Get TASK "OVERALLOCATED" (VBA) - Microsoft Project - vba

I need to get when TASK is overallocated (because one or more resources are overallocated).
I am already able to get overallocated resources, but since for the app the resource (if overallocated) is ALWAYS overallocated, so I have to identify only when the resource for the specific TASK is overallocated.
I mean, The red-man in Indicators column is exactly what I want to get:
the tasks #2 and 6# are "overallocated" ( because resource "MCA" is engaged for same day ) --> yes trigger for my alert
the task #4 is not overallocated (no red man) --> no trigger (although MCA is globally overallocated)
So, how can I identify (using VBA) all the tasks with red man in indicators column?
Many thanks in advance

The correct property would be Task.Overallocated except that it doesn't seem to work--the value is always False (or "No" when shown in the Gantt Chart view).
The work-around is to loop through the resources using the Resource.Overallocated property (which does work) and then loop through the assignments for over-allocated resources to find the tasks on the over-allocated days.
Note: It is important to get the collection of TimeScaleValues at the resource level to get the total assigned to that resource for each day (e.g. use Set tsvs = res.TimeScaleData... instead of Set tsvs = asn.TimeScaleData...).
Sub FindOverAllocatedTasks()
Dim overAllocTasks As New Collection
Dim res As Resource
For Each res In ActiveProject.Resources
If res.overAllocated Then
Dim maxMinutes As Double
maxMinutes = res.MaxUnits * 60 * ActiveProject.HoursPerDay
Dim asn As Assignment
For Each asn In res.Assignments
Dim tsvs As TimeScaleValues
Set tsvs = res.TimeScaleData(asn.Start, asn.Finish, pjResourceTimescaledWork, pjTimescaleDays)
Dim tsv As TimeScaleValue
For Each tsv In tsvs
If VarType(tsv.Value) = vbDouble Then
If tsv.Value > maxMinutes Then
If Not Contains(overAllocTasks, CStr(asn.Task.UniqueID)) Then
overAllocTasks.Add asn.Task, CStr(asn.Task.UniqueID)
End If
End If
End If
Next tsv
Next asn
End If
Next res
MsgBox overAllocTasks.Count
End Sub
Public Function Contains(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
Dim obj As Variant
On Error GoTo err
Contains = True
obj = col(key)
Exit Function
Contains = False
End Function


VBA Collection Class: Unwated Data Overwriting

I have a Collection Class (or rather a dictionary class, in this case) that is used to store a variable amount of edge objects. When I try to populate the Dictionary that holds all the information via loop, the data is continuously overwritten and I cannot seem to figure out why. The code for the class in question follows:
Option Explicit
Private pEdges As New Scripting.Dictionary
Property Get Count() As Long
Count = pEdges.Count
End Property
Property Get EdgeByName(ByVal iName As Variant) As cEdge
Set EdgeByName = pEdges(iName)
End Property
'Would it be better to pass all of the data to this add sub, and create
'the class objects here, rather than creating a temporary class object and
'just passing it along?
Sub Add(ByVal iEdge As cEdge)
Dim Edge As New cEdge
Set Edge = iEdge
pEdges.Add Edge.Name, Edge
End Sub
Sub Remove(ByVal iName As Variant)
pEdges.Remove (iName)
End Sub
Sub RemoveAll()
End Sub
Sub PrintNames()
Dim Key As Variant
For Each Key In pEdges
Debug.Print Key & " - " & pEdges(Key).Name & vbCrLf;
Debug.Print vbdrlf;
End Sub
Sub that generates the Edges object follows:
Sub CalculateEdges(cCavities() As cCavity, dEdges As cEdges)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(cCavities)
Dim TempEdge As cEdge
Set TempEdge = New cEdge
Dim AdjSize As Integer
AdjSize = cCavities(i).AdjacencySize
If AdjSize> MaxEdges Then MaxEdges = AdjSize
Dim j As Integer
For j = 1 To AdjSize
With TempEdge
'Edge Names are a combination of two node names
.Name = cCavities(i).Name & cCavities(i).Adjacency(j)
'Sets the start node (Object) for the edge
.SetNode cCavities(i), 0
'Sets the end node (Object) for the edge
.SetNode BackGround.NodeByName(cCavities, cCavities(i).Adjacency(j)), 1
'Used later in program
.Value = 0
End With
dEdges.Add TempEdge
Next j
Next i
End Sub
The output of the dEdges.PrintNames sub is what I have been using for debugging this (since the Watches window doesn't show the item data of a dictionary).
As the loops go on it prints the Key and the Name Value of the edge object that the key corresponds to. If working correctly, these two strings should be identical. As it is though, every time I add a new edge object to the dictionary, it overwrites the objects for all the previously entered keys. I have the suspicion that this is related to the fact that I create a TempEdge Variable to pass to the Collection Class, but I am not sure.
Example of output:
C1C2 - C1C2
C1C2 - C1C3
C1C3 - C1C3
C1C2 - C1C4
C1C3 - C1C4
C1C4 - C1C4
This is just one single data point being tested, but let me assure you that all the variables inside the cEdge object are overwritten, not just the name string. It is simply the easiest to check since it is just a string.
As a side note, if there is a way to see the Object stored in the dictionary, similar to the "Watches" window, I would very much like to know how to do it. The entire reason I am even using the temp edge at this point is so I can keep track of what data is going into the dictionary at any given point in the loop.
Second side note, If I can get this working I will most likely switch the cCavities array to a similar collection class. It is not currently one because I cant seem to get them working right.
Moving the Set "TempEdge = New cEdge" into the loop will create a new instance and a new pointer location with every loop while maintaining your collections references to previous pointers.
Sub CalculateEdges(cCavities() As cCavity, dEdges As cEdges)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(cCavities)
Dim TempEdge As cEdge
Dim AdjSize As Integer
AdjSize = cCavities(i).AdjacencySize
If AdjSize> MaxEdges Then MaxEdges = AdjSize
Dim j As Integer
For j = 1 To AdjSize
Set TempEdge = New cEdge
With TempEdge
'Edge Names are a combination of two node names
.Name = cCavities(i).Name & cCavities(i).Adjacency(j)
'Sets the start node (Object) for the edge
.SetNode cCavities(i), 0
'Sets the end node (Object) for the edge
.SetNode BackGround.NodeByName(cCavities, cCavities(i).Adjacency(j)), 1
'Used later in program
.Value = 0
End With
dEdges.Add TempEdge
Next j
Next i
End Sub
I went ahead with the idea to pass along all the data to the add routine, and it seems to have solved the issue. I would still like to know why the method I was using did not work, though, so please feel free to comment or answer with regards to that.
The solution was to change the cEdges.Add Sub to accept all the individual parameters that were once passed to the temporary edge variable:
Sub Add(ByVal iName As String, iNode1 As cCavity, iNode2 As cCavity, iValue As Integer)
Dim Edge As New cEdge
With Edge
.Name = iName
.SetNode iNode1, 0
.SetNode iNode2, 1
.Value = iValue
End With
pEdges.Add Edge.Name, Edge
End Sub
This changes the populating loop to look like:
Sub CalculateEdges(cCavities() As cCavity, dEdges As cEdges)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(cCavities)
Dim AdjSize As Integer
AdjSize = cCavities(i).AdjacencySize
If AdjSize > MaxEdges Then MaxEdges = AdjSize
Dim j As Integer
For j = 1 To AdjSize
dEdges.Add cCavities(i).Name & cCavities(i).Adjacency(j), cCavities(i), BackGround.NodeByName(cCavities, cCavities(i).Adjacency(j)), 0
Next j
Next i
End Sub
This code, especially the .Add line, could be cleaned up. I will most likely do that, but this is fine for now.
EDIT: Upon further research and a bit more trial and error, I have discovered the reason for the data being overwritten. The Set keyword only creates a pointer to the original value, effectively making my above code have one object, the TempEdge variable, and a whole bunch of different heads that pointed to it. That is why when the Temp edge was edited, all the subsequent heads changes.

Excel VBA - Return selected element in slicer

I have a slicer called 'Slicer_HeaderTitle'. I simply need to be able to dim a variable in VBA with the value of the selected element. I'll only have one element selected at a time.
I've had a lot of problems with selecting and de-selecting elements from my slicer dynamically via VBA, since my pivot table is connected to an external data-source. I don't know if this is relevant for this exact example, but this table is connected to the same external data-source.
I used to have a single line of code, which could return this value, but all i could find now requires you loop through each element in the slicer and check if it's selected or not. I hope to avoid this, since I only have 1 selected element at a time.
' This is what I'm trying to achieve.
Dim sValue as String
sValue = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_HeaderTitle").VisibleSlicerItems.Value
'Returns: "Uge 14 - 2016 (3. Apr - 9. Apr)"
Current Status:
This is what i did:
Public Function GetSelectedSlicerItems(SlicerName As String) As String
Dim SL As SlicerCacheLevel
Dim sI As SlicerItem
Set SL = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches(SlicerName).SlicerCacheLevels(1)
For Each sI In SL.SlicerItems
If sI.Selected = True Then
GetSelectedSlicerItems = (sI.Value)
End If
End Function
Dim sValue As String
sValue = GetSelectedSlicerItems("Slicer_HeaderTitle")
Thanks to Doktor OSwaldo for helping me a lot!
Ok to find the error, we will take a step back, delete my function and try Looping through the items:
Dim sC As SlicerCache
Dim SL As SlicerCacheLevel
Dim sI As SlicerItem
Set sC = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Dates_Hie")
Set SL = sC.SlicerCacheLevels(1)
For Each sI In SL.SlicerItems
sC.VisibleSlicerItemsList = Array(sI.Name)
I would like to put in my two cents. The set of visible slicer items may be shrunk by both independent actions:
User selection of items in slicer A. To capture those items, use .Selected method.
Selection of items in slicer B which in consequence shrinks the list of slicer A items. To capture those items, use .HasData method.
Note that you may see only say two items of Slicer_Products (apples, bananas) because some other slicer Slicer_Product_Type has active filter on fruits. The method sI.Selected would still return the whole list of products apples, bananas, carrots...
If you want both limitations to be in place then make intersection of both sets. I have modified TobiasKnudsen code (excellent answer!) to return the list of items shrunk by both above limitations. If sI.Selected = True And sI.HasData = True Then is the key line in this code.
Option Explicit
Sub TestExample()
Dim MyArr() As Variant
MyArr = ArrayListOfSelectedAndVisibleSlicerItems("Slicer_A")
'now variable MyArr keeps all items in an array
End Sub
Public Function ArrayListOfSelectedAndVisibleSlicerItems(MySlicerName As String) As Variant
'This function returns an array of the limited set of items in Slicer A
'Limitation is due to both:
'(1) direct selection of items by user in slicer A
'(2) selection of items in slicer B which in consequence limits the number of items in slicer A
Dim ShortList() As Variant
Dim i As Integer: i = 0 'for iterate
Dim sC As SlicerCache
Dim sI As SlicerItem 'for iterate
Set sC = ThisWorkbook.Application.ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches(MySlicerName)
For Each sI In sC.SlicerItems
If sI.Selected = True And sI.HasData = True Then 'Here is the condition!!!
'Debug.Print sI.Name
ReDim Preserve ShortList(i)
ShortList(i) = sI.Value
i = i + 1
End If
Next sI
ArrayListOfSelectedAndVisibleSlicerItems = ShortList
End Function
Sub Demo()
Dim i As Integer
With ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Country")
For i = 1 To .SlicerItems.Count
If .SlicerItems(i).Selected Then
Sheets("Pivot Sheet").Range("I" & i) = SlicerSelections & " " & .SlicerItems(i).Value
End If
Next i
End With
End sub
This is how I managed to identify the selected element on a slicer.
The answer by TobiasKnudsen above did not work for me as I got an error stating the data source needed to be an OLAP source.
My data is an excel table and this is the code that worked:
Dim val as Boolean
val = ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_MYSLICER").VisibleSlicerItems.Item("CS").HasData
In my case, the slicer had only 3 items so I repeated the line above with a different string in item()
So, where val was true, that was the item that was currently selected.

Excel VBA - count number of different parameters in table

I have some problems with my excel VBA code, it does not work and yes, I do not know why...
I want to add each Record number once in a collection. My code looks like this:
For i = 1 To lo.ListRows.Count
Count = 1
Do While recordList.Count >= Count
recordFound = False
If lo.ListColumns("Record").DataBodyRange.Rows(i) = recordList(Count) Then
recordFound = True
End If
If recordFound = False Then
recordList.Add (lo.ListColumns("Record").DataBodyRange.Rows(i))
End If
Count = Count + 1
What it does now, it returns empty collection...
Whould be great if you could help me guys!
There is no real need to test the Collection to see if the item exists if you give it a key.
You can code something like:
On Error Resume Next
For I = 1 To lo.ListRows.Count
With lo.ListColumns("Record").DataBodyRange.Rows(I)
RecordList.Add Item:=.Value, Key:=CStr(.Value)
End With
Next I
On Error GoTo 0
Adding an item with the same key will cause the operation to be rejected. If you are concerned about other errors than the duplicate key error, you can always check the error number in the inline code and branch depending on the results.
I haven't been able to test this with the reference to lo but it works with a reference to a range
Dim objDictionary As Object
Dim dictionaryKey As Variant
Dim i As Long
Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 1 To lo.ListRows
objDictionary.Item(CStr(lo.ListColumns("Record").DataBodyRange.Rows(i))) = objDictionary.Item(CStr(lo.ListColumns("Record").DataBodyRange.Rows(i))) + 1
Next i
For Each dictionaryKey In objDictionary.keys
' Do something
Next dictionaryKey
I have used a dictionary object instead of a normal collection object as it should do what you are trying to do. Because the item is incremented each time, you can also return the count of each item by using

Is there any way I can speed up this VBA algorithm?

I am looking to implement a VBA trie-building algorithm that is able to process a substantial English lexicon (~50,000 words) in a relatively short amount of time (less than 15-20 seconds). Since I am a C++ programmer by practice (and this is my first time doing any substantial VBA work), I built a quick proof-of-concept program that was able to complete the task on my computer in about half a second. When it came time to test the VBA port however, it took almost two minutes to do the same -- an unacceptably long amount of time for my purposes. The VBA code is below:
Node Class Module:
Public letter As String
Public next_nodes As New Collection
Public is_word As Boolean
Main Module:
Dim tree As Node
Sub build_trie()
Set tree = New Node
Dim file, a, b, c As Integer
Dim current As Node
Dim wordlist As Collection
Set wordlist = New Collection
file = FreeFile
Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file
Do While Not EOF(file)
Dim line As String
Line Input #file, line
wordlist.add line
For a = 1 To wordlist.Count
Set current = tree
For b = 1 To Len(wordlist.Item(a))
Dim match As Boolean
match = False
Dim char As String
char = Mid(wordlist.Item(a), b, 1)
For c = 1 To current.next_nodes.Count
If char = current.next_nodes.Item(c).letter Then
Set current = current.next_nodes.Item(c)
match = True
Exit For
End If
Next c
If Not match Then
Dim new_node As Node
Set new_node = New Node
new_node.letter = char
current.next_nodes.add new_node
Set current = new_node
End If
Next b
current.is_word = True
Next a
End Sub
My question then is simply, can this algorithm be sped up? I saw from some sources that VBA Collections are not as efficient as Dictionarys and so I attempted a Dictionary-based implementation instead but it took an equal amount of time to complete with even worse memory usage (500+ MB of RAM used by Excel on my computer). As I say I am extremely new to VBA so my knowledge of both its syntax as well as its overall features/limitations is very limited -- which is why I don't believe that this algorithm is as efficient as it could possibly be; any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
NB: The lexicon file referred to by the code, "corncob_caps.txt", is available here (download the "all CAPS" file)
There are a number of small issues and a few larger opportunities here. You did say this is your first vba work, so forgive me if I'm telling you things you already know
Small things first:
Dim file, a, b, c As Integer declares file, a and b as variants. Integer is 16 bit sign, so there may be risk of overflows, use Long instead.
DIM'ing inside loops is counter-productive: unlike C++ they are not loop scoped.
The real opportunity is:
Use For Each where you can to iterate collections: its faster than indexing.
On my hardware your original code ran in about 160s. This code in about 2.5s (both plus time to load word file into the collection, about 4s)
Sub build_trie()
Dim t1 As Long
Dim wd As Variant
Dim nd As Node
Set tree = New Node
' Dim file, a, b, c As Integer : declares file, a, b as variant
Dim file As Integer, a As Long, b As Long, c As Long ' Integer is 16 bit signed
Dim current As Node
Dim wordlist As Collection
Set wordlist = New Collection
file = FreeFile
Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file
' no point in doing inside loop, they are not scoped to the loop
Dim line As String
Dim match As Boolean
Dim char As String
Dim new_node As Node
Do While Not EOF(file)
'Dim line As String
Line Input #file, line
wordlist.Add line
t1 = GetTickCount
For Each wd In wordlist ' for each is faster
'For a = 1 To wordlist.Count
Set current = tree
For b = 1 To Len(wd)
'Dim match As Boolean
match = False
'Dim char As String
char = Mid$(wd, b, 1)
For Each nd In current.next_nodes
'For c = 1 To current.next_nodes.Count
If char = nd.letter Then
'If char = current.next_nodes.Item(c).letter Then
Set current = nd
'Set current = current.next_nodes.Item(c)
match = True
Exit For
End If
Next nd
If Not match Then
'Dim new_node As Node
Set new_node = New Node
new_node.letter = char
current.next_nodes.Add new_node
Set current = new_node
End If
Next b
current.is_word = True
Next wd
Debug.Print "Time = " & GetTickCount - t1 & " ms"
End Sub
loading the word list into a dynamic array will reduce load time to sub second. Be aware that Redim Preserve is expensive, so do it in chunks
Dim i As Long, sz As Long
sz = 10000
Dim wordlist() As String
ReDim wordlist(0 To sz)
file = FreeFile
Open "C:\corncob_caps.txt" For Input As file
i = 0
Do While Not EOF(file)
'Dim line As String
Line Input #file, line
wordlist(i) = line
i = i + 1
If i > sz Then
sz = sz + 10000
ReDim Preserve wordlist(0 To sz)
End If
'wordlist.Add line
ReDim Preserve wordlist(0 To i - 1)
then loop through it like
For i = 0 To UBound(wordlist)
wd = wordlist(i)
I'm out of practice with VBA, but IIRC, iterating the Collection using For Each should be a bit faster than going numerically:
Dim i As Variant
For Each i In current.next_nodes
If i.letter = char Then
Set current = i
match = True
Exit For
End If
Next node
You're also not using the full capabilities of Collection. It's a Key-Value map, not just a resizeable array. You might get better performance if you use the letter as a key, though looking up a key that isn't present throws an error, so you have to use an ugly error workaround to check for each node. The inside of the b loop would look like:
Dim char As String
char = Mid(wordlist.Item(a), b, 1)
Dim node As Node
On Error Resume Next
Set node = Nothing
Set node = current.next_nodes.Item(char)
On Error Goto 0
If node Is Nothing Then
Set node = New Node
current.next_nodes.add node, char
Set current = node
You won't need the letter variable on class Node that way.
I didn't test this. I hope it's all right...
Edit: Fixed the For Each loop.
Another thing you can do which will possibly be slower but will use less memory is use an array instead of a collection, and resize with each added element. Arrays can't be public on classes, so you have to add methods to the class to deal with it:
Public letter As String
Private next_nodes() As Node
Public is_word As Boolean
Public Sub addNode(new_node As Node)
Dim current_size As Integer
On Error Resume Next
current_size = UBound(next_nodes) 'ubound throws an error if the array is not yet allocated
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim next_nodes(0 To current_size) As Node
Set next_nodes(current_size) = new_node
End Sub
Public Function getNode(letter As String) As Node
Dim n As Variant
On Error Resume Next
For Each n In next_nodes
If n.letter = letter Then
Set getNode = n
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Edit: And a final optimization strategy, get the Integer char value with the Asc function and store that instead of a String.
You really need to profile it, but if you think Collections are slow maybe you can try using dynamic arrays?

Unexplained Type Mismatch error at about every 10,000 iterations in Excel VBA

I have a VBA macro that uses Microsoft MapPoint to calculate the distance between two locations for each record in my spreadsheet. I have about 120,000 records to process. The program runs smoothly for about 10,000 iterations then returns a Type Mismatch error where I define the MapPoint locations in my error handler. At which point, I select 'Debug' and then resume execution without editing any code, and it will run successfully for another 10,000 or so records before the same thing happens again.
I've checked my data, and I can't see why there would be a type mismatch, or for that matter why the code would choke on a record one time, and then, without resetting anything, handle the same record upon resuming. Any idea why this would happen?
For reference,
- column M contains locations of the form "X County, ST"
- column AN contains a separate location as ZIP
- column G contains the same location data as AN but in the form "X County, ST"
Sub distance_from_res()
Dim oApp As MapPoint.Application
Dim k As Long
Dim count As Long
Dim errors As Long
k = 0
count = Sheets("i1_20041").Range("A2", Sheets("i1_20041").Range("A2").End(xlDown)).count
errors = 0
Set oApp = CreateObject("MapPoint.Application.NA.11")
oApp.Visible = False
Set objMap = oApp.NewMap
Dim objRes As MapPoint.Location
Dim objFish As MapPoint.Location
'Error executes code at 'LocError' and then returns to point of error.
On Error GoTo LocError
Do While k < count
If Sheets("i1_20041").Range("M2").Offset(k, 0) <> "" Then
'Sets MapPoint locations as [County],[State] from Excel sheet columns "INT_CNTY_ST" and "ZIP".
Set objRes = objMap.FindResults(Sheets("i1_20041").Range("AN2").Offset(k, 0)).Item(1)
Set objFish = objMap.FindResults(Sheets("i1_20041").Range("M2").Offset(k, 0)).Item(1)
'Calculates distance between two locations and prints it in appropriate cell in Column AO.
Sheets("i1_20041").Range("AO2").Offset(k, 0) = objRes.DistanceTo(objFish)
errors = errors + 1
End If
k = k + 1
'Displays appropriate message at termination of program.
If errors = 0 Then
MsgBox ("All distance calculations were successful!")
MsgBox ("Complete! Distance could not be calculated for " & errors & " of " & count & " records.")
End If
Exit Sub
If Sheets("i1_20041").Range("G2").Offset(k, 0) = "" Then
errors = errors + 1
Set objRes = objMap.FindResults(Sheets("i1_20041").Range("G2").Offset(k, 0)).Item(1)
Set objFish = objMap.FindResults(Sheets("i1_20041").Range("M2").Offset(k, 0)).Item(1)
'Calculates distance between two locations and prints it in appropriate cell in Column AO.
Sheets("i1_20041").Range("AO2").Offset(k, 0) = objRes.DistanceTo(objFish)
End If
k = k + 1
End Sub
I incorporated most of the suggestions from #winwaed and #Mike D, and my code is now more accurate and doesn't choke on errors. However, the old problem reared its head in a new form. Now, after around 10,000 iterations, the code continues but prints the distance of the ~10,000th record for every record afterwards. I can restart the code at the trouble point, and it will find the distances normally for those records. Why would this happen? I've posted my updated code below.
Sub distance_from_res()
Dim oApp As MapPoint.Application
Dim k As Long
Dim rc As Long
Dim errors As Long
Dim dist As Double
Dim zipRes As Range
Dim coRes As Range
Dim coInt As Range
Dim distR As Range
Set zipRes = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C2")
Set coRes = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2")
Set coInt = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E2")
Set distR = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("G2")
k = 0
rc = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F2", Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F2").End(xlDown)).Count
errors = 0
'Start MapPoint application.
Set oApp = CreateObject("MapPoint.Application.NA.11")
oApp.Visible = False
Set objMap = oApp.NewMap
Dim objResultsRes As MapPoint.FindResults
Dim objResultsInt As MapPoint.FindResults
Dim objRes As MapPoint.Location
Dim objInt As MapPoint.Location
Do While k < rc
'Check results for Res Zip Code. If good, set first result to objRes. If not, check results for Res County,ST. If good, set first result to objRes. Else, set objRes to Nothing.
Set objResultsRes = objMap.FindResults(zipRes.Offset(k, 0))
If objResultsRes.ResultsQuality = geoFirstResultGood Then
Set objRes = objResultsRes.Item(1)
Set objResultsRes = Nothing
Set objResultsRes = objMap.FindResults(coRes.Offset(k, 0))
If objResultsRes.ResultsQuality = geoFirstResultGood Then
Set objRes = objResultsRes.Item(1)
If objResultsRes.ResultsQuality = geoAmbiguousResults Then
Set objRes = objResultsRes.Item(1)
Set objRes = Nothing
End If
End If
End If
Set objResultsInt = objMap.FindResults(coInt.Offset(k, 0))
If objResultsInt.ResultsQuality = geoFirstResultGood Then
Set objInt = objResultsInt.Item(1)
If objResultsInt.ResultsQuality = geoAmbiguousResults Then
Set objInt = objResultsInt.Item(1)
Set objInt = Nothing
End If
End If
On Error GoTo ErrDist
distR.Offset(k, 0) = objRes.DistanceTo(objInt)
k = k + 1
Exit Sub
errors = errors + 1
Resume Next
End Sub
You are constructing a somewhat complex range object (Range -> Offset -> Item). DIM temporary range objects and do it in steps so you can see where exactly the problem occurs
tmpR1 = Sheets("i1_20041").Range("G2")
tmpR2 = tmpR1.Offset(k,0)
then examine the .Count property of the .FindResult before you try accessing Item(1) .... maybe this item doesn't exist ?!?
Debug.Print objMap.FindResult(tmpR2).Count
looking at your code, I observe that you use a variable "count". This variable name overlaps with the "Count" property in your second line of code - that's why the "Count" keyword at the end of the statement is printed all lowercase. It's not got anything to do with the errors (we pretend ;-) ), but bad style anyway.
MikeD is right with your dangerous FindResults() calls. However, there is a better way to check the results. The "FindResults collection" isn't a pure collection but includes an extra properties called "ResultsQuality". Docs are here:
Resultsquality returns a GeoFindResultsQuality enumeration. You want to check for the values geoAllResultsGood and geFirstResultGood. All other results should give an error of some result. Note that your existing code would work find with (for example) Ambiguous Results, even though it is unlikely the first result is the correct one. Also it might match on State or Zipcode (because that is the best it can find) whcih give you an erroneous result. Using ResultsQuality, you can detect this.
I would still check the value of Count as an additional check.
Note that your code is calculating straight line (Great Circle) distances. As such the bottleneck will be the geocoding (FindResults). If you are using the same locations a lot, then a caching mechanism could greatly speed things up.
If you want to calculate driving distances, then there are a number of products on the market for this (yes I wrote two of them!).