Go to openfile Intellij ideavim - intellij-idea

Normally, I can select opened file in Intellij using this shortcut Alt+Shift+1+1. But I want to remapping shortcut with Ideavim. Any idea about that?

You can create a mapping to <Action>(SelectInProjectView). E.g.: map <leader>s <Action>(SelectInProjectView)


Saving an Intellij project programmatically

I am working on an Intellij Plugin. When a button is pressed I would like to have the project save itself(like when the user modifies code) before the plugin executes. I can't seem to find a way to do this
Use FileDocumentManager.getInstance(project).saveAllDocuments().
You can use ApplicationManager.getApplication().saveAll();

List active shortcuts in Intellij

In Eclipse it is possible to show the active shortcuts with CTRL+Shift+L.
List of shortcuts (depending on the context):
Is there something similar in IntelliJ?
No, there is no such feature in IntelliJ IDEA. It could be implemented as a plugin, but as far as I'm aware such a plugin does not exist.
You may install this intellij plugin :
Actually the best solution for me was Ctrl+Shift+A. Then just type the desired action and you will see the shortcut or you can execute the action.
Example (call hierarchy):

Is there a shortcut to close a project in Intellij?

I frequently have more than one project open and I have been unable to find the shortcut to close a project.
You can do it on your own.
Go to Preference -> Keymap, type Close Project in search bar and set-up your keyboard shortcut for this action. Works for me in Intellij Idea 14.1.2.
For a portable solution, use the menu bar. The shortcut that way would be Alt+F+J.

Intellij: Search console output

Up until version 10, intellij enabled searching text in the console window. From version 11 this option is not available anymore.
Is there any configuration to enable that? A plugin maybe? This is very useful for me and I miss this function...
-- EDIT --
I'm using the community edition of Intellij
Override the keymap for Ctrl+F to "Find" which was mapped to some other find.
To be more specific, in Settings - Keymap go to Main Menu - Edit - Find - Find... and make sure that a Shortcut is assigned here.
Press Ctrl+F in the console:
Check you key map settings. Like in my case - I have eclipse key mapping and there is CTRL+F set to "edit\Replace" not to "edit\Find", and the "edit\Find" has no key binding at all, that's why it is not working in console.
Go to File -> Settings -> Keymap -> Main menu -> Edit -> Find -> Find... (right click on it) -> add keyboard shortcut.
It's not set by default so you have to set it manually.
CTRL+F is by default for Replace that is not supported in console for IntelliJ.
Click on console and Use CTRL+K it is used for find in intelliJ
I was encountering the same issue while I was using vim in IntelliJ 2018.3.4.
After I disabled the Tools -> Vim Emulator, I could then search in Console using Ctrl+F.
In macOS, I just could use Command+F without disabling the emulator.
Perhaps that's why developers are using macOS more.
For those who have vim plug-in enabled.
Go to Editor->Vim Emulation and check keymaps. Make sure Ctrl + F is handled by IDE and not by Vim.
After setting that, I am able to search the console by Ctrl + F and keep vim enabled.
I'm using Eclipse key mapping in IntelliJ. The shortcut to search the console is Ctrl + Shift + G. By default it would search the word where the cursor is pointing.

Shortcut to open resource search in PyCharm

In Eclipse I'm very used to the Command+R key that opens up a project search box that does a Find-As-You-Type on a file name.
So to jump from one file in a project to any other file, it's as simple as:
1. Command+R
2. Type the first few letters of the name
3. Return
I'm new to PyCharm and having trouble finding this behavior? I'd be surprised if it's not here somewhere, but I'm not seeing the keyboard shortcut...
On a mac the key shortcut is ⌘+Shift+O
Navigate | File... (Ctrl+Shift+N).
You can also edit the keymap in PyCharm to your preferred keys combination. To do this, Go to Pycharm->Preferences->KeyMap (under IDE Settings)