I run across a strange issue:
the file marked by the cross is excluded from compilation.
Does anybody know about this and what to do to get rid of that?
There was the entry at this path:
Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Excludes
I've just removed this (wrongly inserted) entry
I defined a new environment variable in ~/.zshrc like that: export JVM_XMX=-Xmx2048M. I can verify that it was set correctly running export command and finding it in the list.
Now I want to use it in SBT. I've tried these two approaches:
But the value couldn't be found or the Option is None. Errors that I see are:
NoSuchElementException: key not found: JVM_XMX
NoSuchElementException: None.get
What I also tried was to add the variable into SBT in IntelliJ Settings. I went to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> sbt and set VM parameters to -DJVM_XMX=-Xmx2048M. It didn't help.
Anyone knows how to setup SBT to work with IntelliJ correctly?
Versions used:
sbt 1.2.8
IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.1
As a workaround I was able to use system properties (scala.sys.SystemProperties). This works because this is the way how to find values added into SBT in IntelliJ Settings.
Code example from build.sbt:
I was finally able to figure out what was the real problem. My .bashrc file was incorrectly set up (I had the variables only in .zshrc). After adding environment variables into correct rc file, the problem was fixed.
If you'd like this property to be part of your project, and not only in your solution, you can add a file names ".sbtopts" at the root of your repository, next to the build.sbt file.
In this file you can configure the JVM options.
For instance you can add there:
I couldn't find the sbt documentation supporting my suggestion, but it works for me :)
I was able to work around this issue by going to Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> sbt, then enabling sbt shell for builds and project reload.
I'm trying out Dagger2 in Intellij 2016.1 (but not with gradle) on ubuntu.
Intellij creates dagger's generated sources in either
./out/production/<ProjectModule>/generated/ or
./out/test/<ProjectModule>/generated_tests/ depending on if it was generated from a source or test directory, respectively.
But from what I tell, I can only mark those directories as either sources root, test sources root, or generated sources root; there is no option for generated test sources root, say.
Why is this important? Because the generated test sources depend on my test sources. If they are marked as a generated sources root then Intellij cannot find the dependencies.
Note: I don't think they should be marked as test sources root because then Intellij tries to compile those again; unless there is some way of preventing this of which I am unaware.
So is there a way to mark this directory as a generated test sources root or something equivalent?
To mark a diectory as "generated test sources root", open the "Project Structure" dialog at Project Settings > Modules and click on the little "P" next to your folder of choice, and select the "For generated resources" button.
Dagger uses annotation processing to generate sources during compilation. IntelliJ has a specific configuration for this feature in Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Annotation Processors
When it is enabled IntelliJ automatically adds generated sources to project.
With annotation processing enabled I can see that generated test sources are marked both as Test Sources Root and Generated Sources Root. But when I try to manually set both flags it does not work - I get flags Sources Root and Generated Sources Root.
For me it looks like a bug.
Here's what worked for me. Create a directory in the Module root called generated and under it have two simlinks to <ProjectRoot>/out/production/<ProjectModule>/generated/ and <ProjectRoot>/out/test/<ProjectModule>/generated_tests/. Mark the first as Resource Root and the second as Test Resource Root.
I created the new directory and simlinks because it appears Intillij auto-marks <ProjectRoot>/out as Excluded.
I marked the directory as Test Resource Root so that Intellij doesn't try to compile the source twice to the same class. (Hint: big complains from the compiler.)
In the end, no red squiggles and auto-complete works.
Note: I didn't change the Intellij's generated sources directory for the module. (Well, I did to try another answer, but changed it back.)
in IntelliJ (2016.2 and previous) we have our Groovy classes marked red with the error "class already exists".
I think we can exclude that the cause is the stub-generation, as this is deactivated.
Probably it's caused in our constellation: We have included our compiled groovy (and java) classes in a jar that is registered as dependency.
Dependency MyProduct.jar contains com.mycompany.MyGroovyClass
Our source contains com.mycompany.MyGroovyClass
The error disappears if the dependency is registered with Test-Scope, in all other scopes the error appears.
However, in our structure we kinda have to include the compiled classes in a compile scope, as we want to avoid that each developer needs to compile all classes (I know about the compile in background ability, but we have a constellation that prevents this from working).
We have no errors in com.mycompany.MyJavaClass which exists as well in source and in MyProduct.jar.
Any ideas on how we can solve this?
We've been suffering the same issue, it seems to be that IntelliJ registers the Java class, but also the Groovy class, and because of that it is showing that message (BTW, we are using a Maven Project).
So we ended up by going to the target folder -> right click -> Mark Directory As -> Excluded. Then, this setting will be saved on the IML file, and it won't happen again.
Hope it works for your as well!
I'm using gmavenplus-plugin:1.5
After marking target/generated-sources/generated-sources/main as "Excluded", The error disappeared. I even did "invalidate cache and restart", It persists the setting. This is great. Intellij 2017.1.5
We have two ways to fix this issue
Exclude Stub Directory
target folder -> generated-sources -> groovy-stubs -> Right click main folder -> Mark Directory As -> Excluded
Remove generateStubs goal from gmaven plugin
Remove <goal>generateStubs</goal> from gmavenplus plugin
Make sure you Mark the src folder as Sources Root and do the same for the test folder
Then delete the target folder (most likely it's marked in yellow) and don't worry it won't delete any code from your project
If the issue persist, proceed to go to File -> Invalidate Cache/Restart
We have some projects that are only used in some environments so I would like publishing to skip them. However, when publishing the whole solution I get the following msbuild error:
"C:\Source\Solution.sln" (default target) (1) ->
"C:\Source\Project\Project.csproj" (default target) (51) ->
(ValidatePublishProfileSettings target) ->
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(4253,5): error : The value for PublishProfile is set to 'Sta
ge', expected to find the file at 'C:\Source\Project\Properties\PublishProfiles\Stage.pubxml' but it could not be found. [C:\Source\Project\Project.csproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(4260,4): error : PublishProfile(Stage) is set. But the $(Web
PublishMethod) does not have a valid value. Current Value is "". [C:\Source\Project\Project.csproj]
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(4267,5): error : Target ValidatePublishProfileSettings Faile
d [C:\Source\Project\Project.csproj]
Is there any way to ignore the project when publishing the solution so I don't get build errors?
I'd go with:
a custom build srcript (call msbuild individually for every project that you want to publish) (my preferred option hence it gives you much more flexibility)
a custom .sln file with only needed projects for the sole purpose of publishing (easier option, but harder to maintain)
3.Just a wild guess(never tried this for deployment, but should work based on my understanding) - you could try using Build -> Configuration Manager dialog in VS to uncheck build checkboxes for certain projects if you can go with creating separate solution configurations for separate deployment plans:
I have a Scala Play project. I'm using Play 2.2.1. I downloaded Scala, Play 2 supported and SBT plugins. Everything is OK, but When I call route on Action in the Controller appear following error(Look screenshots):
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.6 Ultimate version. Scala version 2.10.2
Anybody know how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance!
When I generate my project to Intellij IDEA via "play idea" command in play console, and I opened project in IDEA project structure was such:
Then I saw answer #millhouse and discussing on this githup([Play 2.2] "play idea" creates not working source mapping in target) and I removed following folders from Sources Folders:
and "Report highlighting error" disappeared, but now there is another error:
my route:
And I've changed "Sources Folders" as shown below:
But it doesn't help me. And remains "Unspecified value parametrs" error.
millhouse's answer helped me find the right answer. Play 2.2 (and perhaps earlier versions, haven't checked) output a scala version of the routes file to project_dir/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main So for IntelliJ to get the highlighting right you need to make sure that src_managed/main is added as a source folder. The reverse routes for javascript are for some reason included in project_dir/target/scala-2.10/classes_managed so you'll have to add that as well. (In your screenshot it looks like classes_managed is set to excluded so you'll want to un-exclude it by pressing the x button on the right hand side.)
Here's a screen shot of my project structure:
In Play 2.3 (or perhaps recent versions of IntelliJ) adding the classes_managed no longer fixes the problem. Instead of adding classes_managed to the project's sources add it to it's dependencies. By doing that IntelliJ should be able to pick up the compiled routes.class.
This is a common problem, it's because IntelliJ needs to be shown where to look for the compiled Scala templates and routes file. Here's how I fixed it on my IntelliJ 12.1 installation:
Go to the Module Settings for your project in IntelliJ (select the top-level, hit F4)
Choose the Modules item in the Project Structure window that appears
Select the projectname item (as opposed to the projectname-build item)
Add the compiler's output directory to the Source Folders items;
For Scala 2.10 it's target/scala-2.10/classes
I personally find the IntelliJ UI for this to be very non-intuitive; you might need to take the target directory and/or one of its subdirectories out of the Excluded Folders first
After applying that change, IntelliJ should see the results of compiling each routes and .scala.html file as just-another source file, so they won't show as "broken" and auto-complete should work for them.