How to assign an Omega to a variable - vba

I want to assign the Greek Capital Omega to a variable and use it in a logical test. Greek Capital Omega is 937.
This works
If Range("$A$49").Value = ChrW(937) Then Stop
dim omega as string
omega = ChrW(937)
If Range("$A$49").Value = omega Then Stop
How should I assign the variable please?

I am afraid that your code does not work because the real character in the cell is not the one you suppose to be, even if it looks like Omega...
Try this way, please:
Select the cell where you have (only) the omega character and run this code:
Debug.Print AscW(ActiveCell.value) '8486 in my case, but in yours maybe something else...
In my case, it returns 8486. It depends on what 'subset' has been used when inserting the character.
Only after that try using your way:
Sub findOmega()
Dim omega As String
omega = ChrW(8486) 'but use the ASCI code returned in the previous code line...
If ActiveCell.value = omega Then Stop
End Sub


is it possible to change a Char into a String with a loop/if

I got a knew problem which should be the last one from my bonus exercise. At first let's explain the rules, I have a word which is shuffle. I want my user to find this word and he has a determined number of tries.
Now I want to let the user know which char from his input (txtBox.Text) was right and which one aren't. So I tried to create a method which is able to Color a char in green If the char is correctly positionned else in red. I ask my teacher and it seems to be a hard thing to do, I tried to find the solution he gave me with richBox but it's way too hard right now, i'm struggling way to much.
So ! I think of something way simpler, or at least i thought it was simpler, I get the user input in a String and I do a loop around it, every time the correct word and the input char doesn't match I replaced it by a dot.
It doesen't work either if I try to put an index to my :
If word(i) IsNot proposition(j) Then
I'm facing an out of bound and if I try without it, it consider my string as an array of 1 and add to my listbox a single dot.
Here's my code :
Public Sub charRight&Wrong()
Dim proposition() As String = {txtInput.Text} //get the proposition from the user
Dim dot As Char = "."
Dim word() As String = {theWord} //theWord represent the right answer
For i = 0 To theWord.Length - 1
For j = 0 To proposition.Length - 1
If word(i) IsNot proposition(j) Then
proposition(j) = dot
End If
End Sub
I don't really know where I'm wrong I hope you can point it out. Thanks again.

How to loop a sub w/ a variable value?

I'm creating a program that outputs a randomly generated password in which the user has jurasdiction over how many characters they want their password to be. How would i go about taking the input from the user and then looping the subroutine (which generates a single random character)? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
' this is the code for my input where n = the no. of characters the user wants in their pasword
Public Sub inp()
Console.WriteLine("How many characters do you want in your password?
(up to 20 allowed)")
n = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub
'this is the simple sub that generates a random number from which a character from my database is chosen
Public Sub randi()
i = Rnd() * 92
End Sub
Let us think about the steps envolved.
Ask user for a number
Place the response in a variable.
Create a random string with n characters
I looks like you have taken care of 1 and 2.
Now let's break down number 3 into tasks.
What characters do you want to include.
Uppercase letters? Lowercase letters? Numbers? Punctuation?
An ASCII table will tell you that there are readable characters from ASCII 33 to 126.
If you were to ask for a random number in the range 33 to 126 then change it to the character it represnts, it would be a start.
Luckily .net provides a Random class.
First we will need to get an instance of that class to use its methods.
Private rnd As New Random
Now we have a variable holding an instance of the random class so we can use any of the classed properties and methods.
There is a method, .Next(Int32, Int32), that will produce a random number in a range.
The first parameter is the bottom number in the range and the second is one more than the top number.
Going back to ASCII table we need a random number like this
rnd.Next(33, 125)
Next we need to change the result to a character.
Convert.ToChar(Ascii number)
The next problem is to get the number of characters the user asked for. Remember n.
We can do this is a For...Next loop.
Inside the loop we want to build a string with these random characters. This could be done with an ampersand equals but every time you changes a string the compiler has to throw away the old string and create an entirely new one because strings are immutable. To solve this .net has provided a StringBuilder class. We create an instance of this class and then use the .Append method to add the characters to the sb.
After the loop we change the StringBuilder to a regular string and return it to the calling code.
Public Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("How many characters do you want in your password?
(up to 20 allowed)")
Dim n As Integer = CInt(Console.ReadLine())
Dim Pword As String = GetRandomString(n)
End Sub
Private rnd As New Random
Private Function GetRandomString(stringLength As Integer) As String
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
For c = 1 To stringLength
Dim newAscii = rnd.Next(33, 127)
Dim newChr = Convert.ToChar(newAscii)
Return sb.ToString
End Function
In a real application you would have to check if the user entered a valid number. An Integer.TryParse and a check for 0 would probably do it.

VBA-variable in cell reference

Just wondering if anyone can help me with the syntax of this.
The value of F14 is 12.
I want to select column C and the row number will be the number that is in cell F14.
Range("f14").Value = x
Dim x As Integer
You need to understand the fundamentals here - in VBA anything you put in double quotes is a string literal, so "cx" is just that: a string literal.
Yes, the Range function (which is implicitly referring to the active sheet, so it's like calling ActiveSheet.Range, which isn't ideal) wants a String parameter to specify an address - but x is an Integer local variable, not a string literal.
First things first, stick Option Explicit at the top of your module.
Then, declare your variables before you use them.
Now, you need to "grab" the value of F14 and store it in x - to do that you need to assign x. Your assignment operation is reversed - you're assigning F14's value to X, when you intend to do it the other way around; flip that around:
Dim x As Integer
x = ActiveSheet.Range("F14").Value
Now if all goes well you have the value of F14 stored in X. If the cell doesn't contain a numeric value you'll run into problems for which you'll find plenty of solutions on this site if you bother searching a bit.
So x has the numeric value 12, and you need a String that says C12 - you need to concatenate the string literal "C" with the value of x. VBA gives you the string concatenation operator for that: &.
Dim theAddress As String
theAddress = "C" & CStr(x)
The CStr function isn't really needed, but it makes it explicit that you're converting x (a number) to a String. If you don't do the conversion explicitly, VBA will try to do it implicitly for you (and that's not always a good thing).
So theAddress is now a string variable that contains the value "C12" (assuming x was 12).
Give it to that Range function:
Hope it helps.

VBA error: A value used in the formula is the wrong data type?

I'm trying to create a function which generates a secret encoded message. It takes in three things: a string, for example, "testingtestingonetwothree", as well as the desired number of characters, for example 5, and the desired number of words, for example 5. It generates the message by starting at the first character, and extracting every fifth character through the string, putting these characters into a codeword, then starting at the second character and extracting every fifth character through the string, putting these into a second codeword, and so on. It just outputs a string, with the codewords separated by a space. So for this example it would produce: "tntnt egieh stntr tegwe isooe".
I'm okay at coding but new to VBA. I've made what I think is a valid function, but when it's used in the spreadsheet I get a #VALUE! error: "A value used in the formula is the wrong data type". This is the user defined function I made:
Function encode(strng, numchars, numwords)
Dim word As Integer
Dim step As Integer
Dim temp As String
Dim output As String
For word = 1 To numchars
step = word
temp = ""
Do While step <= Len(strng)
temp = temp & Mid(strng, 1, step)
step = step + numchars
If word = 1 Then output = temp Else output = output & " " & temp
Next word
encode = output
End Function
And when it's used in the spreadsheet I just call it, as in
Where A16 contains testingtestingonetwothree, A7 contains 5 and A10 contains 5.
Does my function seem okay? And is there anything you guys can see which could be giving the value error? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot for reading.
EDIT: This now outputs a value, but the wrong value. It outputs: "ttestintestingtesttestingtestingontestingtestingonetwot tetestingtestingtestitestingtestingonetestingtestingonetwoth ", when it should output: "tntnt egieh stntr tegwe isooe". Is there anything you guys can see that my function is doing wrong?
EDIT2: After fixing the Mid function, to
temp = temp & Mid(strng, step, 1)
as per vacip's answer, the function now produces the correct answer.
Ok, everyone says it works, but for me, it doesn't produce the desired output. What the...???
Anyway, I think your Mid function is in the wrong order, try it like this:
temp = temp & Mid(strng, step, 1)
Also, make sure to properly declare your variables, like this:
Function encode(strng As String, numchars As Integer, numwords As Integer) As String
I have also rewritten your IF statement, that one-line thing is strange for me...
If word = 1 Then
output = temp
output = output & " " & temp
End If
This way it worked for me.
Other people have addressed the type problem. Here is a different suggestion. The cipher that you are describing is a simple transposition cipher, specifically a columnar transposition ( )
The way people did this pre-computer was to write the characters into a grid row by row then read them off column by column. In fact -- this is probably still the easiest way to implement it even with computers. Declare a variant which can be redimensioned to be an array with e.g. 5 columns (where 5 is the skip between letters) and the number of rows is chosen to be large enough so that the grid can hold the string. After you load up the characters row by row, read them off column by column using nested for loops.
Once you get a basic example working, you can try to implement a version which uses a key to determine the order that you read off the columns for added security.
Coding classical cryptography/cryptanalysis as an excellent way to learn a programming language. Almost the first thing I do when I try to learn a new language is to implement a Vigenere cipher in it. Even though it is long out of print and can be somewhat tricky to translate to modern dialects of Basic the book "Cryptanalysis for Microcomputers" by Caxton Foster is great fun and can be purchased for just a few dollars from online used bookstores.
You need to define your Function's type. So in this case I believe you would want
Function encode(strng, numchars, numwords) As String
I tested your code exactly as it is, and it worked fine.
So, your problem may be:
A certain argument of your function is not the right type. (I bet the len method is the problem in there).
Check if A16 is really a string. If not, consider converting it to a string before if you want to pass numbers too:
Function encode(strng as variant, numchars as integer, numwords as integer) as string
strng = str(strng)
Check also if A7 and A10 are really integers.

Extracting characters from an input string

Hey guys I'm stuck with this question. Please help.
I want to write a program that can extract alphabetical characters and special characters from an input string. An alphabetical character is any character from "a" to "z"(capital letters and numbers not included") a special character is any other character that is not alphanumerical.
string = hello//this-is-my-string#capetown
alphanumerical characters = hellothisismystringcapetown
special characters = //---#
Now my question is this:
How do I loop through all the characters?
(the for loop I'm using reads like this for x = 0 to strname.length) this correct?
How do I extract characters to a string?
How do I determine special characters?
any input is greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your time.
You could loop through each character as follows:
For Each _char As Char In strname
'Code here
For x as integer = 0 to strname.length - 1
'Code here
or you can use Regex to replace the values you do not need in your string (I think this may be faster but I am no expert) Take a look at:
The replacement code will look something as follows although I am not so sure what the regular expression (variable called pattern currently only replacing digits) would be:
Dim pattern As String = "(\d+)?" 'You need to update the regular expression here
Dim input As String = "123//hello//this-is-my-string#capetown"
Dim rgx As New Regex(pattern)
Dim result As String = rgx.Replace(input, "")
Since you need to keep the values, you'll want to loop through your string. Keeping a list of characters as a result will come in handy since you can build a fresh string later. Then take advantage of a simple Regex test to determine where to place things. The psuedo code looks something like this.
Dim alphaChars As New List(Of String)
Dim specialChars As New List(Of String)
For Each _char As Char in testString
If Regex.IsMatch(_char, "[a-z]")) Then
End If
Then If you need to dump your results into a full string, you can simply use
String.Join(String.Empty, alphaChars.ToArray())
Note that this code makes the assumption that ANYTHING else than a-z is considered a special character, so if needs be you can do a second regular expression in your else clause to test for you special characters in a similar manner. It really depends on how much control you have over the input.