In Intellij IDE, the error is showing like this
- Plugin error : Plugin "Python Community Edition" is incompitable (since build 203.5981 > IC - 202.8194.7
Install the plugin, compatible with your current IDE version in Settings | Plugins page.
Iv'e started to learn and use sbt, so far I didn't start project directly from IntelliJ, what I did was pulling some seed project and using IntelliJ with Scala Plugin as IDE.
As long as I kept pulling seed projects and editing them everything was just fine, but when I tried to generate sbt project directly from IntelliJ I followed simple instructions and faced this error
Error while importing SBT project: Error during sbt execution: No
Scala version specified or detected Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=384M; support was removed in 8.0
The auto generated :
sbt.version = 1.0.3
The auto generated build.sbt :
name := "MyProject"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.12.4"
And i'm getting "Cannot resolve symbol" on every property at build.sbt file..
Things Iv'e tried to solve this problem:
Uninstalling and reinstalling IntelliJ, IntelliJ Scala Plugin, sbt and scala
Adding scala under Framework Support
Trying to add scala to Facets at Project Structure (I didn't even have a scala option)
Double checking that scala SDK is configured at Global Libraries at Project Structure with the correct version
My currently environment consist of:
Windows 10
IntelliJ IDEA CE 2017.2.6
IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2017.2.13
Java 8 151
sbt 1.0.3
scala 2.12.4
In order to solve this I :
Completely uninstalled intellij, with all it's configuration
Upgraded to intellij 2017.3 CE
I am currently trying to install DrJava plug-in in Eclipse Oxygen and I always get an error saying "could not find jar file" even though I opened it using the Install New Software in the Help menu...
I think I have tried everything I could but it does't seem to work...
or is there any better plugin in eclipse that has an interaction pane?
The DrJava Plug-in for Eclipse is an Eclipse 2.x plug-in which are not supported anymore. Therefore, it is not possible to install the plug-in in a current version of Eclipse.
A very similar functionality is built in the Eclipse Java IDE as Java Scrapbook Page (File > New > Other...: Java > Java Run/Debug > Scrapbook Page) and for debugging as Display view (similar to select an expression in the Java editor and hit Ctrl+U or right-click and choose Execute).
In Java 9, there is also a so-called JShell.
I am currently using JShint as a static analysis tool for my angular project.
Though I am able to activate JSHint in Intellj idea via Settings -> java script -> JSHint enable. I am not able to find the latest version bundled with my Idea installation in the version drop down.One more challenge is there are restrictions on internet access from the system. So my question is Is there an way to to configure the latest JShint standalone version with Idea?
Intellj Idea version: 12.
JShint version to be configured: 2.8
Follow these steps:
Goto Settings > Languages & frameworks > JavaScript > Code Quality tools > JSHint
It will who below image
In there select the Enable checkbox
Select the version from Version dropdown
And finally click on Apply and then on Ok buttons
I installed the Sonar plugin(3.2) to eclipse (juno).
However i cannot find it in eclipse . Window > Preferences > does not show up the sonar option. I have restarted eclipse using clear flag (both in command line and modifying the .ini file) but it does not help.
Is there anything else i can do to get the sonar option available?
There was some issue with the 3.2 version of sonar and Juno. An older version of Sonar (2.X) can easily be integrated with juno.
I get the following error when I try to install FindBugs plugin in Netbeans. Can anyone help me how to resolve -
The plugin org.apache.commons.lang is requested in version 2.4.0.
The following plugin is affected: FindBugs
Some plugins require plugin Settings API to be installed.
The plugin Settings API is requested in version >= 1.33.1 but only 1.31.1 was found. The following plugin is affected: FindBugs
Some plugins require plugin UI Utilities API to be installed.
The plugin UI Utilities API is requested in version >= 7.39.1 but only 7.31.2 was found.
The following plugin is affected: FindBugs
Some plugins not installed to avoid potential installation problems.
As it is answered here, you might be using an old ScanOnDemand plugin, you can add the latest Development Plugins to your Plugins: Plugins > Settings Tab > Add and use the following URL to add a new NB Plugins source:
I have tried this solvation, added the source above with name 'Plugin Resource' and checked available plugins. There, Findbugs Integration plugin appeared and installed successfully. When i restarted the ide to finish the installation, it generated an error and never started again.
Thus, i have downloaded netbeans 7.3 from this link and replaced with the old one (7.0.1) on my computer. Now Findbugs plugin is availabe in the list of available plugins without any additional configuration and works flawless. I recommend you to upgrade your ide to 7.3 and solve your problem. This will fix the problems that may occure in the future because of the lack of version of your current netbeans ide.
In addition, after updating the ide, you can use the findbugs plugin installing from this source. This plugin provides to use findbugs explicitly from the inspector.