I updated my IntelliJ Idea yesterday, and I now see this window that shows my error tree on the run toolbar and I can't remove it.
Click the minus sign (-) at the right top that panel
I am using Intellij Idea 2017.2.4 and two buttons on the bottom toolbar have disappeared. The two buttons are "Run" (Alt+4) and "Debug" (Alt+5). I can find them in the pop-up menu in the bottom left corner of Idea either and pressing Alt+4 and Alt+5 doesn't work even though the default keymap setup has not been changed.
Is there a way to get them back without having to reinstall Idea?
It looks like they re-appear on the bottom toolbar and in the pop-up menu when I right-click a file and select either run or debug. The key bindings work again as well.
I cloned a repo from github only to find that the intellij project window is missing!
But! I have a not missing a project module (like other people on are)!
It looks like your problem is just that you're not showing the project tab!
To show the project tab:
Press the icon in the bottom left of the screen
On the left side of your window, a bar should appear, press the:
If it's not already pressed.
(optional) You may need to change to "Project view", on the top part of the project window there should be a little drop down, select "Project"
That should do it! I hope this helps :)
How to add right click menu inside the editor's gutter of vscode.
I want to have a provision to show/hide line numbers option on the right click inside the editor's gutter.
I am not sure about the extension point for this.
Unfortunately, this is not possible, yet.
I have filled an issue, "OnClick event on Gutter #5455" sometime ago, but it is still open, and no Milestone defined.
I would like to have a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ IDEA that has the following effect: the tree in the project tool window expands to show the currently open class (or file), and this class becomes selected in the tree.
Is this possible?
Navigate (View in older versions)| Select In... (Alt+F1), Project View (Enter).
It's also possible to enable Autoscroll from Source option in the Project View so that current file is automatically selected.
IntelliJ IDEA 2019
Left click on the wheel > Always Select Opened File
There is also: Open Files with Single Click - the selected file from the tree view will be opened in the right side.
Old IntelliJ versions
Right click on Project/Packages area > Autoscroll from Source
Left click on the wheel > Autoscroll from Source
There is also: Autoscroll to Source - the selected file from the tree view will be opened in the right side.
Alt F1(Select Target dialogue) + Enter.
Click at this icon on the top of tree-box.
you can do this also using the upper dynamic menu that change for every opened file. just click twice on the last folder and the file will be on the same folder branch
also good for pycharm
You can also make your own key combo to the "select in tree view" via prefs. I often do: shift + cmd + a and then just write select in.. and then press enter.
I've recently moved from Eclipse to IntelliJ and one feature I'm missing (or maybe just can't find) is the console scroll lock i.e. stop refocusing on the latest console entry.
Is this possible in IntelliJ? I'm using v9 Ultimate edition.
It depends where your cursor is. Just click on the part you want to be scroll locked.
To unlock the scrollbar, click on the last line (should be blank) of the console.
Just adding to this for google reasons - clicking at the bottom is hard when the console is still scrolling, it's a bit of a race - but control-end (or cmd-end on mac) also did it!
To unlock the scrolling just press "Enter" key inside of console window.
To Unlock the scroll lock on intelliJ 14 (probably earlier as well) on OSX its
fn + cmd + right cursor.
In PyCharm 2017, there is a "Scroll to the end" button in the "Console" tab of the Debug window.
Disabling it stops the auto scroll on output.