I managed to write a small script for running a single Robottest in Pycharm.
With Pycharm ->Shift Shift -> External Tools -> Add a new one:
Tool Settings:
Program: "runner.bash"
Working dir: current dir
Arguments: $LineNumber$ $FilePath$
line=$(/bin/sed -n $1p $2 )
/venv/bin/robot -d results -t "$line" Testfolder
You can right-click on the heading a Test and run "external tools" -> "robo runner"
Is it possible to integrate the small green runner icon like it is done for normal code execution left to the line numbers?
One Solution is near to that point.
Under [CTRL + ALT + S] Appearance & Behavior -> Menus and Toolbars -> Editor Gutter Pop up -> Add the external command. So the external command is right at the "breakpoint section" context menu.
I'm using PhpStorm in Mac to code and i want to debug my errors. I have a message in my terminal to set the editor for React Native tools.
When you see Red Box with stack trace, you can click any
stack frame to jump to the source file. The packager will launch your
editor of choice. It will first look at REACT_EDITOR environment
variable, then at EDITOR.
To set it up, you can add something like
export REACT_EDITOR=atom to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc depending on
which shell you use.
I've added these lines to ~/.bashrc but nothing happened when i click on the error :
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/pstorm
export REACT_EDITOR=pstorm
How can i set correctly REACT_EDITOR to PhpStorm so that when i click on the error it jumps to my code?
For mac os you need to add to ~/.bashrc or .zprofile:
Add export REACT_EDITOR="webstorm" or pstorm
Don't forget to close all of your terminal windows and restart the react-native packager before you try it.
Create a shortcut to open WebStorm:
Open WebStorm
Press ⇧ twice to open the search window
Type “Create Command Line Launcher…” and press Enter
Click OK
That's it.
/usr/local/bin should be in the PATH environment variable by default. You should be able to run webstorm from anywhere in the shell. Run webstorm /usr/local/bin/webstorm to test the command.
You can find a code which opens editors here or in your project node_modules/#react-native-community/cli-tools/build/launchEditor.js
I solved this problem by creating symlink.
sudo ln -s /Applications/WebStorm.app/Contents/MacOS/webstorm /usr/local/bin/webstorm
I have just installed the Sigasi Studio pluginin Eclipse (version: Eclipse IDE 2018-12). When I try to launch it,to make a new VHDL file, I get the following:
The selected wizard could not be started. org/eclipse/lsp4j/Range
(occurred in com.sigasi.hdt.vhdl.ui.VhdlExecutableExtensionFactory)
How I could solve it, please?
Thank you in advance.
Thanks to the Sigasi support, I was able to solve the problem. They wrote me:
The lsp4j plugin version is to recent for the xtext version that ships
with Sigasi Studio 4.2. This issue has been resolved in the preview
channel of release 4.3. Therefore - if you wish to use the plugin
version of Sigasi Studio - I recommend to install the 4.3 preview
following the steps explained on
That's all. Now, I would like to configure Sigasi with GHDL (as a compiler, when I run the project) and GTKWAVE (ad a waves viewer). How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
SIGASI + GHDL + GTKWAVE (all in one)
It is very powerful combo that you can set up. ATTENTION i use macOS 10.13.6:
Step 1
Make sure you have both installed GHDL and GTKWAVE typing
$ which gtkwave
$ which ghdl
Step 2
Open Sigasi an make new Project and create an additional compile.sh file with:
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -a --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME.vhd;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -a --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME_TB.vhd;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -e --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $PROJECT_NAME_TB;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -r --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $PROJECT_NAME_TB --vcd=$WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/simulation.vcd;
now, be aware, for each project you create your own variables like
I use always Dropbox for such approach because then i can access via Windows as well.
And of course, there is a possibility to create custom variables in Sigasi -> External Tool Configurator -> Program -> compile_sh -> environment to pass them to make compile.sh independent. Here you have to deal with it by yourself =)
Step 3 .
Set up you External Tools Configurations to let shell script be executed by Sigasi Studio and create the .vcd file for gtkwave:
Click on currently created Project (in my case it is the PWM_Generator).
After that click on Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations ....
Then go to the left sidebar and under Program create your own anchor like compile_sh.
Finally you have your route :
And now extend this anchor by a custom created shell script :
Main->Location gets ${workspace_loc:/PWM_Generator/compile.sh}
Main->Working Directory gets ${workspace_loc:/PWM_Generator}
Click Apply and Run and that's it !!! After this you can program VHDL / Verilog and compile via Run -> External Tools -> compile_sh having created .vcd. In your project appears the gtkwave file and there just double click and it starts. =)
I want to create custom run configurations, but i cannot figure out how to get the current file name as a parameter...
I would like to do something like this:
py.test -m mymarker %f
autopep8 %f
where %f is the current file name.
The answer by Ctrl+C already hints at $FileName$ and at least in the current version 2020.2 of PyCharm this works in Run Configurations.
Create a run configuration as you desire, e.g. Python
In Parameters field you can simply use macros like $FileName$ or $FilePath$. Or click on the + at the right end for a full list
Hit the Run button or Shift+F10 by default while your target file is opened
What you want to insert there is called a macro, which is a context-dependent variable: $FileName$ (current file in this case). Unfortunately this doesn't work yet in Run configurations.
Workaround - use External Tools
Settings > Tools > External Tools
set "Program" as path to your script/program ('py.test')
in "Arguments" use button [Insert Macro...] on the right. There will be a list of possibilities. For example you wanted $FileName$ for the current file.
If you want both of those commands in one External Tool command, then create a bash script:
#!/bin/bash -exu
py.test -m mymarker $#
autopep8 $#
Finally you can use it via [Tools]>[External Tools], [Right click on a file]>[External Tools] or you can add a shortcut to the command.
I solved similar problems with Ruby as shown in screenshot link below.
After that: right click on script-file, select in Pop-up menu External Tools -> [Your runner]
I want to run Play Framework 2.x in debug mode in IntelliJ IDEA. I searched in the Internet and all results say that you have to use play console.
Is it possible to run in debug mode in IntelliJ IDEA without using play console?
Using activator :
From Terminal (Not intellij terminal), enter command : activator ui
Open your existing app
Choose "Code view & Open in IDE
In Browse Code, click setting icon
Choose Open Project in Intellij IDEA
Open Intellij IDEA
Open project - browse your app directory
Run - Edit Configuration
Add new configuration - Remote
Add name
transport : socket, debugger mode : attach, Host : localhost, port : 9999
module clashpath : your app
Tools - Open Terminal
activator -jvm-debug 9999 run
Run debug
Open browser localhost:9000
You need to use Idea 12+ Ultimate Edition
Install Play 2.0 Support, Scala and other required plugins in Idea
In command line perform play idea to generate project
Open created project in Idea (open, don't import)
Go to: Menu > Run > Edit Configurations... > Add New Configuration... > choose Play 2 App
In Menu > Run new buttons will appear Debug and Run, first will run app with enabled debbuger.
Preparation: Do not use the project creation by activator ui or similar. Just
open the project in IntelliJ.
activator -jvm-debug 9999 ~run. The ~ before run enables automatic reloading of generated HTML pages
In IntelliJ:
Run > Edit Configurations...
Select Defaults/Remote
Click on the green + at the upper left corner
Give the name "Play 2"
Ensure that Transport:Socket and Debugger mode:Attach are selected
Type in 9999 as port
Press "OK"
Run > Debug Play 2 (second entry in the list)
Pro hint: Check out the play-auto-refresh plugin to have Chrome automatically reloading on a change.
(based on #ARM's answer)
Open Intellij IDEA
Open project - browse your app directory Run - Edit Configuration
Add new configuration - Play2
Add http://localhost:9000 to url to open option
Add -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M to JVM option
Set Debug port to 9999
Set your debug point and debug your application. Cheers :)
FYI : All of the above fields might filled up already
this works for me and maybe easier
file menue => settings => Build, Execution, Deployment => sbt => check "Enable debugging for sbt shell"
idea sbt shell now will start with debug enable, log out the port as "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 52701"
Run/Debug Configurations => Add(the pluss(+) sign) => Remote => Set "Port" And "Use module classpath"
just type run in sbt shell, then click debug button
screent shot
enable idea emaded sbt debug
sbt shell start log
add remote in "Run/Debug"
type run here
I often want to open a file browser to open a file and then close the browser.
Is there a way (a plasmoid, a dolphin plugin, another browser...) which could allow me to have a file browser "in the style of" yakuake? (i.e. unfolding with a shortcut, and re-folding when I chose the file I want)
Took me some time, but finally managed to get what you want (and eventually, what I also want :) with xdotool (on Ubuntu sudo apt-get install xdotool).
With this script, you can have any application behave like you asked:
WINDOW_ID=$(xdotool search --classname $SEARCHED_WINDOW_CLASSNAME)
VISIBLE_WINDOW_ID=$(xdotool search --onlyvisible --classname $SEARCHED_WINDOW_CLASSNAME 2>/dev/null)
if [ -z "$WINDOW_ID" ]; then
$COMMAND 2>/dev/null &
NEW_WINDOW_ID=$(xdotool search --onlyvisible --sync --pid $pid 2>/dev/null)
xdotool set_window --classname $SEARCHED_WINDOW_CLASSNAME $NEW_WINDOW_ID
xdotool windowfocus $NEW_WINDOW_ID
elif [ -z "$VISIBLE_WINDOW_ID" ]; then
xdotool windowmap $WINDOW_ID
xdotool windowfocus $WINDOW_ID
xdotool windowunmap $VISIBLE_WINDOW_ID
(Inspired from here)
You call it like this:
./toggle.sh dolphin
If the command to launch the program is different, you can add a second parameter:
./toggle.sh appName commandToLaunchApp
What this script does is the following:
If the app is not running: launch it, give window a specific class, and give window focus
If the app is running but with no visible window: make window visible and give it focus
Else, i.e. app is running and visible: hide it.
All you have left to do is map a shortcut to the above-mentionned command to launch the script. In KDE : System settings > Shortcuts and gestures > Custom shortcuts. Then Edit > New > Global shortcut > Command.
Plus, this script works with any app, should work with any EWMH compliant window manager, and allows you to have other instances of the same app (this is why I added the class trick).
The closest solution to what you want is the Widget Layer Compiz plugin.
This plugin enables you to make appear a layer on top of your workspace. You can configure this layer to hold windows of your choice, in your case that would be the file manager. It has a hide/show feature which you can bind to a hotkey.
It uses Window Matching rules to define the windows to hold.
More information on http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Widget
However, this would imply that you use the Compiz compositing manager.