For my existing project they use TFS. As TFS is not integrated in IntelliJ. I tried to follow steps which I saw in a video on how to set up TFS in IntelliJ, but unable to find any repository to add Visual studio TFS. . enter image description here
Is there a way for me to add TFS. I tried to add as external plugin but still dont find the option to add. Like you see in the screenshot.
As it is announced in this blog that TFS Integration plugin is no longer supported in 2020.1.
To work with TFS 2015 and above, please use the Azure DevOps plugin
To install the downloaded JAR file. Please follow below steps:
1, In IntelliJ, open plugin settings:
Linux: from the File menu, select Settings... then Plugins
Mac: from the IntelliJ IDEA menu, select Preferences... then Plugins
Windows: from the File menu, select Settings... then Plugins
2, Click the Install plugin from disk... button and browse to the JAR file on disk.
3, Click the Install plugin button and restart IntelliJ IDEA.
The plugin can also be installed from IntelliJ by browsing the Plugin Repository.
1,In IntelliJ, open plugin settings:
Linux: from the File menu, select Settings... then Plugins
Mac: from the IntelliJ IDEA menu, select Preferences... then Plugins
Windows: from the File menu, select Settings... then Plugins
2,Click the Browse repositories... button and search for "Azure DevOps".
4, Click the Install plugin button and restart IntelliJ IDEA.
Please see here for more information.
I'm developing an intellij plugin supposed to be used in android studio.
I've already setup the plugin development environment, but when I hit "Run" command it starts a new intellij instance with the plugin installed.
What I'm looking for is how to run the plugin directly on Android Studio, is that possibile? The only place where I think it can be configured is from "Run configurations" but I do not find anything useful there.
You can specify the platform to run on in the IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK settings, under Platform Settings | SDKs in the Project Structure settings. Point the IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK home path to your Android Studio installation.
Another option is to create a new Plugin Run Configuration. In the Run Configuration it is possible to specify the JRE to run on. Click on the ... button there and select an Android Studio installation directory (e.g. /Applications/Android on the Mac). This way it is possible to create a Run Configuration for all IntelliJ Platform IDEs you want to test your plugin on.
Trying to install sonar lint plugin in STS tool, it is not installing and says Sonar lint not compatible with this version of eclipse.
Find the versions details.
Spring Tool Suite
Version: 3.7.2.RELEASE
Build Id: 201511261048
Platform: Eclipse Mars.1 (4.5.1)
Hi you can download sonar lint from the follwing URL then follow the steps given below
Make sure the download location, Don't unpack the archive file(for windows)
Go to install new software option in eclipse Help >>
Click Add button in right of work with text field, following screen will appear
Fill name location as "Sonar" etc
Now select the downloaded archive file by clicking Archive button
Follow the installation instructions from the Installation window
you can also install zip file of SonarLint as follow:
1.go to the site the setup jar file and go to help menu of eclipse on "install new software" on add. on "archive".
6."open" the jar file from the location you have downloaded the jar.
install the software.
Not sure what the problem exactly is, but I worked around this by starting up STS, select "Install New Software" and pasted the Solarlint update site URL into that dialog:
That allowed me to install the plugin into STS 3.7.2 without any issues.
Hope this helps!!!
Please Make visit to this link and as i see you are using mars.
1. If you have eclipse marketplace installed then you can proceed as per.
you just need to drag this icon to your eclipse and done.
2. If not Installed then also same link click on download button and after downloading go to eclipse on right side there is search functionality type install new software and then select that option window will pop up choose>>add button>>archive button>>and upload zip file from download location >>accept agreement and done click on next done.
If you found it easy and helpful please up-vote happy coding and reviewing with sonarlint
1.Download it from
2.In Eclipse go to Help->Install New Software->Add
3.Now click on Archive and select downloaded plugin zip and click Ok
4.Select the items and click Next and then accept license agreement and finally it will ask for a restart
Now I want to write a plugin in intellij , development of every custom plugins requires the IntelliJ IDEA SDK to be installed and configured for that project. How can I install and configure sdk to my project?
Here you can read official guide to configure IntelliJ Idea SDK
Press CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S
In the Project Structure dialog box that opens, do the following, and then click OK
Under Platform Settings, click SDKs, and then click the plus sign icon.
From the provided list, select IntelliJ IDEA Plugin SDK.
Using the Select Path dialog box that opens, select the IntelliJ IDEA installation directory directory, and then click OK. Note, that by default, this dialog box automatically selects the home directory of the currently running IntelliJ IDEA installation.
In the Select internal Java platform dialog box that opens, select a Java SDK (JDK 1.6 is recommended) to be used as IDEA internal platform, and then click OK.
Optionally, in Sandbox Home, change the default folder to which Intellij IDEA will copy plugins for debugging.
Open the Sourcepath tab, click Add, and then select the folder where you have checked out the sources of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.
In the Detected Source Roots dialog box that opens, click OK.
I have just installed the Fabric (Twitter) plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 13, following the steps found here.
I installed the plugin, restarted IntelliJ and the next step suggested by the guide is this:
However, I couldn't find that button anywhere, not even in the menus on the top. The plugin shows up as installed in Settings -> Plugins.
How can I access the Fabric plugin after installation in IntelliJ IDEA?
Please enable View -> Toolbar and you can see.
I'm trying to import and run the IntelliJ git4idea (Git Integration) plugin in order to play around and contribute some of my own code.
I've pulled the Intellij community edition from the github repo, and imported the git4idea plugin as a project. I'm running the Intellij community edition
My main issue is this:
After importing all the modules, the git4idea module comes up as a general module type, and not a plugin module type.
This means that when trying to create a new run\debug configuration, I get [none] under "Use classpath of module", instead of of the ability to select the git4idea plugin. This obviously results in a "Run configuration error: no plugin module specified for configuration".
So the question is -
How can I change the general type of imported "git4idea" to plugin type?
Or better yet, what are the steps required in order to import and build/debug/run a plugin from the Intellij community edition repo?
I was able to solve this by manually reordering file directories, sorting out dependencies and editing the .iml file. The type of plugin is defined by changing type="JAVA_MODULE" to type="PLUGIN_MODULE".
This is the answer given by Dmitry Jemerov on the official Jetbrains plugin development forum:
The easiest answer to this is "don't". The IntelliJ IDEA Community
Edition project is set up to be developed as a whole, and the
dependencies are set up accordingly. If you want to hack on the Git
plugin, you simply run IDEA using the provided run configuration, it
runs with all plugins enabled, and you simply make whatever changes
you need and test them using the main run configuration.
If you really want, you can set up a new plugin module and point it to
the source code of the git4idea plugin inside the IntelliJ IDEA
Community Edition Git checkout. This is not too hard, but it's
something you'll need to do from scratch, and you can't use the
existing .iml file.
I had the same no plugin module specified for configuration issue. To work around it, instead of importing, I created a new plugin project and used the existing code directory.
when you import the intelij plugin projects
You should run the 'runIde' task in gradle.
Step-by-step instruction
Build your IDEA plugin (usually done with gradle build).
Start Intellij IDEA.
If you have any project opened, go to menu "File->Close all projects" to return to Intellij IDEA startup screen.
Install the plugin you've just built: on the left side of the "Welcome to Intellij IDEA" startup screen go to "Plugins", then click "gear" icon on the right side, it's located to the right of "Marketplace" and "Installed". From the pop-up menu select "Install Plugin from Disk...", navigate to plugin file (usually in build folder) and click "Ignore and continue" when you see the warning message saying something about signature.
Restart Intellij IDEA.
Open the folder with your IDEA plugin.
Wait until IDEA imported your Gradle project.
Put breakpoints inside your plugin code so you can debug it.
Go to menu "Run->Edit configurations".
In the "Run/Debug Configurations" window on the left side click "+".
Select "Gradle" from the pop-up menu.
On the right side change "Name" to "gradle-run-ide" (without quotes).
On the right side under "Run", inside "Tasks and arguments" field enter runIde ("i" must be capital, other letters small).
Click "OK" to save changes.
Go to menu "Run->Debug 'gradle-run-ide'".
A new, black-colored IDEA window should appear.
In this black-colored IDEA window do whatever you need to do in order to invoke methods of your plugin. When you invoke them, the first IDEA window should stop you on breakpoints you set previously.
Happy debugging.
After changing type="JAVA_MODULE" to type="PLUGIN_MODULE" in *.iml file I was getting following error -
Error running 'IdeaPlugin': Wrong SDK type for plugin module
To fix this go to -
Module Settings -> Platform settings -> SDKs.
Click on Add new SDK
Select Intellij Platform plugin SDK
For home directory select your Inetllij installation dir
Select JAVA SDK you want to use with it.
Once this is added got to Module Settings again
Module Settings -> Project settings -> project.
In Project SDK change the JAVA sdk to the SDK we just added in the above steps.
Run/Debug you plugin now.