Standard data validation practices for multiple partitions & multiple loads in a single day - sql-server-2012

Looking for data validation technique between layers.
Here is the data flow
Source(RDBMS) > flat file(Stage) > AVRO/json(final destination) on Azure.
Problem is, there could be multiple flat files(partition) for single table at each stage and from there could be more potentially more partitions on destination.
Plan is to create SQL table with bunch columns but not sure how to handle partitions, multiple job loads.
Here is the basic table idea..
Data validation(table): dt_validation JobId|tblname|RC_RDBMS|RC_FF|RC_AVRO|Job_run_date|Partition_1|Partition_2
RC= RowCount, FF=Flat file Note: Idea is each time i pass thru layer, i'll get the rowcount(RC) and insert/update the table.
Does above table design work for multiple partitions, multiple loads/jobs in a single day?
Need suggestions on how my table should look like considering partitions & multiple loads in a single day.


Populating fact table with different sequence time

I am using the following query to populate my fact table:
Select sh.isbn_l,sh.id_c,sh.id_s,,sh.quantity, b.price
from Book as b
inner join Sales as sh
on l.isbn=sh.isbn_l
The main thing is that I want to load the table from a specific time to a specific time. So if I load today, I will get all the records from today till the last time I loaded.
And if I load it the day after tomorrow, I will get the datas from today after load time, till the day after tomorrow.
What I mean is NO DUBLICATED ROWS or DATAS. What should I do ?
Any idea pleasee ?
Thank you in advance
Streams (and maybe Tasks) are your friend here.
A Snowflake Stream records the delta of change data capture (CDC) information for a table (such as a staging table), including inserts and other DML changes. A stream allows querying and consuming a set of changes to a table, at the row level, between two transactional points of time.
In a continuous data pipeline, table streams record when staging tables and any downstream tables are populated with data from business applications using continuous data loading and are ready for further processing using SQL statements.
Snowflake Tasks may optionally use table streams to provide a convenient way to continuously process new or changed data. A task can transform new or changed rows that a stream surfaces. Each time a task is scheduled to run, it can verify whether a stream contains change data for a table (using SYSTEM$STREAM_HAS_DATA) and either consume the change data or skip the current run if no change data exists.
Users can define a simple tree-like structure of tasks that executes consecutive SQL statements to process data and move it to various destination tables.

BigQuery: Best way to handle frequent schema changes?

Our BigQuery schema is heavily nested/repeated and constantly changes. For example, a new page, form, or user-info field to the website would correspond to new columns for in BigQuery. Also if we stop using a certain form, the corresponding deprecated columns will be there forever because you can't delete columns in Bigquery.
So we're going to eventually result in tables with hundreds of columns, many of which are deprecated, which doesn't seem like a good solution.
The primary alternative I'm looking into is to store everything as json (for example where each Bigquery table will just have two columns, one for timestamp and another for the json data). Then batch jobs that we have running every 10minutes will perform joins/queries and write to aggregated tables. But with this method, I'm concerned about increasing query-job costs.
Some background info:
Our data comes in as protobuf and we update our bigquery schema based off the protobuf schema updates.
I know one obvious solution is to not use BigQuery and just use a document storage instead, but we use Bigquery as both a data lake and also as a data warehouse for BI and building Tableau reports off of. So we have jobs that aggregates raw data into tables that serve Tableau.
The top answer here doesn't work that well for us because the data we get can be heavily nested with repeats: BigQuery: Create column of JSON datatype
You are already well prepared, you layout several options in your question.
You could go with the JSON table and to maintain low costs
you can use a partition table
you can cluster your table
so instead of having just two timestamp+json column I would add 1 partitioned column and 5 cluster colums as well. Eventually even use yearly suffixed tables. This way you have at least 6 dimensions to scan only limited number of rows for rematerialization.
The other would be to change your model, and do an event processing middle-layer. You could first wire all your events either to Dataflow or Pub/Sub then process it there and write to bigquery as a new schema. This script would be able to create tables on the fly with the schema you code in your engine.
Btw you can remove columns, that's rematerialization, you can rewrite the same table with a query. You can rematerialize to remove duplicate rows as well.
I think this use case can be implemeted using Dataflow (or Apache Beam) with Dynamic Destination feature in it. The steps of dataflow would be like:
read the event/json from pubsub
flattened the events and put filter on the columns which you want to insert into BQ table.
With Dynamic Destination you will be able to insert the data into the respective tables
(if you have various event of various types). In Dynamic destination
you can specify the schema on the fly based on the fields in your
Get the failed insert records from the Dynamic
Destination and write it to a file of specific event type following some windowing based on your use case (How frequently you observe such issues).
read the file and update the schema once and load the file to that BQ table
I have implemented this logic in my use case and it is working perfectly fine.

Can BigQuery table extracted rows be randomized

I am currently extracting a BigQuery table into sharded .csv's in Google Cloud Storage -- is there any way to shuffle/randomize the rows for the extract? The GCS .csv's will be used as training data for a GCMLE model, and the current exports are in a non-random order as they are bunched up by similar "labels".
This causes issues when training a GCMLE model as you must hand the model random examples of all labels within each batch. While GCMLE/TF has the ability to randomize the order of rows WITHIN individual .csv's, but there is not (to my knowledge) any way to randomize the rows selected within multiple .csv's. So, I am looking for a way to ensure that the rows being output to the .csv are indeed random.
Can BigQuery table extracted rows be randomized?
No. Extract Job API (thus any client built on top of it) has nothing that would allow you to do so.
I am looking for a way to ensure that the rows being output to the .csv are indeed random.
You should first create tables corresponding to your csv file and then extract them one-by-one into separate csv. In this case you can control what goes into what csv
If your concern is cost of processing (you will need to scan table as many times as csv files you will need) - you can check partitioning approaches in Migrating from non-partitioned to Partitioned tables . This still involves cost but substantially reduced one
Finally, zero cost option is to use Tabledata.list API with paging while distributing response throughout your csv files - you can do this easily in client of your choice

BigQuery update multi tables

i'm holding huge transactions data on daily multi tables according the business date.
the process flow is like that:
1.i''m loading the batch of new files that that arrive to temp table
2.i group by the transcation_date field in order to notice on which date is belong -
for each date i query the temp table on this date and insert it to the proper trasaction_YYYYMMDD
3.i'm doing part 2 in parallel in order to save time, because the temp table might contain data that belong to 20 days..
my challenge is what to do if one these process failed and other not..
i can't run it all again , since it will cause for duplications for the table that been already successfully update.
i solve these issue by managing this update, but it's seems to be too complex.
Is this best practice to deal with multi tables?
i will be glad to get some best practice in order to understand how others deals when they need to load the data to multi tables according to business date and Not just insert date(this is easy..)
You could add an extra step in the middle, where instead of moving directly from today's temp table into the permanent business-date tables, you extract into temporary daily tables and then copy the data over to the permanent tables.
Query from today's temp table, sharded by day into tmp_transaction_YYMMDD. Use WRITE_EMPTY or WRITE_TRUNCATE write disposition so that this step is idempotent.
Verify that all expected tmp_transaction_YYMMDD tables exist. If not, debug failures and go back to step 1.
Run parallel copy jobs from each tmp_transaction_YYMMDD table to append to the corresponding permanent transaction_YYMMDD table.
Verify copy jobs succeeded. If not, retry the individual failures from step 3.
Delete the tmp_transaction_YYMMDD tables.
The advantage of this is that you can catch query errors before affecting any of the end destination tables, then copy over all the added data at once. You may still have the same issue if the copy jobs fail, but they should be easier to debug and retry individually.
Our incentive for incremental load is cost, and therefore we interested in "touching each record only once".
We use table decorators to identify increment. We manage the increments timestamps independently, and add them to the query on run-time. It requires some logic to maintain, but nothing too complicated.

Need help designing a DB - for a non DBA

I'm using Google's Cloud Storage & BigQuery. I am not a DBA, I am a programmer. I hope this question is generic enough to help others too.
We've been collecting data from a lot of sources and will soon start collecting data real-time. Currently, each source goes to an independent table. As new data comes in we append it into the corresponding existing table.
Our data analysis requires each record to have a a timestamp. However our source data files are too big to edit before we add them to cloud storage (4+ GB of textual data/file). As far as I know there is no way to append a timestamp column to each row before bringing them in BigQuery, right?
We are thus toying with the idea of creating daily tables for each source. But don't know how this will work when we have real time data coming in.
Any tips/suggestions?
Currently, there is no way to automatically add timestamps to a table, although that is a feature that we're considering.
You say your source files are too big to edit before putting in cloud storage... does that mean that the entire source file should have the same timestamp? If so, you could import to a new BigQuery table without a timestamp, then run a query that basically copies the table but adds a timestamp. For example, SELECT all,fields, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() FROM my.temp_table (you will likely want to use allow_large_results and set a destination table for that query). If you want to get a little bit trickier, you could use the dataset.DATASET pseudo-table to get the modified time of the table, and then add it as a column to your table either in a separate query or in a JOIN. Here is how you'd use the DATASET pseudo-table to get the last modified time:
SELECT MSEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(last_modified_time) AS time
FROM [publicdata:samples.__DATASET__]
WHERE table_id = 'wikipedia'
Another alternative to consider is the BigQuery streaming API (More info here). This lets you insert single rows or groups of rows into a table just by posting them directly to bigquery. This may save you a couple of steps.
Creating daily tables is a reasonable option, depending on how you plan to query the data and how many input sources you have. If this is going to make your queries span hundreds of tables, you're likely going to see poor performance. Note that if you need timestamps because you want to limit your queries to certain dates and those dates are within the last 7 days, you can use the time range decorators (documented here).