what I am talking about:
MFG Part Number Tab
class sub_part_details(models.Model)
primary_pn=fields.Boolean('Primary P/N')
class part_details(models.Model)
main_ass=fields.Char('Main Assembly')
It might be helpful

Flag module - link's position change (Drupal)

I've just installed Flags module and it looks awful when on the bottom I see "Flag this item" link. The only thing I've found in configuration is enabling it to show as normal link. Still I haven't found how to change position of this link. Is it even possible to change link's place? I have installed CCK Blocks but it doesn't give me any option to get rid of it. If someone know or suspect what's possible - please help me.
Try the Display Suite module, this module is integrated with many modules like flag, title etc...
Display Suite allows you to take full control over how your content is displayed using a drag and drop interface. Arrange your
nodes, views, comments, user data etc. the way you want without having
to work your way through dozens of template files. A predefined list
of layouts (D7 only) is available for even more drag and drop fun!
You can move and generate custom layouts for the fields/properties on the entity display formatter: teaser, full...