How should one set cmake ar/ranlib [duplicate] - cmake

After I run cmake to generate a project with a STATIC library, which completes successfully, both ninja and mingw32-make fail to make their targets at linking. For SHARED libraries or executables this same setup worked fine. I've tried this both for "Ninja" and "MinGW Makefiles" generators:
ninja output:
[2/2] Linking CXX static library hello_wsl.lib
FAILED: hello_wsl.lib
cmd.exe /C "cd . && "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E remove hello_wsl.lib && "" qc hello_wsl.lib CMakeFiles/hello_wsl.dir/lib_hello_world.cpp.obj && cd ."
"""" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
mingw32-make output:
Scanning dependencies of target hello_wsl
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello_wsl.dir/lib_hello_world.cpp.obj
[100%] Linking CXX static library hello_wsl.lib
Error running link command: El parámetro no es correcto
CMakeFiles\hello_wsl.dir\build.make:93: recipe for target 'hello_wsl.lib' failed
mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [hello_wsl.lib] Error 2
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:66: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/hello_wsl.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/hello_wsl.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:82: recipe for target 'all' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [all] Error 2
Also take a look at "project_root\build\CMakeFiles\hello_wsl.dir\link.txt" generated by "MinGW Makefiles":
"" qc hello_wsl.lib CMakeFiles/hello_wsl.dir/lib_hello_world.cpp.obj
Sample project, in steps, to reproduce the problem for "MinGW Makefiles":
Install CMake 3.8.0
Install MinGWx64 6.3 windows binaries (I've downloaded them from here)
Create a root folder for this project, I'll call it project_root in this sample.
Create these subfolders inside:
Create these files:
#include <iostream>
class HelloWorldClass{
std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.0)
add_library(lib_hello_world STATIC lib_hello_world.cpp)
# Target system (cross compile)
set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME WindowsStore)
# BIN utils
# C compiler
# CXX compiler
REM Change these variables to the corresponding paths on your own system
SET "CMAKE_EXECUTABLE=C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe"
SET "MINGW_W64_BIN_DIR=C:/Program Files/MinGWx64/bin"
CD "%~dp0\build"
CALL "%CMAKE_EXECUTABLE%" "-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" -G "MinGW Makefiles" "-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM='%MINGW_W64_BIN_DIR%/mingw32-make.exe'" "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE='%~dp0/toolchain.cmake'" "%~dp0/include/lib_hello_world"
REM Change this variable to the corresponding path on your own system
SET "MINGW_W64_BIN_DIR=C:/Program Files/MinGWx64/bin"
CD "%~dp0\build"
CALL "%MINGW_W64_BIN_DIR%/mingw32-make.exe"
Finally, open CMD and run the commands:
This is a sketchy fix/workaround that I found:
Create this file:
MOVE "%~dp0\build\CMakeCache.txt" ".\"
RMDIR "%~dp0\build" /S /Q
MKDIR "%~dp0\build"
MOVE "%~dp0\CMakeCache.txt" ".\build\"
After reproducing the error, open CMD and run:
ninja output after fix (successfully linked):
[2/2] Linking CXX static library hello_wsl.lib
mingw32-make after fix (successfully linked):
Scanning dependencies of target hello_wsl
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hello_wsl.dir/lib_hello_world.cpp.obj
[100%] Linking CXX static library hello_wsl.lib
[100%] Built target hello_wsl
A few things I did to try to figure this out:
I made a backup of CMakeCache.txt (CMakeCache.txt.before_fix) before applying the fix and reruning configure and build. There was no diference between the CMakeCache.txt.before_fix and CMakeCache.txt files after reconfiguring and successfully building the project.
I also made a backup of "" and then compared them with FC. This is the output of FC "project_root\" "project_root\build\":
Comparando archivos .\ y .\BUILD\RULES.NINJA
***** .\
rule CXX_STATIC_LIBRARY_LINKER__lib_hello_world
command = cmd.exe /C "$PRE_LINK && "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E remove $TARGET_FILE && "" qc $TARGET_FILE $LINK_
description = Linking CXX static library $TARGET_FILE
rule CXX_STATIC_LIBRARY_LINKER__lib_hello_world
command = cmd.exe /C "$PRE_LINK && "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E remove $TARGET_FILE && C:\PROGRA~1\MinGWx64\bin\
ar.exe qc $TARGET_FILE $LINK_FLAGS $in && C:\PROGRA~1\MinGWx64\bin\ranlib.exe $TARGET_FILE && $POST_BUILD"
description = Linking CXX static library $TARGET_FILE
And did the same for "MinGW Makefiles". This is the output of FC "project_root\link.txt.before_fix" "project_root\build\CMakeFiles\lib_hello_world.dir\link.txt":
Comparando archivos .\link.txt.before_fix y .\BUILD\CMAKEFILES\LIB_HELLO_WORLD.DIR\LINK.TXT
***** .\link.txt.before_fix
"" qc hello_wsl.lib CMakeFiles/hello_wsl.dir/lib_hello_world.cpp.obj
C:\PROGRA~1\MinGWx64\bin\ar.exe qc lib_hello_world.lib CMakeFiles/lib_hello_world.dir/lib_hello_world.cpp.obj
C:\PROGRA~1\MinGWx64\bin\ranlib.exe lib_hello_world.lib

There is some specific about CMAKE_AR and CMAKE_RUNLIB variables: according to that bugreport they should be declared as CACHED:


CMake for MinGW Makefiles won't create the build

I am trying to create a build of MinGW Makefiles using cmake but I get the following error when I execute the command cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..\source\
I have attached a picture of my path varibles below.Path Variables. I get the following error on running the cmake -G commmand
PS C:\Users\gaura.YASH\OneDrive\Desktop\new_code\cmake_1st_proj\C-Make\1st project\build> cmake ..\source\ -G "MinGW Makefiles"
-- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.33.31630.0
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - failed
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.33.31629/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.33.31629/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - broken
CMake Error at C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.25/Modules/CMakeTestCXXCompiler.cmake:63 (message):
The C++ compiler
"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.33.31629/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe"
is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:
Change Dir: C:/Users/gaura.YASH/OneDrive/Desktop/new_code/cmake_1st_proj/C-Make/1st project/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeScratch/TryCompile-mhmynt
Run Build Command(s):C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile cmTC_29120/fast && C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe -f CMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir\build.make CMakeFiles/cmTC_29120.dir/build
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/gaura.YASH/OneDrive/Desktop/new_code/cmake_1st_proj/C-Make/1st project/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeScratch/TryCompile-mhmynt'
Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cmTC_29120.dir/testCXXCompiler.cxx.obj
"C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E cmake_cl_compile_depends --dep-file=CMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir\testCXXCompiler.cxx.obj.d --working-dir="C:\Users\gaura.YASH\OneDrive\Desktop\new_code\cmake_1st_proj\C-Make\1st project\build\CMakeFiles\CMakeScratch\TryCompile-mhmynt" --filter-prefix="Note: including file: " -- C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\2022\COMMUN~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1433~1.316\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe /nologo /TP /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /GR /EHsc /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 /showIncludes /FoCMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir\testCXXCompiler.cxx.obj /FdCMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir/ /FS -c "C:\Users\gaura.YASH\OneDrive\Desktop\new_code\cmake_1st_proj\C-Make\1st project\build\CMakeFiles\CMakeScratch\TryCompile-mhmynt\testCXXCompiler.cxx"
Linking CXX executable cmTC_29120.exe
"C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir\link.txt --verbose=1
"C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E vs_link_exe --intdir=CMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir --rc=rc --mt=CMAKE_MT-NOTFOUND --manifests -- C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~4\2022\COMMUN~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1433~1.316\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe /nologo #CMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir\objects1 /out:cmTC_29120.exe /implib:cmTC_29120.lib /pdb:"C:\Users\gaura.YASH\OneDrive\Desktop\new_code\cmake_1st_proj\C-Make\1st project\build\CMakeFiles\CMakeScratch\TryCompile-mhmynt\cmTC_29120.pdb" /version:0.0 /machine:x64 /debug /INCREMENTAL /subsystem:console kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib
RC Pass 1: command "rc /fo CMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir/manifest.res CMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir/manifest.rc" failed (exit code 0) with the following output:
The system cannot find the file specifiedCMakeFiles\cmTC_29120.dir\build.make:99: recipe for target 'cmTC_29120.exe' failed
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [cmTC_29120.exe] Error -1
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/Users/gaura.YASH/OneDrive/Desktop/new_code/cmake_1st_proj/C-Make/1st project/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeScratch/TryCompile-mhmynt'
Makefile:126: recipe for target 'cmTC_29120/fast' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [cmTC_29120/fast] Error 2
CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:2 (project)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/gaura.YASH/OneDrive/Desktop/new_code/cmake_1st_proj/C-Make/1st project/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "C:/Users/gaura.YASH/OneDrive/Desktop/new_code/cmake_1st_proj/C-Make/1st project/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
PS C:\Users\gaura.YASH\OneDrive\Desktop\new_code\cmake_1st_proj\C-Make\1st project\build>
I am trying to avoid adding the compiler to be used in the cmakelist.txt file as I saw that it is a bad practice. I searched and found alternative approaches using -D flag and saving the preferred settings in cache but I am curious to know why this one works in the tutorial but not on my system.
I tinkered for a bit and realized it is necessary to give the g++ compiler as a flag to the cmake command. The default compiler here is MSVC but mingw-makefile use the g++.exe. Thus, the command cmake -G MinGW Makefiles" -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ ..\source\ will create a build for your project given the build repository doesn't have any existing cache, if it does, then you would need to clear it.
One thing to keep in mind is that compiler = g++ is the name of the application of the compiler in path. So you must add it to path and write the exact name without ext. here.
Additionally, I tried to run the ninja build system, which also showed the same error as the original question. Similar changes in the command fixed it as well, so cmake -G "Ninja" -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ ..\source\ will build your project, given you have no cache in build. Delete if you do.
I could not find out how to run ninja using msvc though, replacing g++ with the cl exe did not work.
Edit: How to use Clang-CL LLVM with VS2019 CMAKE? for the clang-msvc one.

Using GLSLC's depfile to make included files automatically trigger recompile of SPIRV in CMake

I'm trying to create a cmake function that automatically recompiles glsl to spirv upon changes to the shader files. Right now direct dependencies work, ie the shaders I use as compile arguments. However I make heavy use of #include feature that glslc provides, and by default I can't get changes in that stuff to trigger recompile. I made sure that I'm using the Ninja
Right now I have the following CMake function and arguments:
set(GLSLC "$ENV{VULKAN_SDK}/Bin/glslc")
function(target_shader_function SHADER_TARGET)
#we can use depfiles instead
COMMENT "Compiling SPIRV for \nsource: \n\t${SHADER_SOURCE_FILEPATH} \nbinary: \n\t${SHADER_FINAL_BINARY_FILEPATH} \n"
add_dependencies(${SHADER_TARGET} ${SHADER_TARGET_NAME})
and I use it like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0116 NEW)
add_executable(my_target main.cpp)
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::cout << "hello world!" << std::endl;
return 0;
Again, everything works fine if I change, for example, example.comp.
However, lets say I have the following shader (lets say that this is example.comp):
#version 460
#include "fooutils.glsl"
#define WORKGROUP_SIZE 1024
layout (local_size_x = WORKGROUP_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer MyBufferBlock{
float data[];
void main(){
uint tidx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
data[tidx] += foo(tidx);
and I include the following:
float foo(uint tidx){
return mod(tidx, 4.51);
and I change fooutils.glsl after everything is compiled once (for example in a way that stops it from compiling),
float foo(uint tidx){
return x;
return mod(tidx, 4.51);
I don't get a recompile triggered. I had assumed that ninja would use this info to accomplish this, but I haven't seen it happen.
How do I use this depfile to force a recompile when an include dependency changes?
Here's my working implementation. But first, here's my terminal output so you can see it's working:
$ tree
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── main.cpp
├── shaders
│   └── example.comp
└── shaderutils
└── fooutils.glsl
$ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build build/
[1/3] Compiling SPIRV: shaders/example.comp -> spirv/example.spv
[2/3] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/my_target.dir/main.cpp.o
[3/3] Linking CXX executable my_target
$ cmake --build build/
ninja: no work to do.
$ touch shaderutils/fooutils.glsl
$ cmake --build build/
[1/1] Compiling SPIRV: shaders/example.comp -> spirv/example.spv
$ cat build/spirv/example.d
spirv/example.spv: /path/to/shaders/example.comp /path/to/shaderutils/fooutils.glsl
$ cat build/CMakeFiles/d/*.d
spirv/example.spv: \
../shaders/example.comp \
Now on to the implementation
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
function(target_shader_function TARGET)
find_package(Vulkan REQUIRED)
if (NOT TARGET Vulkan::glslc)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find glslc")
endif ()
foreach (source IN LISTS ARGN)
cmake_path(ABSOLUTE_PATH source OUTPUT_VARIABLE source_abs)
cmake_path(GET source STEM basename)
set(depfile "spirv/${basename}.d")
set(output "spirv/${basename}.spv")
set(include_flags "$<$<BOOL:${dirs}>:-I$<JOIN:${dirs},;-I>>")
OUTPUT "${output}"
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E make_directory spirv
COMMAND Vulkan::glslc -MD -MF "${depfile}" -O "${source_abs}"
-o "${output}" --target-env=vulkan1.2 "${include_flags}"
DEPENDS "${source_abs}"
BYPRODUCTS "${depfile}"
COMMENT "Compiling SPIRV: ${source} -> ${output}"
DEPFILE "${depfile}"
set(shader_target "${TARGET}_${basename}")
add_dependencies("${TARGET}" "${shader_target}")
endforeach ()
add_executable(my_target main.cpp)
target_shader_function(my_target shaders/example.comp)
my_target PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shaderutils")
With a CMake minimum version of 3.20 or greater, CMP0116 will be set, which adjusts depfiles that were generated with relative paths to be relative to the top-level binary directory. You can see this in action in the last two command outputs.
For compatibility with this policy, the command to invoke glslc is careful to use only absolute paths or paths relative to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}.
To increase the reusability of this function, I had it reuse the include paths from the TARGET rather than hard-coding shaderutils.
Also remember to always pass absolute paths to the DEPENDS arguments of add_custom_{command,target} to avoid surprising path resolution behaviors.
Finally, since CMake actually comes with a FindVulkan module that can locate glslc, we use that to get the Vulkan::glslc target. Per the documentation, it can be overridden by setting Vulkan_GLSLC_EXECUTABLE.
Terminal logs for VS2022 on Windows with MSVC:
> cmake -S . -B build
> cmake --build build --config Release
Checking Build System
Compiling SPIRV: shaders/example.comp -> spirv/example.spv
Building Custom Rule D:/test/CMakeLists.txt
Building Custom Rule D:/test/CMakeLists.txt
my_target.vcxproj -> D:\test\build\Release\my_target.exe
Building Custom Rule D:/test/CMakeLists.txt
> cmake --build build --config Release -- -noLogo
my_target.vcxproj -> D:\test\build\Release\my_target.exe
> notepad shaderutils\fooutils.glsl
> cmake --build build --config Release -- -noLogo
Compiling SPIRV: shaders/example.comp -> spirv/example.spv
my_target.vcxproj -> D:\test\build\Release\my_target.exe
> cmake --build build --config Release -- -noLogo
my_target.vcxproj -> D:\test\build\Release\my_target.exe
and again with Ninja instead of msbuild:
> cmake -G Ninja -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^
> powershell "cmake --build build | tee output.txt"
[1/3] Compiling SPIRV: shaders/example.comp -> spirv/example.spv
[2/3] Building CXX object CMakeFiles\my_target.dir\main.cpp.obj
[3/3] Linking CXX executable my_target.exe
> powershell "cmake --build build | tee output.txt"
ninja: no work to do.
> notepad shaderutils\fooutils.glsl
> powershell "cmake --build build | tee output.txt"
[1/1] Compiling SPIRV: shaders/example.comp -> spirv/example.spv
The little powershell + tee trick is just to keep the Ninja command log from overwriting itself. I could use --verbose, but then the full command lines would be printed, rather than the tidy summaries.

CMake building for Windows (clang-cl) using Ninja Generator

I am trying to build a simple application on a Windows machine using CMake as the main build tool. Once CMake is invoked on the project the is an error on configuration phase:
> cmake -H. -G Ninja -Bbuild -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:PATH="C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang-cl.exe" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH="C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang-cl.exe"
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 7.0.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 7.0.0
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang-cl.exe
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang-cl.exe --broken
CMake Error at C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.12/Modules/CMakeTestCCompile
r.cmake:52 (message):
The C compiler
"C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang-cl.exe"
is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:
Change Dir: C:/Users/mak/Desktop/cmake-test/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command:"C:/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/bin/ninja.exe" "cmTC_f5485"
[1/2] Building C object CMakeFiles\cmTC_f5485.dir\testCCompiler.c.obj
[2/2] Linking C executable cmTC_f5485.exe
FAILED: cmTC_f5485.exe
cmd.exe /C "cd . && "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E vs_link_exe --intdir=CMakeFiles\cmTC_f5485.dir --manifests -- CMAKE_LINKER-NOTFOUND /nologo CMakeFiles\cmTC_f5485.dir\testCCompiler.c.obj /out:cmTC_f5485.exe /implib:cmTC_f5485.lib /pdb:cmTC_f5485.pdb /version:0.0 /machine:x64 /debug /INCREMENTAL /subsystem:console kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib && cd ."
RC Pass 1: command "rc /foCMakeFiles\cmTC_f5485.dir/manifest.res CMakeFiles\cmTC_f5485.dir/manifest.rc" failed (exit code 0) with the following output:
The system cannot find the given file
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:3 (project)
I read a lot through the web but my problem was not solved by any proposed solution. What I found so far is a simmilar but maybe outdated solution to the same problem which did not work for me, because Ninja was not able to build the executable:
> ninja all
[1/2] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/minimal.dir/main.cpp.obj
FAILED: CMakeFiles/minimal.dir/main.cpp.obj
C:\PROGRA~1\LLVM\bin\clang-cl.exe -MD -MT CMakeFiles/minimal.dir/main.cpp.obj -MF CMakeFiles\minimal.dir\main.cpp.obj.d -o CMakeFiles/minimal.dir/main.cpp.obj -c ../main.cpp
clang-cl.exe: warning: unknown argument ignored in clang-cl: '-MF' [-Wunknown-argument]
clang-cl.exe: error: no such file or directory: 'CMakeFiles/minimal.dir/main.cpp.obj'
clang-cl.exe: error: no such file or directory: 'CMakeFiles\minimal.dir\main.cpp.obj.d'
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Before this error CMake configured properly except that all compilers ABI info detection failed - but CMake resumed without error. There are some other questions out there which did not help either.
The official documentation states it is quite simple but in fact it is not.
So: How do I build a simple C++ project using CMake with the Ninja generator and Clang as the compiler? I try to avoid the installation of Visual Studio but it would be great if generated binaries are compatible with MSVC build binaries.
CMake 3.12.2
Ninja 1.8.2
Clang 7.0.0
Example: Here is the minial example which I am working with:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Hello World!\n");
return 0;
To compile with clang-cl, it is necessary to run cmake with MSVC environment loaded (use vcvarsall.bat). Otherwise it tries to use GCC compatibility options.
It is enough to install just the Build Tools.

CMAKE build gui application with MinGW

I want to build gui application with SDL2. I link SDL2 libraries(libSDL2.dll.a and libSDL2main.a) but I don't know how a can apply -mwindows flag to my application. Without him .exe file of my application doesn't show window (executing have not any effect). I use MinGW-w64 my OS is Windows 10. In command line I can do this like here (see section B). How I can apply this flag with usage cmake? Console application works fine.
I try next variant but it doesn't work.
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-mwindows"
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-mwindows"
Also in CMakeLists.txt I try do like this
You can pass WIN32 argument to add_executable and CMake will do this for you:
add_executable(target_name WIN32 ${sources})
I basically copy-pasted the stuff, which CLion executes in the command line, and it worked:
$ cmake DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles" ../
$ cmake --build ./ --target target_name -j 6
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/target_name.dir/main.cpp.obj
[100%] Linking CXX executable target_name.exe
[100%] Built target tree_traverse
After this the executable target_name.exe appeared in the directory.

Unable to use specific compiler in cmake created CodeBlocks project

I have various projects that I need to compile them with different compilers.
So, what I need is an IDE that lets easily allow me to choose/change a target and compile projects for that target.
Another need is to use cmake.
I am now trying CodeBlocks in windows. First I try to add a compiler:
I have set:
Settings->Toolchain executables->Compiler's installation directory->Program Files
Then I create CodeBlocks project with cmake -G "CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles"
I open the project in CodeBlocks that is generated by cmake.
I chose compiler in Project Settings.
I build.
Then I discover that compiler in Project Settings is totally ignored! Because it is used the one in CMakeCache.
Thus, I write a script that first set CC and CXX, then run cmake.
With this way I see that CMakeCache has the compiler that I want.
Then I build the project in CodeBlocks.
Now, for g++.exe, the correct compiler is used. However, CodeBlocks insists and insists again to use default MinGW compiler (which is in path) for mingw32-make.exe
Here is the last build output, where D:/Qt/Qt5.4.1/Tools/mingw491_32/bin is default and C:\mingw_x86_64\release7.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev2.7\bin is the correct one.
-------------- Build: 32bit in deneme21 (compiler: MinGW GCC Compiler 32bit)---------------
Checking if target is up-to-date: mingw32-make.exe -q -f Makefile 32bit
Running command: D:/Qt/Qt5.4.1/Tools/mingw491_32/bin/mingw32-make.exe -f "D:/Qt_ws/deneme/deneme31/Makefile" VERBOSE=1 install/strip
C:\CMake3.10.2\win32\bin\cmake.exe -HD:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31 -BD:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31 --check-build-system CMakeFiles\Makefile.cmake 0
C:\CMake3.10.2\win32\bin\cmake.exe -E cmake_progress_start D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31\CMakeFiles D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31\CMakeFiles\progress.marks
D:/Qt/Qt5.4.1/Tools/mingw491_32/bin/mingw32-make.exe -f CMakeFiles\Makefile2 all
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory 'D:/Qt_ws/deneme/deneme31'
D:/Qt/Qt5.4.1/Tools/mingw491_32/bin/mingw32-make.exe -f CMakeFiles\deneme21.dir\build.make CMakeFiles/deneme21.dir/depend
mingw32-make.exe[2]: Entering directory 'D:/Qt_ws/deneme/deneme31'
C:\CMake3.10.2\win32\bin\cmake.exe -E cmake_depends "MinGW Makefiles" D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31 D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31 D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31 D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31 D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31\CMakeFiles\deneme21.dir\DependInfo.cmake --color=
mingw32-make.exe[2]: Leaving directory 'D:/Qt_ws/deneme/deneme31'
D:/Qt/Qt5.4.1/Tools/mingw491_32/bin/mingw32-make.exe -f CMakeFiles\deneme21.dir\build.make CMakeFiles/deneme21.dir/build
mingw32-make.exe[2]: Entering directory 'D:/Qt_ws/deneme/deneme31'
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/deneme21.dir/src/foo.cpp.obj
C:\mingw_x86_64\release7.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev2.7\bin\g++.exe #CMakeFiles/deneme21.dir/includes_CXX.rsp -m32 -o CMakeFiles\deneme21.dir\src\foo.cpp.obj -c D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31\src\foo.cpp
[100%] Linking CXX static library libdeneme21.a
C:\CMake3.10.2\win32\bin\cmake.exe -P CMakeFiles\deneme21.dir\cmake_clean_target.cmake
C:\CMake3.10.2\win32\bin\cmake.exe -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles\deneme21.dir\link.txt --verbose=1
C:\mingw_x86_64\release7.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev2.7\bin\ar.exe qc libdeneme21.a CMakeFiles/deneme21.dir/src/foo.cpp.obj
C:\mingw_x86_64\release7.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev2.7\bin\ranlib.exe libdeneme21.a
mingw32-make.exe[2]: Leaving directory 'D:/Qt_ws/deneme/deneme31'
[100%] Built target deneme21
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory 'D:/Qt_ws/deneme/deneme31'
C:\CMake3.10.2\win32\bin\cmake.exe -E cmake_progress_start D:\Qt_ws\deneme\deneme31\CMakeFiles 0
D:/Qt/Qt5.4.1/Tools/mingw491_32/bin/mingw32-make.exe -f CMakeFiles\Makefile2 preinstall
How can I make CodeBlocks use the compiler that I want in cmake created project?