I have run into a problem, where I wanted to delete a .css usage
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css">
after I clicked on that file in assets/css, the window popped up that I have 146 usages of that file (that's correct, it is on purpose).
When I go to View Usages
I see following:
But when I click on Do Refactor, nothing happens and the usage is still there.
What am I doing wrong?
As I have run to conclusion, I felt the need to post it here for future searches:
The thing is, Webstorm is not that smart to run recursively through the whole code and find usages and thereafter delete them. If you delete a file and you are using it somewhere else, you just need to search it and delete it.
I am using autoptimize plugin for wordpress speed.
When i do speed test on google insights its showing the autoptimize files in the errors.
What could be the solution for this.
I am getting autoptimize.js file as error in "Eliminate render-blocking resources"
As well in "Remove unused CSS"
PLease have a look at the snapshot and suggest some solution for this.
There should be a setting in autoptimize to inline and defer itself. That should prevent the error, because I think it will delay any non critical css and js from loading until after the initial page load. But I was just googling about a similar thing and saw a few warnings about what is and is not critical css/js being moved around, so I wouldn't trust it too much.
That css error you have showing can be addressed by either removing the import from the page totally, if that is possible, or maybe split it up and only load the smaller portion needed for that page. So if you check the inline and defer option, and remove that css file by removing the import line, you should be good to go.
Playing around with the newest video.js today, I'm noticing that video.js.map is showing up as a 404 when putting the video.js script into a site that I'm working on.
I don't see a source map file in the initial distribution, but it doesn't throw this error locally, only when I put it on a server.
Ideas as to solving?
You have a few options when you don't have access to a source map:
Ignore the message. It generaly only gets thrown when your dev tools are open.
Remove the reference in the original file. These are the last characters (comments) at the end of the file.
Generate a source map yourself when you have access to the source code. For video.js, it can be generated from video.dev.js.
Use a public CDN version which might not link to the source map.
There also is a discussion on GitHub about this topic.
I get the same error, everything should still work though. I think it's an html5 or browser bug
I was seeing this as well, but only in my log files. I was getting three multi-line entries (failures) every time a video was played in my production.log in a RoR site. It was really bulking up my .log file. More info on #smhg's 2nd bullet (remove references). I'm using video.js 5.4.6 along with some vpad-vast plugin stuff - I could see all three files referenced in my .log file. Your mileage may vary.
Edit video.js and remove the following entry on line 19694:
//# sourceMappingURL=video.js.map
(for vpaid-vast plugin only...)
Edit videojs_5.vast.vpaid.min.js and remove this line from the very end:
//# sourceMappingURL=videojs_5.vast.vpaid.min.js.map
Edit videojs.vast.vpaid.min.css and remove this line from the very end:
/*# sourceMappingURL=videojs.vast.vpaid.min.css.map */
The entries are no longer appearing in my log file and the player works fine.
Hope it helps!
I would like to have SublimeText show the HTML result of parsing my HAML in another window, live, as I type the HAML.
Does anyone have an idea of how to make this happen? In, e.g., WebStorm there are file watchers that do this, but is there something like that built into ST2?
I did something similar to this with Typescript, only I only updated the Javascript output when I saved the file. First, I would say to take a look at SublimeBuildOnSave. That'll show you how to hook into the save function and see what file is being saved.
When you've got the general idea, you can take a look here and mess around with opening another pane (or using the existing pane) to show the compiled output.
It's pretty simple to make a simple version of this. If you want more advanced features like live compiling, it'll take a bit more effort, but it's not impossible. But the above scenario worked just fine for Typescript for me. (If I find where I left that code, I'll post it.)
I have a task, remove all modifications directly to the buddypress plugin, I started by replacing bp-default, with a new fresh downloaded copy, and the site stopped working.
Clearly, the site was dependent on something in that dir
So my question is:
Is modifying the bp-default dir consider acceptable?
Its suggested, and is a good practice to not modify anything inside the bp-default theme. So as of your question, 'no its not considered acceptable'.
That is because a future update of buddypress will replace everything you've changed. So its better to create your own child theme and do all the editing there.
I'm working on a script to interact with Perforce, which among other things needs to be able to understand pending changelists. For this I use 'p4 describe' and 'p4 opened', which are pretty straightforward. For instance, a file opened for edit shows up like this (from p4 opened):
//source/stuff/things.h#1 add default change (text)
What I can't seem to figure out is how to detect cases where a user has branched a file and then used the 'Reopen for edit' command on that file (which amounts to using 'p4 edit' on the file to be branched) prior to submitting it. Same thing goes for integrating a file and then using 'Reopen for edit' before submitting the integration. In the branch case, the file shows up as an 'add' with no indication that there's also a branch going on (so the above example could be either a true add or a reopened branch). In the integrate case it, shows up as an 'edit'. In both cases, after I submit the change I can see that the file was branched/integrated, but I need to be able to do this for pending changes. In theory I would hope to see something like this, where things.h is being branched and edited from thangs.h:
//source/stuff/things.h#1 add default change (text)
branch from //source/other/thangs.h#42
Does anybody know of a way to accomplish this? I'll also mention that I'm running an old-ish version of Perforce (from 2004), so perhaps it's doable in newer versions and I just need to update my software.
"p4 resolved" does almost exactly what you want, but unfortunately it is new in 2007.2.
[C:\dfp\Common\Code\Python]p4 opened foo.py
//buddha/Common/Code/Python/foo.py#1 - add default change (kxtext)
[C:\dfp\Common\Code\Python]p4 resolved foo.py
c:\dfp\Common\Code\Python\foo.py - branch from //buddha/Common/Code/Python/memdump.py#1,#30
You probably won't be able to detect problems before the user runs "resolve", but they're going to have to resolve before they submit.
I do not think that this is possible when issuing a "reopen for edit". As you have already indicated, the reopen command will change a files status to something different. I ran a local test (I'm running 2008.2). There do seem to be some changes in the way that perforce reports on the add/edit status of files since your version, but what you are trying to do still doesn't seem possible
d:\sandbox\ctg_test>p4 integ test.txt test_branch.txt
//ctg_test/test_branch.txt#1 - branch/sync from //ctg_test/Test.txt#1,#15
d:\sandbox\ctg_test>p4 opened
//ctg_test/test_branch.txt#1 - branch default change (text)
Note that the opened command now shows 'branch' for the file status instead of add which I think it might have shown with your version of the server. But the kicker:
d:\sandbox\ctg_test>p4 edit test_branch.txt
//ctg_test/test_branch.txt#1 - reopened for add
d:\sandbox\ctg_test>p4 opened
//ctg_test/test_branch.txt#1 - add default change (text)
I tried looking with the -ztag option to see if more info was given:
d:\sandbox\ctg_test>p4 -ztag opened
... depotFile //ctg_test/test_branch.txt
... clientFile //client-mark.allender/ctg_test/test_branch.txt
... rev 1
... action add
... change default
... type text
... user mark.allender
... client client-mark.allender
p4 fstat was no help either.