I've got a table which labeled a col...sigh... date.
Does presto have a setting similar to hive that allows for keywords to be escaped?
e.g. a presto variant of:
set hive.support.sql11.reserved.keywords=false;
complete newbie in PrestoDb here. I'm following documentation and can create a table with several types, but when I come to create timestamps with timezones or intervals I cant create them from dbeaver on my presto 0.252, I get syntax errors. (using driver 0.273.3)
However i can create them on the underlying PostgreSQL that i use. However the timestamptz gets shown as timestamp in presto, and the interval doesnt shown as a column at all. I`m missing something here, isnt it listed as a supported type? Should i workaround it storing it as varchar and then cast it?
I have a RedShift COPY command which is executed as SQL:-
COPY some_schema.some_table FROM 's3://a-bucket/home/a_file.csv' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=SOMEKEY;aws_secret_access_key=SOMESECRETKEY' IGNOREHEADER 1 CSV DATEFORMAT 'YYYY-MM-DD' NULL 'NOT-CAPTURED'
The data I need to import has a date column with occasional occurrences of 'NOT-CAPTURED'. The addition of the NULL option allows these to be treated as null and prevents a load error. This apparently worked.
Can this statement be extended to treat multiple types of occurrence as null? I have 'N.A' in a date column in a similar file and would like to use a common statement?
I have tried obvious variations to provide more than one value to replace as null such as NULL 'NOT-CAPTURED','N.A' and couldn't find any documentation covering it.
Is there any way I can create a mixed case table name in Oracle without using quotes?
The table names change to uppercase if I do not use quotes while creating the table.
Let me know if you need more information.
create table testTable(testColumn varchar);
This creates a table named TESTTABLE with column name TESTCOLUMN.
I can use quotes, but it makes it more messy and difficult to write queries.
Can you please let me know how I can do this without using quotes? Thanks.
Please refer to the official Oracle Database documentation:
"Nonquoted identifiers are not case sensitive. Oracle interprets them as uppercase."
All the data dictionary views will show the identifiers as Oracle interprets them. In other words, without quotes everything will be uppercase. I can testify that this is true even for accented characters.
You can't always get what you want...
I have a JSON which I am trying to parse in HIVE using get_json_object built-in function. In my JSON there is a key like "timestamp", where my parsing is failing because "timestamp" is identified as a keyword.
I am trying to use select get_json_object(col1,'$.timestamp') as ts from table1.
How can the keyword be handled while using get_json_object in HIVE?
Run this to have the keywords ignored.
SET hive.support.sql11.reserved.keywords=false;
I got a SQLITE database in android application. In order to increase application performance i want to do some refinement on DB before adding it to android app.
In order to do this:
I want to remove/replace special characters in Name field of Account table.
Unicode of those special characters are in range 8204-8207 (0x200C ~ 0x200F).
What is the correct SQL syntax to update Account Table?
SQLite supports the REPLACE function. See this documentation: http://sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html
Therefore, you should be able to do something like this:
UPDATE Account
SET Name= REPLACE(Name,'char-to-replace','replacement');