Stop Rider from auto-selecting Run/Debug configuration - intellij-idea

Is there a way from preventing Rider switching the Run/Debug configuration on its own? I'm talking about this dropdown:
I want to keep it on "WebAPI: Kestrel" unless I explicitly change it myself.
What happens instead is, if I go to my solution files, and right-click on one of the shell scripts I have, and click "run", it runs the script (which is fine), but it changes the default configuration to that script.. which is not what I want. Because then when I try to run my actual project, it runs the script again instead.
Any way of fixing this behavior and keeping the Run/Debug stuck on a configuration of my choosing?
Edit: If I do what CrazyCoder suggested, after setting the Temporary configurations limit to 0, I get a shorter list:
And then when I run a shell script again, it just goes to this:


IntelliJ grayed out Run Configuration

Using IntelliJ I have some Run Configurations that are grayed out.
I can still run them but I can't find why they are grayed out.
A dimmed run configuration simply means it hasn't been saved. Technically called "temporary run configurations" by the IntelliJ manual:
Temporary configurations are marked with semi-transparent icons and are managed same way as the permanent configurations. By default, 5 temporary configurations are allowed per project. You can change this limit via the Edit Configurations dialog.
Saving (which makes the config permanent) can be done in either the "Run/Debug Configurations" menu (visible only when selected), or in the config selection dropdown in the general UI:
After saving, the configuration will move up to group with the reset of the saved configurations and will no longer be dimmed. As far as I can tell, you can have as many saved configs that you want.
To fix this:
Go to your project directory
Select a folder -> New -> Java Class ->
Go to add configuration
Fill these fields like in the image:

IntelliJ IDEA global environment variable configuration

I need to use an envirnoment variable in all of my idea run configurations. I currently use run->edit configurations->and then enter the env variables in selected configuration. However that's very tedious when I need to run isolated test scenarios because each one creates a new run configuration and I need to enter the variables all over again.
I tried to set the env variables in my linux system using export SOME_VAR="some value" in various session profile files: /etc/profile,/etc/bash.bashrc,~/.bashrc,~/.profile but intellij seems to ignore those vars during run, even though when I launch echo ${SOME_VAR} from intellij built-in terminal it displays the correct output.
I also tried using intellij .env file plugin and then set SOME_VAR=some value in .env file in project root. Didn't work either.
I found a solution to set environment variables on IntelliJ that has been working very well for me, and is incredibly simple. Let me show you.
This is the program (you can copy and paste it) we're using to test:
package com.javasd.intelijenv;
import java.util.Map;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
for (String envName : env.keySet()) {
System.out.format("%s=%s%n", envName, env.get(envName));
System.out.println("My home directory: " + System.getenv("MY_VAR"));
This program basically loads all environment variables, show them on the console, and try to show an env variable. Also, it assumes that you had created the MY_VAR env variable before calling IntelliJ IDEA, by doing something like:
$ export MY_VAR="This is my adorable var :)"
$ idea
Please, notice that we're calling IntelliJ IDEA in the same terminal (or session, or window) where we created the environment variable. If you create the variable and call the IDEA from the icon, the solution won't work because the IDEA will create its own session.
So, if run it without the correct configuration you will get something line this in your console:
Please, notice that you have just a few variables, and that MY_VAR is null.
Here's configuration I use to load the environment variables:
Click on the "Select Run/Debug Configurations" in your project and select "Edit Configurations":
Then, click on the the button with "..." on the right side of the "Environment Variables" section:
You'll see a pop-up. Check the checkbox on the bottom-left which has the label "Include parent environment variables":
That's it!!!
If you run your program now you will see something like this on your console:
You can see all the environment variables and, of course, your "MY_VAR" variable, with the right value!
Beyond the Basics
Usually, for security reasons, we don't want to keep all the environment variables visible. What we want to do is to make those variables visible only while the IntelliJ (or our program) is running.
So, no sensitive variables should be visible on the environment neither before you call Intellij nor after you close it.
Also, you want to keep those variables in a file (typically with a .env extension) to make it easy to manipulate and for security reasons.
To achieve this, there are some useful programs (you can Google them), but my favorite one is the env-cmd.
Let's say you have a test.env file with the following content:
MY_TEST_VAR=I live in the test.env file.
If you call IntelliJ by doing this:
$ env-cmd test.env idea
And edit your program to show "MY_TEST_VAR", and run it, you will see this on the IntelliJ's console:
But if you quit the IntelliJ, and look for your variable, you will see that the var doesn't exist (you can use env to confirm):
At this point, I hope you're able to play with your own solutions: create shell scripts with variables set inside, test other programs (direnv, autoenv, etc.), and so on.
In my opinion the real issue is what Mat said.
If you want to launch IntelliJ from a shortcut, then you have to edit it a little bit:
Open the .desktop file, and add /bin/bash -c -i to the beginning of the launch command. The file should look something like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/bin/bash -i -c "/path/to/idea/bin/" %f
Name=IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
If Maven is used project specific environment variables can be configured under File->Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Build Tools->Maven->Runner
These are reused then in any Maven configuration.
The same mechanism to set the environment variables might also work with different runners.
The problem is, that IntelliJ does not "see" the environment variables that are set in .bashrc (Also to be found in CrazyCoders answer). The easiest way to enable IntelliJ to import those variables is to start it from bash e.g. by typing intellij-idea-community.
I tried various things listed above, and adding the environment variables to the terminal configuration and the Maven build tools worked in some contexts but not others. Then I finally found the place in IntelliJ that actually works for runtime processes. Because why just have one environment variable configuration screen when you can have several and make all but one of them wrong? ^_^
If you edit the template from which your run configurations are created, and add the environment variables to the template, then they should be included in every subsequent run configuration that started with that template.
This is especially useful for the JUnit template, since it will mean that all your custom environment variables will be loaded for unit tests, regardless of the scope from which they're executed (single method, whole test class, whole module). But in general, if you edit the templates first, then any run configuration you create thereafter will inherit your environment variables from the template.
From the top menu: Run → Edit Configurations... → expand Templates tree → (choose a template) → Environment variables: → (enter a semicolon-delimited key-value pair list OR use the input widget)
For the auto-generated JUnit configurations, you should blow away any existing ones, and let IntelliJ recreate new ones as you go; each of these will use the updated JUnit template with your environment variables.
For macOs try adding /Applications/IntelliJ
SOME_VAR=some value
As no other answer mentioned it here,
Add your environment variable to /etc/environment , then log out and log in again. IntelliJ will definitely pick it up.
I found another tricky solution :)
At least for Linux users...
Just create some shell script like in any suitable location with this content.
export YOUR_ENV_VARIABLE=some value
cd ~/path_to_your_idea_folder/bin
bash ./
Make this script executable and run it.
This script will always run your IDE with predefined env variables.
Got to Open 'Edit Run/Debug configurations' dialogs
Go to Modify options
Select Environment variables
New box appears for Environment variables below Active profiles

How can I stop indexing intellij idea?

Without "excluding" folders, how can I stop Indexing intellij idea on start? It's very very annoying that it starts indexing on startup without allowing you to, for example, debug a test case making you wait until indexing has finished.
You can stop synchronizing/indexing each time you switch to the IDEA and it's quite useful when dealing with big projects and outside build process which triggers indexing.
Just disable checkbox System Settings -> Synchronize files on frame or editor tab activation.
Make sure you run indexing manually to update hints when needed through Synchronize menu (Cmd-Alt-Y on Mac) or File -> Reload All from Disk to run it manually for IDEA 2020 running under Linux
File-> Invalidate Caches / Restart.
I think that this issue happens (at least for me it seems to be the reason) if you start commit and then close the IDE in the middle of the process.
Now, "excluding" folders is the only way to disable indexing when a change occurs in one of excluded folders (except for generated sources that mustn't be excluded).
Checked with Intellij 2016.2.5
I suggest you to tune your Intellij configuration, see this post :
You Can easily resolve it.
Just Go to: File -> Setting -> Directories.
Stop all the files that are going to included and need to empty ADD Content Root.
Like This:
It may be because of libraries folder is added more than one sub folder in the project. example in my case i have node_modules folder in two locations in the project. one is under root directory(app-->node_modeules) another one is under(app-->test-->node_modules)
Simply Right click on each folder and then selected Mark Directory As --> Excluded
It resolved my problem. Hope it would be helpful.
After struggling with this issue for around a week and searching all the solution I came to below conclusion:
either upgrade your intellij which gives you feature to pause the indexing ( I can't upgrade my intellij due to license issues ) so the other option was to disable all the plugins and then try enabling as per the need one by one.
After enabling any of the plugin if you see it behaving the same uninstall the plugin and download some alternative of it.
If longer indexing is an issue you can enable the shared indexes.
Add this plugin in your intellij and follow the instructions from here.
In my case i had constantly indexing files in Angular application when i remove node_modules folder.
I've tried to invalidate caches multiple times what didn't help at all.
Only solution was to remove project with clear Git state and reclone project - than everything started to work just flawlessly.

How do I share IntelliJ Run/Debug configurations between projects?

I have many different versions of my app. Each one is a separate IntelliJ project. Every time I open a new one, the list of configurations starts blank:
The annoying thing about this is I deploy to 1 VM and I have to copy and paste the debug configurations each time I want to test a different version. IntelliJ makes this dialog modal per IntelliJ Instance, so I can't copy and paste the fields between Project Instances.
I end up taking a screenshot of one configuration and copying the fields by hand into the other project. It's a pretty primitive solution. Is there a more convenient way to get a run configuration from one project to another?
I'm using IntelliJ 13 on Windows 7.
Can I share settings for IntelliJ Idea across different projects? may have the answer to this, but the question is different. It's about window layout. Therefore I don't consider it a duplicate.
The best way to do this is to click the "share" checkmark next to Name field when you edit/create the configuration. You can get to this Dialog with Run > Edit Configurations.
The share check-mark pulls the setting out of your workspace.xml and instead puts it in the directory .idea\runConfigurations. This is designed so you can share the setting with others.
You could copy this file and put it in the same location in all your idea projects.
However, in the future, you might want to consider using source control branches for app versions rather than separate projects. IntelliJ handles these very well.
UPDATE (June 2021):
IntelliJ now puts this in the .run folder as its own file, no longer in .idea/runConfigurations.
Run configurations are stored in .idea/workspace.xml by default. First alternative is to share this file but it is not feasible because you also share a lot of unnecessary configurations.
As already said, the first step is to check "share" option to separate run configurations from workspace.xml.
After that, I recommend adding runConfigurations to source control. But the main problem is, probably you have already marked .idea folder as ignored.
You can unignore the folder by configuring your source control system. For example, if you are using git, you can change .gitignore file as follows:
don't forget adding * after .idea/
As the last step, add your run configurations to source control and enjoy your shared configurations!
Run > Edit Configuration > create or select existing configuration you want to use > click save and persist it on file system > click on share check mark
now copy this file from
to your NEW_PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY/.idea/runConfigurations at the same place and it is available now to your run configuration
You should copy the folder
That's the folder that contains the run configurations.
An update for this question with the new IntelliJ updates:
Now you can "Store as project file" which will create a folder named ".run" and export your setting to that folder. In the example below, I did it for all my test settings. This removes the requirement of editing .gitignore since files are now not outside of ./idea
This is not exactly an answer to your question but it answers a question similar to your question and one that I had, and I'm assuming others might as well.
That is, How to save unit and instrumentation test run configurations? I usually right-click on the test directory which brings up a menu with the option to Run whatever is in that directory. AndroidStudio then creates a run configuration on the fly and in the Run Configuration drop-down menu a new option will appear, "Save new configuration?" or something similar.
Clicking that option brings up the Run Configuration menu and at that point I check the Share box as many others have already mentioned. This then will prompt the version control system to ask me if I want to add this new run configuration file. If you haven't registered your version control system you can find the new files under .idea/runConfigurations.

Start two instances of IntelliJ IDE

Well my question is pretty simple, how do I start two instances of IntelliJ (community edition).
When I have one instance started and I try to start another one, all that happens is that my started instance gets focus.
I'm developing Android applications using IntelliJ.
Any thoughts?
Press Ctrl+Alt+SChoose Appearance & Behavior, then System Settings, check radio button: Open project in new window.
You need to configure each instance to use its own folders for config/plugins/system locations by editing file on Windows/Linux and Info.plist on Mac. You can find the details in FAQ.
Note that normally it's not necessary since you can open multiple projects in different IDEA frames within the same instance using File | Open or Open Recent.
CrazyCoder has roughly the right idea. However, setting the config file alone was not sufficient for me to run multiple instances. Here are my steps to get this going (in GNU/Linux, I am sure you can figure out equivalent in other systems):
Create a folder/directory per instance you want to run.
mkdir -p ~/idea/instance-0
Go to the installation directory (e.g. /opt/intellij) and copy the (in bin) file over to your instance directory.
cp /opt/intellij/bin/ ~/idea/instance-0/
Copy 3 more directories: system, plugins, and config. I highly recommend doing this without the running instance
cp -r /opt/intellij/system ~/idea/instance-0/
cp -r /opt/intellij/plugins ~/idea/instance-0/
cp -r /opt/intellij/config ~/idea/instance-0/
mkdir ~/idea/instance-0/log
Open your file and update the configurations for your directories:
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to user installed plugins folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
# Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE logs folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes.
Now, you can start IntelliJ with the new setup:
IDEA_PROPERTIES=~/idea/instance-0/ /opt/intellij/bin/idea
Obviously, you probably want to put the command in a script file for invocation. This seems to work for me.
File->Settings->General and in section "Startup/Shutdown" check "Confirm window to open project in"
With Ultimate 2020.2, go to Appearance & Behavior > System Settings in the settings dialog and select the "Ask" option for "Open project in"
As per the directions from jetbrains you'll need go to the 'General' page of the 'Settings' dialog and chose 'Open project in a new window'. Then proceed to open a project as you normally do. IntelliJ should then startup a completely new instance.
There is an other very quick way of doing it. There is always an EAP version of the IDE and it can run at same time with the current one. For example I am using AppCode 2017.2 and 2017.3 EAP in parallel.
Go go to IntelliJ | Tools | Create Command-line Launcher...
Keep the defaults (which creates a binary named "idea"):
Now, go to your command line.
Cd to your project directory and type: idea .
This will create a .idea directory for IntelliJ configurations for that project, which it will re-use each time to start IntelliJ from that directory.
You can now go to a different project directory and type: idea .
Assuming you left the previous IntellJ IDE open, you will now have two IntellJ IDEs open, one for each project.
1) If your project uses environment variables, then I'd recommending opening a separate terminal tab/window for each project and set that project's environment variables before running: idea .
2) Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you may need to modify your classpath (or settings like Project GOPATH) for each IntelliJ instance.
My answer is not directly related to the question but its a solution for some cases where we think we need 2 Intellij instances.
For my issue I was thinking to launch 2 Intellij instances. But after careful thinking and searching for other options, I found an easy and quick solution and I wanna share with the community
If you are looking to compare files between different branches, and you wanna compare the difference, that can be done with git comparison. You don't need 2 different Intellij instances.
My Case:
In my case, I wanted to copy very specific code from 1 branch to another and I wanted to compare the difference between the code. The restriction was, I can't do git merge or cherry-pick because we didn't want full commit to be part of new branch. Just few necessary lines were required in the new branch.
My Solution:
Select the branch
Open the file where you wanna insert code
Right Click -> Git -> Compare with... (refer to pic)
Select the branch and you will get the difference
Append or Copy the difference
If you have new files or directories, you can create it manually and copy-paste the content
I know this answer doesn't directly relates to what has been asked, but sometimes we miss alternative solutions.
Hope this can be helpful as an alternative solution.
In addition to the above comments from #crazycoder and #magice, Make sure that you are not trying to load Pycharm with the same project two times which happened to me!!!.
For example, in windows10 already loaded with ONLY one project in PyCharm and tried to load another Pycharm instance by clicking on the PyCharm desktop shortcut or from task-bar if added. In this case, Pycharm will not load the second instance.
I have wasted some time here. So, wanted to share with the community as it will help someone out there!!