Is there a way to use less decimals in loss calculation to allow 'early_stopping_rounds' to trigger sooner? - xgboost

I am using to determine a correct number of estimators for my problem and I am using 'multi:softprob' and 'mlogloss'. Originally in my code I set:
num_boost_round = 999
early_stopping_rounds = 10
Problem is that the loss is returned with many decimals, and even though the last decimals change, it has no practical effect on model goodness for me. This is an example of the losses from around boost round 170 of my run:
You can see that there is little or no idea continuing anymore. My cv got down to these figures already after 15-20 boosting rounds.
Is there a way to use less decimals for the loss comparisons (or reporting) and that way make 'early_stopping_rounds' trigger sooner and stop the cv?
Any ideas would be appreciated.


CNN: Unstable of model score vs iteration

I got my model score vs iteration graph is unstable. How can I improve it?
This is what I get
Here is my code
Code 1
Code 2
Code 3
Code 4
Code 5
Your network looks fairly stock/copy and pasted. I'm pretty sure I've seen this code before.
Without knowing much about your input data I'm not sure if you're solving a classification problem or not but try first switching it to softmax and negative log likelihood on the output.
The output activation and loss function are mainly for binary classification.
You can also get rid of the ReNormalizeL2PerLayer. That might hinder the network from learning depending on your data.
It's also hard to help without knowing much about your input data but sometimes unit mean zero variance may not be suitable for your data set. Consider switching to a zero to 1 scaling instead.
Lastly, for quick iteration times consider overfitting on a small amount of data first when testing. That will help you see if there's any signal in your data and if your network can learn.

Does increasing the number of iterations affect log-lik, AIC etc.?

Whenever I try to solve a convergence issue in one of my glmer models with the help of a different optimizer, I repeat the entire model optimization procedure with the new optimizer. That is, I re-run all the models I've computed so far with the new optimizer and again conduct comparisons with anova (). I do this because as far as I know different optimizers may lead to differences in AICs and log-lik ratios for one and the same model, making comparisons between two models that use different optimizers problematic.
In my most recent analysis, I've increased the number of iterations with optCtrl=list(maxfun=100000) to avoid convergence errors. I'm now wondering whether this can also lead to differences in AIC/log-lik etc. for one and the same model? Is it equally problematic to compare two models that differ with regard to the inclusion of the optCtrl=list(maxfun=100000) argument?
I actually thought that increasing the number of iterations would simply lead to longer computation times (rather than different results), but I was unable to verify this online. Any hint/explanation is appreciated.
As far as I know, you should be fine. As long as the models were fit with the same number of observations you should be able to compare them using the AIC. Hopefully someone else can comment on the nuances of the computations of the AIC itself, but I just fit a bunch of models with the same formula and dataset and different number of max iterations, getting the AIC each time. It didn't change as a function of the iterations. The iterations are just the time the model fitting process can take to maximize the likelihood, which for complex models can be tricky. Once a model is fit, and has converged on an answer, the number of iterations shouldn't change anything about the model itself.
If you look at this question, the top answer explains the AIC quite well:

Does deeper LSTM need more units?

I'm applying LSTM on time series forecasting with 20 lags. Suppose that we have two cases. The first one just using five lags and the second one (like my case) is using 20 lags. Is it correct that for the second case we need more units compared to the former one? If yes, how can we support this idea? I have 2000 samples for training the model, so this is the main limitation for increasing number of units here.
It is very difficult to give an exact answer as the relationship between timesteps and number of hidden units is not an exact science. For example, following factors can affect the number of units required.
Short term memory problem vs long-term memory problem
If your problem can be solved with relatively less memory (i.e. requires to remember only a few time steps) you wouldn't get much benefit from adding more neurons while increasing the number of steps.
The amount of data
If you don't have enough data for the model to learn from (which I feel like you will run into with 2000 data points - but I could be wrong), then increasing the number of timesteps won't help you much.
The type of model you use
Depending on the type of model you use (e.g. LSTM / GRU ) you might get different results (this is not always true but can happen for certain problems)
I'm sure there are other factors out there, but these are few that came to my mind.
Proving more units give better results while having more time steps (if true)
That should be relatively easy as you can try few different options,
5 lags with 10 / 20 / 50 hidden units
20 lags with 10 / 20 / 50 hidden units
And if you get better performance (e.g. lower MSE) with 20 lags problem than 5 lags problem (when you use 50 units), then you have gotten your point across. And you can reinforce your claims by showing results with different types of models (e.g. LSTMs vs GRUs).

scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b returns 'ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH'

I am using scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b to solve a gaussian mixture problem. The means of mixture distributions are modeled by regressions whose weights have to be optimized using EM algorithm.
sigma_sp_new, func_val, info_dict = fmin_l_bfgs_b(func_to_minimize, self.sigma_vector[si][pj],
args=(self.w_vectors[si][pj], Y, X, E_step_results[si][pj]),
approx_grad=True, bounds=[(1e-8, 0.5)], factr=1e02, pgtol=1e-05, epsilon=1e-08)
But sometimes I got a warning 'ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH' in the information dictionary:
func_to_minimize value = 1.14462324063e-07
information dictionary: {'task': b'ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH', 'funcalls': 147, 'grad': array([ 1.77635684e-05, 2.87769808e-05, 3.51718654e-05,
6.75015599e-06, -4.97379915e-06, -1.06581410e-06]), 'nit': 0, 'warnflag': 2}
* * *
Machine precision = 2.220D-16
N = 6 M = 10
This problem is unconstrained.
At X0 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate 0 f= 1.14462D-07 |proj g|= 3.51719D-05
* * *
Tit = total number of iterations
Tnf = total number of function evaluations
Tnint = total number of segments explored during Cauchy searches
Skip = number of BFGS updates skipped
Nact = number of active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point
Projg = norm of the final projected gradient
F = final function value
* * *
N Tit Tnf Tnint Skip Nact Projg F
6 1 21 1 0 0 3.517D-05 1.145D-07
F = 1.144619474757747E-007
Line search cannot locate an adequate point after 20 function
and gradient evaluations. Previous x, f and g restored.
Possible causes: 1 error in function or gradient evaluation;
2 rounding error dominate computation.
Cauchy time 0.000E+00 seconds.
Subspace minimization time 0.000E+00 seconds.
Line search time 0.000E+00 seconds.
Total User time 0.000E+00 seconds.
I do not get this warning every time, but sometimes. (Most get 'CONVERGENCE: NORM_OF_PROJECTED_GRADIENT_<=_PGTOL' or 'CONVERGENCE: REL_REDUCTION_OF_F_<=_FACTR*EPSMCH').
I know that it means the minimum can be be reached in this iteration. I googled this problem. Someone said it occurs often because the objective and gradient functions do not match. But here I do not provide gradient function because I am using 'approx_grad'.
What are the possible reasons that I should investigate? What does it mean by "rounding error dominate computation"?
I also find that the log-likelihood does not monotonically increase:
########## Convergence !!! ##########
log_likelihood_history: [-28659.725891322563, 220.49993177669558, 291.3513633060345, 267.47745327823907, 265.31567762171181, 265.07311121000367, 265.04217683341682]
It usually start decrease at the second or the third iteration, even through 'ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH' does not occurs. I do not know whether it this problem is related to the previous one.
Scipy calls the original L-BFGS-B implementation. Which is some fortran77 (old but beautiful and superfast code) and our problem is that the descent direction is actually going up. The problem starts on line 2533 (link to the code at the bottom)
gd = ddot(n,g,1,d,1)
if (ifun .eq. 0) then
if (gd .ge. zero) then
c the directional derivative >=0.
c Line search is impossible.
if (iprint .ge. 0) then
write(0,*)' ascent direction in projection gd = ', gd
info = -4
In other words, you are telling it to go down the hill by going up the hill. The code tries something called line search a total of 20 times in the descent direction that you provide and realizes that you are NOT telling it to go downhill, but uphill. All 20 times.
The guy who wrote it (Jorge Nocedal, who by the way is a very smart guy) put 20 because pretty much that's enough. Machine epsilon is 10E-16, I think 20 is actually a little too much. So, my money for most people having this problem is that your gradient does not match your function.
Now, it could also be that "2. rounding errors dominate computation". By this, he means that your function is a very flat surface in which increases are of the order of machine epsilon (in which case you could perhaps rescale the function),
Now, I was thiking that maybe there should be a third option, when your function is too weird. Oscillations? I could see something like $\sin({\frac{1}{x}})$ causing this kind of problem. But I'm not a smart guy, so don't assume that there's a third case.
So I think the OP's solution should be that your function is too flat. Or look at the fortran code.
Here's line search for those who want to see it.
Note. This is 7 months too late. I put it here for future's sake.
As pointed out in the answer by Wilmer E. Henao, the problem is probably in the gradient. Since you are using approx_grad=True, the gradient is calculated numerically. In this case, reducing the value of epsilon, which is the step size used for numerically calculating the gradient, can help.
I also got the error "ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH" using the L-BFGS-B optimizer.
While my gradient function pointed in the right direction, I rescaled the actual gradient of the function by its L2-norm. Removing that or adding another appropriate type of rescaling worked. Before, I guess that the gradient was so large that it went out of bounds immediately.
The problem from OP was unbounded if I read correctly, so this will certainly not help in this problem setting. However, googling the error "ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH" yields this page as one of the first results, so it might help others...
I had a similar problem recently. I sometimes encounter the ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH message after using fmin_l_bfgs_b function of scipy. I try to give additional explanations of the reason why I get this. I am looking for complementary details or corrections if I am wrong.
In my case, I provide the gradient function, so approx_grad=False. My cost function and the gradient are consistent. I double-checked it and the optimization actually works most of the time. When I get ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH, the solution is not optimal, not even close (even this is a subjective point of view). I can overcome this issue by modifying the maxls argument. Increasing maxls helps to solve this issue to finally get the optimal solution. However, I noted that sometimes a smaller maxls, than the one that produces ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH, results in a converging solution. A dataframe summarizes the results. I was surprised to observe this. I expected that reducing maxls would not improve the result. For this reason, I tried to read the paper describing the line search algorithm but I had trouble to understand it.
The line "search algorithm generates a sequence of
nested intervals {Ik} and a sequence of iterates αk ∈ Ik ∩ [αmin ; αmax] according to the [...] procedure". If I understand well, I would say that the maxls argument specifies the length of this sequence. At the end of the maxls iterations (or less if the algorithm terminates in fewer iterations), the line search stops. A final trial point is generated within the final interval Imaxls. I would say the the formula does not guarantee to get an αmaxls that respects the two update conditions, the minimum decrease and the curvature, especially when the interval is still wide. My guess is that in my case, after 11 iterations the generated interval I11 is such that a trial point α11 respects both conditions. But, even though I12 is smaller and still containing acceptable points, α12 is not. Finally after 24 iterations, the interval is very small and the generated αk respects the update conditions.
Is my understanding / explanation accurate?
If so, I would then be surprised that when maxls=12, since the generated α11 is acceptable but not α12, why α11 is not chosen in this case instead of α12?
Pragmatically, I would recommend to try a few higher maxls when getting ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH.

Numerical Accuracy: to scale or not?

I am working on a n-body gravitational simulator that takes input and produces output in metric MKS units. This involves dealing with some very large numbers (like solar masses expressed in kilograms, semimajor axes of planetary orbits expressed in meters, and timescales of years expressed in seconds), which get multiplied by some very small numbers (notably, the gravitational constant, which is 6.67384e-11 in MKS units), and also the occasional very small number getting added to or subtracted from a very large number (mainly when summing up pairwise accelerations), which gets me concerned about the effects of rounding errors.
I've already taken the step of replacing all masses m by Gm (premultiplying by the gravitational constant), which significantly reduces the total number of multiplies, and makes the mass numbers much smaller, and that seems to have had a positive effect on both efficiency and accuracy, as judged by how well the simulator conserves energy.
I am wondering, however: is potentially it worth trying to do some internal re-scaling into different units to further minimize floating point errors? And if so, what kind of range (for double-precision floats) should I be trying to get my numbers centered on for maximum accuracy?
In general if you want precise results in physical based rendering you don't want to use floats or doubles since they have massive rounding problems and thus introduce errors in your simulation.
If you need or want to stick with floats/double you probably should rescale around zero. The reason is that often floating point representations have a higher "density" of values around this point and tend to have fewer on the min/max sides. Image example from google
I would suggest that you change all values to integer based number variables. This erases rounding errors (over/underflow can still happen!) and speeds up the calculation process by an order of magnitude because normal CPUs work faster with integer operations. In case of GPU its basically the same but thats another story all by its own...
But before you take such an effort to further improve your accuracy i would strongly advise an arbitrary precision number library. This may come with an performance loss but should be way easier and yield better results than a rescaling of your values.
Most of the numerical mathematicians come across this problem.
At first let me remind you that you can not deal with numbers (or phsycal values) smaller than the machine epsilon for each calculation. Unfortunately the epsilon depends around which number you are analyzing. You can try eps(a) for any value of a in MATLAB, as far as I remember eps(1.0)~=2.3e-16 and eps(0)~1e-298.
That's why in numerical methods you avoid calculations using very different scaled numbers. Because one is just an ignored (smaller than its epsilon) by the other value and rounding errors are inevitable.
But what else people do? If they encounter such physical problems, before coding, mathematicians analyse the problem theoritically, they make simplifications to use similarly scaled numbers.