Location of macros in IntelliJ IDEA - intellij-idea

I would like to edit a recorded Macro but I could not find the location.
Where the macro (I guess macro.xml) is located ?
I'm using IntelliJ 2019.3 CE

The configuration file is located in IDE configuration directory/options/macros.xml.
But why do you need to edit an xml file manually? You can edit macro using Main Menu: Edit | Macros | Edit Macros action.


IntelliJ IDEA jumps in project structure to folder where the file is located

IntelliJ IDEA jumps in project structure to folder where the file is located when I open it.
How to stop this? I don't want to see how project structures always jumping.
Use Find Action. ⌘+shift+A On MacOS. ctrl+shift+A on Windows/Linux.
Search for "Always Select Opened File"
Make sure it is off

How to reformat all the open files in IntelliJ

Is there any shortcut to reformat the code in all the open files in IntelliJ? I'm specifically looking for a way to reformat all the open files inside editor and not all the files in project.
The closest that I could recommend is to select the root folder from the project explorer and press alt+command+L(MAC OS). Reformat Code window pops up. In the pop-up, select the scope as Open files and Click run. It formats all the open files
Intellij Documentation -->https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/reformat-and-rearrange-code.html#reformat_module_directory

In WebStorm, change file opening behavior [duplicate]

I am a new user of Webstorm/PHPStorm. Before this IDE, I used Netbeans.
To open a .xds file, that is a kind of text file that you can open it just like a .js file
and edit it in the editor.
In Netbeans you have to option to choose: open in system. Now the associated program gets started and opens it with the selected file.
Is there a alternative way to do this in Webstorm/Phpstorm? For now I just rightclick and choose
for the option: Show in Explorer. And then doubleclick the file .xds.
Thanks in advance!
Use Files opened in associated applications in File | Settings | File Types:
AFAIK there is no such action available in current versions.
Two options:
Assign such extension / pattern to File opened in associated applications in Settings | Editor | File Types. Cons: you will not be able to open such file in IDE itself.
Create custom External Tool entry (Settings | Tools | External Tools) that will launch such file with default application in your OS. For Windows it can be:
Program: cmd.exe
Parameters: /C start "$FilePath$"

How To Deploy Word 2010 Macros To Others?

I have a macro that I developed in Word 2010.
How do I send this to others to use?
From the sublime to the ridiculous, here are four different options:
Create an add-in. Distribute and tell others to install it. Instructions
Create a COM add-in. Distribute and tell others to set a reference to it. Instructions
Export the code module containing your macro to a *.bas file. (Right-click module, Export File...) Distribute and tell others to import it.
Copy-paste macro code into an e-mail. Distribute and tell others to paste it into a module.
Save the document as .dotm (macro enabled template). Save it to
Close word. Now, it will be accessible to all other word documents.
If not by default, then go to templates and tick the file saved above
to deploy, create a simple script that copies the file to the appropriate folder. You can probably deploy via email
Go to the VBA Editor.
Open the Project Explorer if it is not visible (View>ProjectExplorer or Ctrl+R).
If a new module is needed in the project for your file (Project ( _your file_ )),
right click on the project and select Insert>Module
OR select the project, then on the menu, select Insert>Module.
In the Project Explorer, open Project ( your file )>Modules>ModuleX.
Copy your code into this module.
Save the file as a Word Macro-Enabled Document (*.docm) (File>Save or Ctrl+S).
Distribute the file. The code will now go with it.
I used an old solution - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System to copy the .dotm file to the %Appdata%/Microsoft/word/startup directory. To do this, I set InstallDir in the NSIS script to this:
InstallDir "$APPDATA\Microsoft\Word\Startup"
NSIS creates a small installer in the form of an EXE file that is easy to distribute and easy for users to install.

intellij usability question - how to add a button that opens working folder

There's a small feature I have been yearning about in intellij idea and I will give it a try in this forum, maybe it is already possible.
In brief: I want a button that opens the working folder of the project I am working on.
Since this is the folder I put my settings files I am doing the following operation dozens of times a day -
open the run/debug configuration.
go to my activbe project tab.
copy the working directory.
open run (win+r).
paste the folder path and press enter.
X dozens of times.
Is there a way to add a button somewhere that opens my working folder?
BTW: I know that in the project settings - External tools - I can add actions. but there is no workingFolder in the macros. is there a way to add the working folder? (eventhough a button would be better)
Thanks a lot.
If you need to manage files, why not do it right from IntelliJ? If you have to go to explorer, right click any file or folder in the project panel, and there's a "Show in Explorer" option in Windows (no default key mapping). There's also "Show Path" (ctrl+alt+F12), which lets you open Explorer to any parent directory of the selected file all the way up to the drive. Finally, "Copy Path" (ctrl+shift+C) will copy the absolute path to the clipboard. (This is in IDEA 10.5, but I know Copy Path has been there a long time.)