IntelliJ not saving cookies - intellij-idea

I'm working with an endpoint in my code base from the IntelliJ HTTP client. For example, I do this:
GET http://localhost:8000/path/to/my/endpoint/
The response has a Set-Cookie header and according to the IntelliJ documentation:
The cookies received through a response are automatically saved into the dedicated http-client.cookies file under the .idea/httpRequests/ directory. The number of cookies that can be saved is limited to 300. The name and value of a cookie are automatically included in each subsequent request to the URL that matches the domain and path specified for the cookie, provided that the expiry date has not been reached.
However, when I run my request then open http-client.cookies all I see is this:
# domain path name value date
What gives here? Is this feature broken?
P.S. I am on the most recent stable version as of this writing, 2020.3.2, on Mac OS X.

It's a known bug related to the format of the cookie expire date.


Reading Cookie manager Variables in Jmeter

I have imported Cookie values from getcookies.txt into Http cookie manager of jmeter It has all list of cookie values. I want to export token value from the imported cookies value and passed into http header manager of corresponding call.
I have set the cookiemanager.set.value=true in file and passed the token=${COOKIE_X-token} but it is passing ${COOKIE_X-token} same value.
please suggest the solution to over come this issue in jmeter.
You've set the wrong property, it should be:
You've set it in the wrong place, any customization should go to file.
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

Handling cookies in HTTP request in Jmeter

I have a Jmeter load project the requires retrieving 2 values of cookies and resend them in the other requests.
Here is my project test plan:
-Test Plan
-Thread Group
-Login request
-Payment page
-Payment history page
-HTTP Cookie Manager
-HTTP Header Manager
-View Results Tree
Cookie Data:
JSESSIONID=0000SZb55xyLAaqLlDzumq_PpIw:-1; XSRF-TOKEN=a684e233-648e-4219-ae21-25fb362e232d
The cookie data is received successfully from the login request by cookie manager and sent in the second request (Payment page) but in the third request (Payment history page) only JSESSIONID is sent and I don't know why the second cookie is not sent in the third request.
Most probably you are not getting this cookie in Set-Cookie response header for second request therefore it doesn't get picked up by the cookie manager. If your application expects the cookie in 3rd request it might be your application issue.
As a workaround you can store the cookie value into a JMeter Variable for later re-use.
Add the next line to file (lives in the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
That's it, now you should be able to refer cookie value as ${COOKIE_XSRF-TOKEN} where required, for example add another HTTP Cookie Manager as a child of the 3rd request (according to Scoping Rules "local" cookie manager will override the "global" one) and define XSRF_TOKEN and other cookies if needed there)
See Using the HTTP Cookie Manager in JMeter article for more information on handling cookies in JMeter tests.

jmeter auth token issue

I have internal web application, which I have to test using Jmeter.
The application has secure protections as a username, password and auth token.
Auth token is changing with every new session. I'm unable to path through secure token. Token is include in URL, which look like Cookies has look like
Cookie: AUTH_TOK_vj1ckr0nqyvjq3blehcl2jwl=vj1ckr0nqyvjq3blehcl2jwl; AUTH_TOK_syq3r1yu4equ515xzunjobhb=syq3r1yu4equ515xzunjobhb;
So, my Jmeter able to successfully run only when I submit current token in URL.
Please let me know if you have any idea, how to avoid submitting token in all places (35) every time.
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Regular Expression
It seems you can figure you your Auth_TOK value from the cookies
Add the next line to file (located in JMeter's "bin" folder
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan
Now you should be able to see Cookies stored as JMeter Variables using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination and use cookies values as part of your URL
I would also recommend checking out ASP.NET Login Testing with JMeter as my expectation is that you will have to deal with few other dynamic parameters.
First try with HTTP Cookie Manager as mentioned by Dmitri. This would work if auth token is used in Headers, like Cookie header. Jmeter automatically fetches from Set-Cookie Header, set by server, (when you add HTTP Cookie Manager) for each thread and store it locally, so that it can use in subsequent requests.
If Auth token is used in other places (but not headers) such as part of Url, request body etc, then we should explicitly capture it using Regular Expression Extractor (post processor) and
Regular Expressions Jmeter to correlate the dynamic values. Once you capture the value into a local_variable, we replace the actual values by local_variable (Reference name field in Regular Expression Extractor) wherever we observe the dynamic value in subsequent requests, here auth token, using syntax ${local_variable}.

X-CSRF-Token issue in ionic. Every time a different token is received

I have a backend with Drupal.
Using Drupal Services to interact with. Which provides a rest server.
Created endpoint named 'api'.
Following sequence works in normal browser or any http client like postman :- (works).
api sends back user data (token,session id, session name etc).
Further any request I make, I send token as X-CSRF-Token (all requests work).
I can even logout the same session with the token received before.
I can login and I also store user data (token, session data etc.) in local storage after login.
Here's the difference in app :-
When I send the same token back to server while making a request (say logout).
Server's response is "User is not Logged In."
Why does this happen?
Update :-
After logging in I tried getting the current token from the server, and it was different from the one I saved after successfully logging in.
Every time a different token is received.
I faced the same issue. Problem was i never set the cookie and chrome did this for me automatically.
Luckily i found this great site:
There are links to a view demos as well as good descriptions and code.
So what you have to do is:
- log in
- retrieve session data and set cookie
- perform subsequent requests with the cookie data and X-CSRF-Token in your header
Here is a flowchart:
Was this helpful for you?

Gerrit 2.8.5 retrieving xGerritAuth from http request

I am a bit of a newbie to Gerrit customization and running tests against Gerrit server.
In 2.4 version of Gerrit, an http login request (in my case from python file) would return a result that had the xsrfToken field and value as members of gerrit_hostpagedata (e.g. in request result you would see gerrit_hostpagedata.xsrfToken=<some value>).
In 2.8, this has changed so that xGerritAuth is now the field for the token value. However, the response from the server to my http login request (via python) is not returning the xGerritAuth field/value pair.
In the web UI for Gerrit, if I view the source when logging in, I can see the xGerritAuth field/value pair.
So I am wondering is there a way to get the xGerritAuth value returned in the response to the http login request?
NOTE that the gerrit/common/data/ has changed to reflect the new token name (xGerritAuth).
You need to parse the xGerritAuth out of the HTML response (which you get when you send your credentials to /login/). I do exactly that in my gerrit-rest-java-client. Check out this code. (tryGerritHttpAuth and extractGerritAuth).
Another way: use the (new) REST API of Gerrit. There you can use the HTTP credential you set in your Gerrit account settings. See REST API’s documentation.