module 'trax.supervised' has no attribute 'inputs' - module

I am working on a project involving Google's TRAX package. I encountered the following error message while running a snippet of code on Jupyter notebook.
module 'trax.supervised' has no attribute 'inputs'
Is there a way around this issue? I have trax version 1.2.3.

As per trax documentation
The call must be rather than trax.Supervised, id_to_mask=None)


No Attribute 'do_not_convert' found while importing onnx_tf

I'm trying to convert Pytorch model into Tensorflow model using ONNX, but I'm getting the following error while importing onnx_tf library.
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow._api.v1.autograph.experimental' has no attribute 'do_not_convert'
I did check the documentations and other forums, didn't get a clear solution.
I'm using the following versions:
Help me understand this issue and find a working solution.

Unexpected keyword argument 'show_dtype'

I am trying to plot my model with the data types with the following the code:
plot_model(model, to_file='model/model.png', show_dtype=True, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
However, I get an error that show_dtype is not an acceptable parameter even though it appears on the TensorFlow documentation:
This is the first time that I have run into this issue. It seems that this may be due to having an earlier release if you downloaded it from Anaconda Forge rather than something else like Pip. It is a simple fix, however.
Basically, you need to go into the library source file and edit it to the current version that is shown on the TensorFlow documentation page.
The link to the GitHub page that you will copy the Python code from is here:
Afterwards, head to your library path and paste that Python code there.
For example, my path is the following: C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/ml/Lib/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/utils/ Yours should be something similar.

Error using update_struct function in TensorFlow Federated

I'm attempting to run the Minimal Stand-Alone Implementation of Federated Averaging from the TensorFlow Federated GitHub repository but receiving the following error in the server_update function:
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow_federated.python.common_libs.structure' has no attribute 'update_struct'
I have some old TensorFlow Federated code that uses the update_state function from the tff.utils package in place of update_struct() but according to a commit on GitHub this package is empty now. I'm using TensorFlow Federated version 0.18.0 and I also had the same problem trying on Google CoLab.
My question is how can I fix this error?
Thanks, any help appreciated.
I am assuming you hit the error you describe here.
It seems that the symbol is not in the 0.18 release. You can either depend on the nightly version (pip install tensorflow-federated-nightly), or modify the line to construct the new object directly, instead of using the update_struct helper. That is, the linked command could change to:
return ServerState(model_weights,
server_state.round_num + 1))

module 'tensorflow.contrib.rnn' has no attribute 'BasicLSTMCell'

When I try to run
lstm_fw_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(num_hidden, forget_bias=1.0)
I get the error mentioned in the title.
Is this due to the tensorflow version? How to resolve this issue?
Try to replace rnn.BasicLSTMCell with tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell. See more details here.
Your problem is due to conflicts between versions of Tensorflow. The rnn package interface is changing rapidly.
Check your version and the version of the API you are using.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'dense_to_dense_set_operation'

While executing of the chatbot-retrieval project from GitHub, I got this exception at the end of training steps and at the beginning of evaluations step. The problem seems that the following line of code returns None to the variable _set_ops:
_set_ops = loader.load_op_library(
I could found no or so in tensorflow library folder.
Any suggestions to resolve this problem?
My runtime: Amazon EC2 GPU Windows Instance.
Submitted this ticked to the github community of tensorflow and a new release has been build as a fix.
(I couldn't submit my answer since due to lack of StackOverflow badges. Anyone who is volunteer to submit this answer is more than welcome. I will approve it as the answer.)
OP found answer: This was a bug in TensowFlow that has now been fixed. All 1.0 and later builds of TensorFlow have this error corrected.