Why am I getting alternating data from the Flight Cheapest Date Search endpoint? - amadeus

When sending GET requests to the Test API for Flight Cheapest Date Search with Postman, I seem to be getting two different result sets on repeated requests.
GET https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/shopping/flight-dates?origin=ATL&destination=SFO
E.g., for a search for the connection ATL-SFO which is listed here, I'm getting, alternatingly, 404 errors ("no price result found") on one request and a full 390 KB list of results with the warning "maximum response size reached" on the next request.
Even for pairs that are supposedly not supported like LAX-SFO, I'm getting alternatingly 500-errors and a full, sorted list of flights.
Is this documented behavior and is there something I can do on my side to get consistent results?

Thanks for raising the issue. We had an issue with one of the node used for this API. This has been fixed and should work properly now.


Bing Image Search API returns duplicate reults

The Bing Image Search API returns all duplicate results for offset > 200 or 300. This costs money as api calls are wasted. It should stop returning results if it doesn't have any more.
It would be nice if the Bing Image Search API stopped returning results when the offset value is greater than the number of results available, but that's not how the API works. If you look at the Image Search API Reference, users are expected to check the totalEstimatedMatches parameter from the first request and make sure that the offset value has an acceptable value before making subsequent requests:
The offset should be less than (totalEstimatedMatches - count).
So if you perform this check, you can decide when to stop making new requests. If offset exceeds the number of results, it looks like the API just returns the last count results which would explain the "duplicate results" you're getting.

endeca returning zero results in refinements when none of refinements available in ref app?

I am using Endeca 3.1.2 Assembler API. When I am hitting the Endeca query, its giving me some bunch of refinements which contains zero counts and some positive counts .
Like this result I am getting. When I am hitting the same query in jspref application I am not getting any refinements which contains zero count.
My expectation is that I don't want to get that zero count refinements on the available refinements.
Please help me to get out from this.
You might have disabled refinements enabled in your query.
Check whether you have the Ndr parameter in Dgraph request log file
If so, ensure your code doesn't have: ENEQuery.setNavDisabledRefinementsConfig() method.
Endeca has one of the features called implicit dimensions. There might be the case that implicit dimension is being displayed to the front-end. Endeca provides implicit dimension as part of the query response.
Following code is being used to get implicit dimension.

Yammer API - Paging

I am trying to gather a range of messages through the rest API, and am aware that you can only retrieve 20 results at a time. I have tried incrementing a page variable, but this has no affect, and I am just getting the same results each time no matter the page number (https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages.json?page=6). I have proceeded to use the newer_than and older_than parameters to page through the results, and it works to some extent, but it appears to be excluding records. I am using the following approach below:
Since just setting a newer_than only results in the 20 most recent records as long as they are newer than the id that is sent in the newer_than parameter, I am also setting a dynamic older_than parameter.
Send request with only a newer than parameter. This returns the 20 most recent records. (eg. ww.yammer.com/api/v1/messages.json?newer_than=235560157)
Extract the ID of the 20th id in the JSON, and using this to populate the older_than parameter. The result is 20 different records. (eg.ww.yammer.com/api/v1/messages.json?newer_than=235560157&older_than=405598096)
Repeat step 2 until no results are returned since the newer_than and older_than parameters will eventually overlap.
The problem is that the set of records that is returned with this method is less than the number of records that is returned for messages from the data export API. I am working under the assumption that newer message IDs are always generated with a value greater than any older messages.
Could I possibly be misunderstanding how paging through results is supposed to be implemented with the REST API?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
First of all, the page parameter works only for the search API.
Secondly, the way you are trying to fetch messages will not return any comments on the messages or will return top 2 comments on any message based on the "extended" parameter. By default it returns 2 comments on every message. To get all the comments on the message you will have to get it individually message wise.
That must be causing the difference in the number of messages in the two methods mentioned.
I agree with Farhann - The rest API endpoint returns only top two comments for any message by default. To get all the comments for a post, you have to make a separate request.
With the use of the Data Export API, all the comments along with the message (public and private) are also exported which increases the count of the number of the messages. While, the API call returns only recent 2 comments on any message by default.
The data export includes private messages. Private messages will not be returned by that API call.
Check if the messages you are not seeing are private messages.

CategoryId in venues search not working correctly

In foursquare Api documentation for "Search venues" https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/venues/search it states
"categoryId - A comma separated list of categories to limit results to. This is an experimental feature and subject to change or may be unavailable. If you specify categoryId you may also specify a radius. If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query."
Realise its supposed to be experimental, but when I provide Food category i.e. 4d4b7105d754a06374d81259, it only returns a few local results, the rest are miles away. However if I execute same search on website sing Food category, it returns correctly lots of results, assuming its the last bit "If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query" is not working , i.e. its not searching sub-categories ?
Any fix work around for this ?
Neil Pepper
You're making a /venues/search request with its default intent of intent=checkin. This returns a filter on nearby results, heavily biased by distance since it's trying to guess where the user might be checking in.
Foursquare Explore uses the /venues/explore endpoint and attempts to return recommended results for a query. If you want to get the sorts of results you get in that tool, call /venues/explore?section=food

Youtube API problem - when searching for playlists, start-index does not work past 100

I have been trying to get the full list of playlists matching a certain keyword. I have discovered however that using start-index past 100 brings the same set of results as using start-index=1. It does not matter what the max-results parameter is - still the same results. The total results returned however is way above 100, thus it cannot be that the query returned only 100 results.
What might the problem be? Is it a quota of some sort or any other authentication restriction?
As an example - the queries bring the same result set, whether you use start-index=1, or start-index=101, or start-index = 201 etc:
Any idea will be much appreciated!
I made an interface for my site, and the way I avoided this problem is to do a query for a large number, then store the results. Let your web page then break up the results and present them however is needed.
For example, if someone wants to do a search of over 100 videos, do the search and collect the results, but only present them with the first group, say 10. Then when the person wants to see the next ten, you get them from the list you stored, rather than doing a new query.
Not only does this make paging faster, but it cuts down on the constant queries to the YouTube database.
Hope this makes sense and helps.