Disable WebStorm's notifications for running tests - intellij-idea

I have a TypeScript project using Jest for tests. I have a project configuration to watch and run Jest tests. It works very well.
I do not want system notifications. I've already turned off notifications in System Preferences > Webstorm. When a test finishes running, it jumps in the Dock with a green check mark. I don't want to be notified at all, ever, for these tests being run.
How do I disable it?


How to preconfigure the debug log level filter in IntelliJ Idea (PhpStorm/WebStorm) when running React Native

I have a React Native project I'm running from PhpStorm using a run configuration, which launches Metro, launch-ios, Chrome debug etc. which all works fine.
The JS logs appear in the console of the IDE under the name of "iOS Build " but the default filter doesn't include debug logs. I can click "Filter > Debug" and turn it on but then it resets back to unticked ever time I restart the debugger. Presently I am restarting the debugger a lot because I am debugging the first-boot cycle of the app.
In the documentation for other run/debug configs, IntelliJ has log options (which they are recently changing to a separate panel). I think you can preset the filters there:
However for the React Native plugin, the run/debug config pane doesn't include any options for drilling down into the logs.
What I want is for the Debug Level to be or remain ticked as well by default when I run the configuration.
Is there some configuration file perhaps with extra options that are not represented in this plugins GUI?
Can I get the IDE to remember the state of the Debug pane generally? For example also I keep having to drag the columns around each time to my preferred layout.
I know I could view the logs in Chrome, but I prefer headless mode and an IDE-centric workflow.
this is a bug, tracked at WEB-39848; please vote for it to be notified when it's fixed

Is there any way to keep state between restarting detox

i have the authorization in the app and i need to check the screens after sign in. Is there any way to do it?
Every detox runs, it will reinstall the app. So if you want to continue testing the app without reinstall every runs, you can add --reuse flag on detox command. It will reuse installed app on your test device/simulator. You can read more about this on Detox documentation here.

Expo debug remote JS causes unresponsiveness in UI

I upgraded a react native project recently from expo SDK 36 to 38. It compiles now, but anytime I click on "Debug Remote JS", it causes the UI to become slow and unresponsive, only occasionally picking up the on click events. I created a bare bones project to duplicate it. To verify, either run expo init from cli or here's a project https://github.com/seniordevops/tab-application.git. Click the tabs without the debugger on, then turn on debug remote JS and watch the slow down. Happens on both Mac and PC. Any ideas on the root cause?
This is mostly due to the fact that the clock on your PC and mobile are not synchronized.
You either have to synchronize them or have the phone clock one second earlier than your PC/Mac.
I suspect the reason could be an upstream problem of react-native. Please check this expo-cli issue:
a maintainer reports:
when you are debugging on your device, the javascript is being
executed in your browser on your computer :(

Flutter Hot Reload not working in IntelliJ

new to flutter. created a new project using Intellij flutter plugin. Ran the app on an ios simulator using the play icon on the intellij, which runs the app in an IphoneX simulator. Made some cosmetic changes to the main.dart file but i) the hot reload, lightning, button is disabled ii) also code gets auto saved in intellij, so not sure what i need to do to test hot reload.
as a matter of fact, i have to delete the app from my iPhoneX simulator and rerun from IntelliJ to pick up the changes.
In case someone is facing the same problem, I solved it using the answer of XQDD in: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/19151
which consists in updating adb version:
Try to invalidate cache and restart Android Studio, as well as run the command to clean the flutter build.
Concrete instructions
In Android Studio, go to File --> Invalidate Caches/Restart --> Invalidate and Restart
After restart, run the command in the terminal: flutter clean
After that, your reload should be working again.
I tried all the usual workarounds. Clear cache, flutter clean, ect, however, none worked for me.
The only thing worked for me was to close the IntelliJ and delete .idea and build directories.
After opening the project it was working as expected.
Also make sure that hot reloading is enabled in the flutter settings:

How can I prevent calabash-android from pushing the apk for every feature file?

When I run calabash-android, it appears to push the apk to the device for every feature file. I would prefer to push the apk once and reuse it, as each push takes about half a second, and I expect eventually to have enough feature files for this to matter. I'd be happy with a solution which doesn't push the apk at all and to push it myself in an earlier step.
Is it pushing the app each time or just restarting the app? My tests restart between each step by default but I have always had to control the installations.
I deal with the installation by tagging the scenarios that require a reinstall and looking for the tag in my before hook.
If it is the restarting between scenarios that you want to control then you can use the RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS setting.