in idea community 2020.2, i created one project with two modules(maven war package) - demo1 and demo2.
i installed smart tomcat.
can i run these two webapps in one tomcat instance(such that they are in the same port) in idea?(not start tomcat out of idea munally then deploys all webapps to outer tomcat)
just like in eclipse, we can create a server and add multiple webapps to it and start all webapps at one time with same port.
could we do that in idea community?
It is not possible to do it in Community edition.
Tomcat Run/Debug Configuration is available in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate edition and it allows multiple applications run and deploy on the same Tomcat instance. See also this answer: Tomcat in Intellij Idea Community Edition.
I have a project done in JDeveloper 11g that are EJBs. I can write these to an EAR file. Now, how do I deploy this file to the JBoss app server? This was previously deployed to a JBoss 6 server but ever since I upgraded to 7 and nothing works. Will the same beans work in 7?
You can try creating an "Application Server" connection in JDeveloper to your JBoss server and then from your application menu choose deploy... to the server.
Or you can create the EAR in JDeveloper, pick it up with the JBoss admin console and deploy it.
Whether it will work depends on what is in your application.
My configuration is:
OS: RHEL 5.7
IBM DB2 10.1
WL6.1.0.1 (last fix pack installed)
When reading the WL6.1 Information Center, it is said that you can deploy several Worklight projects (that is, several project WAR files) to an application server just as you would deploy any JEE application: each deployed project must have a unique name and a unique context path.
This exactly what I am trying to do using the Server Configuration Tool located under the directory '/opt/IBM/Worklight/shortcuts/'.
When deploying the first WAR file under a WebSphere Application server profile, the Server Configuration Tool works perfectly and creates/deploys an EAR file named 'IBM_Worklight_Console.ear', in which the WAR file is included. However, when using the Server Configuration Tool to deploy a new WAR file under the same WebSphere Application server profile, the Server Configuration Tool creates the same EAR file named 'IBM_Worklight_Console.ear' with the new WAR file included. But obviously it overwrites the first Worklight Server configuration, preventing to deploy several Worklight projects to the websphere application server profile as it is supposed to do.
What could be the problem?
The Worklight documentation, section "Configuring multiple IBM Worklight projects", says that for multiple Worklight project WAR files in WebSphere Application Server, each must have a different id. In the Worklight Server Configuration Tool, you enter this id in the "Application server configuration" panel, in the "Deployment id" field. Once you choose a different id for each, they will be able to coexist. (At most one of the ids can be left empty.)
I move the application from dev to producation,change the application-description.xml and files and generate a .war file,and then i add it to the tomcat,but when I start tomcat,it occur the follow error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver not found in Worklight platform or project
but even I add the hsql.jar to my application,it still the error,any help?
my worklight version is 5.0.5 and apache-tomcat-7.0.37 and mysql is 5.1.57
HSQL is the default database used when running the Worklight project in Eclipse.
When you move to Tomcat, you also need to edit in the database-related properties.
Since you mentioned MySQL, you need to uncomment the MySQL section in and edit it according to your setup.
Of course, also undeploy and re-deploy the updated .war file.
HSQL is a filesystem-driven database, and is provided by Worklight to work out-of-the-box, when running in Eclipse.
When moving to Tomcat and installing Worklight in it, you must edit and set it up so that it will know how to talk with the datbase.
In your case, when using MySQL you must also include in Tomcat's \lib folder the MySQL connector/J file. You can get it from here: (click on "No thanks, just start my download" at the bottom).
Note that in order to run Worklight on an Application Server (such as Tomcat, WebSphere or Liberty), you must use either the Consumer or Enterprise Edition of Worklight. This is required as otherwise you will not have the Worklight JEE .jar file as well as the SQL scripts to create the database tables. All of this is done via the IBM Installation Manager.
You cannot use Worklight on an Application Server using the Developer Edition.
I need to deploy a webapplication developed in my local system (used Eclipse) on a tomcat server running on a remote server. For this what all privilages are to be needed on the existing server.
What version of Tomcat are you using? You should just be able to go to manager screen and deploy your war file from there i.e. http://hostname:8080/manager
On Tomcat 7 you need to have a user entry in /conf/tomcat-users.xml for the role manager-gui.
If you can connect to the server hosting tomcat you could copy your war file to the webapps directory manually instead.
the easy way to deploy the application is to make a war file of your application and paste it in the webapps folder of tomcat installation folder. By default it catalina_home/webapps
or use the inbuilt hostmanager application.
I have requirement for testing a j2ee application which is deployed in a weblogic server.
I have to get the ear add my testclasses into that and depoly it back.
Since weblogic server takes so much memory , I want to run my testcases to run in another box , connect to the weblogic server and download the ear from there and modify and deploy it back.
I know that it is possible to remotely deploy application in weblogic.
But is it possible to download the application from weblogic ? using JMX ?
Thanks in advance.
JMX is for the runtime configuration and management (Java Management Extensions). What you're looking for is much simpler - On the WebLogic console, go to the deployments and click on the application of interest.
Next, figure out what the path of the deployed application is and then manually copy (scp if you're in UNIX) the ear file over to your local directory.
If you don't have access to the hosting server then it's not possible to download the app.