length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent - error-handling

I am new to using R and actually to most programming language, so I am a bit lost here. Hope you can help. I am using RCMap for whcih I have 4csv documents, I get the following error code:
Error in dimnames(x) <- dn :
length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent
I am sure it has something to do with my own data, because I get normal output if I use other people´s data. However, I don´t know where the problem is (not even in which of the four documents). I do have a lot of missing data, however changing the missing data to either blank spaces or NA, does not change the error code.
The documents of other people that I am able to run also contain missing data, although to a lesser extend.
Hope you can help,
best wishes, Doriene

I had a similar problem and it helped when i put a space in front of c__bacilli.
Ex: test <- subset_taxa(phylo, Class==" c__Bacilli")


Does it make sense to performe lemmatization and bigram tokens?

I'm new regarding R and I've been learning a lot with some of this forums. I'm having an issue with my analysis I would like to ask your help to understand and solve it.
In my work I'm using a collection of texts.
I have now a corpus (Vcorpus), which I've clean for numbers, punctuation, lowercase, whitespace, stopwords.
After this basic preprocessing, I went for lemmatization and I think it was ok (seen the outputs):
myCorpus <- tm_map(myCorpus, lemmatize_strings).
The thing is in my study I'm going for topic modelling, and I think it would be interesting to use not only unigrams but also bigrams (given a lot of financial concepts with two words). So I manage to find code to do bigram tokenization and did it.
BigramTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min=1, max=2))
The problem is when I tried to create my DTM matrix:
DTM <- DocumentTermMatrix(myCorpus, control = list(tokenize = BigramTokenizer))
this error occured:
Error in UseMethod("meta", x) :
no applicable method for 'meta' applied to an object of class "character".
First of all, does it make sense to bigram after lemmatization? Couldn't find nothing to read about it anywhere. I'm certain the problem in related to this, since I tried to create DTM matrix after every cleaning corpus step and also bigram and no error came like this one.
Could anyone please please help me?

difference between pandas methods, data frame methods and how to distinguish between them

It has been a while I am confused between these and I would like to see if there is a way to easily distinguish between these in a practical and fast way.
assuming df is a pandas data frame object, please see below:
while using pandas, this is what I noticed. To access/perform some methods, you have to use pd.method(df,*args) sometimes. To access some other ones, you need to use df.method(*args). Interestingly, there are some methods that work either way ...
Let's clarify this a bit more with some examples: while it totally makes sense to me to use pd.read_csv (), not df.read_csv, since there is no df created yet, I have a hard time making sense of the following examples:
1- correct: pd.getdummies(df,*args) --- incorrect: df.getdummies(*args)
2- correct: df.groupby(*args) --- incorrect: pd.groupby(df,*args)
3- correct: df.isnull() AND pd.isnull(df)
I am pretty sure you can also come up with many other examples as above. I personally find this challenging to keep in mind which one is which and found myself wasting a lot of time in total code development/analysis cycle trying to guessing if I should use pd.method (df) or df.method() for different things.
My main question is: how do you guys handle this? did you also find this issue challenging? is there any way to quickly understand which one to use ? am I missing something here?

Object name contains more than the maximum prefixes allowed

I have seen a lot of questions about this but I couldn't find the correct answer for me which works.
The object which triggers the problem is like
is the database Server.
Object name contains more than the maximum prefixes allowed
I have tried to write it like this [test123.de.company.com].Database.dbo.Table just like [test123.de.company.com].[Database].[dbo].[Table]
Can you tell me what's wrong with this?
Please try this:
OP also encountered a new problem after implementing this solution above. OP said:
Thank you! This worked for me. To be more precise, the join is for a
view and if I save/close and then later get back to the design option
the quote marks are removed and there is [test123.de.company.com] left
over and the error returns. Is there a way to keep them fixed?
Otherwise if I change anything I always have to add the quote marks
again and again
Then with the help of DaleK that problem also was solved. DaleK:
Don't use the design option, script it as alter instead

CHM/HHP: maximum length of variable names in [ALIAS] section

What is the maximum length of variable names in the [ALIAS] section of HHP files?
I have found a CHM/HHP specification right here:
That page only talks about the length of the overall line, though (and not about the length of the variable name). Very specific question, I know. Still, someone may be able to point me somewhere.
As far as I know never asked before and I never heard about limitations. But I think this is because nobody used long variable names in this place so far.
The purpose of the two files e.g. alias.h and map.h is to ease the coordination between developer and help author. The mapping file links an ID to the map number - typically this can be easily created by the developer and passed to the help author. Then the help author creates an alias file linking the IDs to the topic names. That was the idea behind years (decades) ago by Ralph Walden (ex Microsoft).
Please note HTMLHelp is about 20 years old and these context ID strings inside a alias.h file were derived from WinHelp as a predecessor of HTMLHelp.
You'll find some further Information at Creating Context-Sensitive Help for Applications.
In general I'd recommend to use ID's with a fixed format because of the better legibility like shown below:
; alias.h file example for HTMLHelp (CHM)
; www.help-info.de
; All IDH's > 10000 for better format
; last edited: 2006-07-09
I'd recommend to use less than 1024 bytes per line.

how do you flatten and unflatten an array of doubles in labview?

I have created a simple LabView program shown below that attempts to flatten an array [1,0,3] and then unflatten it and print out the contents.
However, I am unsuccessful in doing so. What am I doing wrong?
What am I doing wrong?
You're not going through tutorials or you're not reading the context help for the unflatten function (Ctrl+H) or you're not reading the full help for the function (right click>>Help) or you're not looking at the examples (from the help or Help>>Find Examples). Take your pick (preferably all four).
If you want an actual answer it is that LV is strictly typed, and therefore you need to tell the unflatten function which data type you want it to output (1D DBL array) and you're not doing that, but the real answer is what's in the previous paragraph - you should use those tools to learn how to find such an answer yourself.
The string returned by Flatten to String only contains the data, not the description of what data type was passed in, so in order to unflatten it again you need to tell Unflatten from String what type it was. You do this by wiring some data of the appropriate type (any data - if it's an array it can be an empty one) to the Type terminal.
I don't think this is immediately obvious from the LabVIEW 2012 help but I think it's fairly clear if you follow the link from the Unflatten from String help page to one of the examples. The Read Flattened Data.vi example has an array wired to the Type input.