PyCharm - remove shortcut for open help window on Mac - intellij-idea

I am new to PyCharm. I want to disable the shortcut which open the help window on my macBook. If I press Cmd + Shift + 7 the help area should not open.
So I went into Settings -> Keymap and searched for the command but nothing was found! Can someone help me?


When I am installing Atom IDE it is not working and I get a blank screen

When I tried to install atom from version 1.48.0. I downloaded a file of 175.8 MB and when I installed it everything went smoothly. But when atom launched I can see anything but a white space with atom explorer. I have attached a photo please have a look at it. I even tried older versions. No progress same error. I think there is problem with my PC. I have used atom(older version) in the past on the same PC. Looking for help, For image click here Image
You are currently in the developer tools window. To exit developer window press
To know more about atom shortcuts read the documentation. atom shortcuts Documentation

signInWithPopup does not open a popup window. Instead, it opens a new tab

The code below does not open a pop-up window.
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup( ... )
Anyone has any idea, please help me?
I am using chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)
This is a known bug in Chrome 59:

Intellij terminal is messed up

Yesterday, I started having some problems with my intellij terminal. I think it was after I installed ConEmu my terminal looked strange.
This is what my terminal looks like in intellij now:
←[m←[32m←]9;8;"USERNAME"←\#←]9;8;"COMPUTERNAME"←\ ←[92mC:\Dev\Project\
Has anyone had a similar issue, if so, how did you fix it?
Thank you!
I didn't really fix the issue, but I replaced the normal terminal (cmd) in intellij with cmder.
The terminal setting (CTRL + ALT + S) -> terminal
cmd.exe /k ""%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat""

How to fix ctrl space shortcut for my IDE using Linux Mint?

On a Linux Mint machine using Cinnamon, the ctrl + space does not work. It appears to do exactly nothing, even though the keymapping is properly configured in PhpStorm.
This problem does not only apply to PhpStorm, but also Eclipse or Netbeans, so I assume this is related to Linux Mint.
I have found the solution, which is:
disabling the shortcut for "IBus", which was set to ctrl-space after upgrading from 14 to 17.
If you search your applications for "ibus" ... you should see "Keyboard Input Methods" pop.
Click on that app, and the very first option you can set is the
keyboard shortcut for "Next input method". Click this, then "delete"
in the popup that shows. Immediate fix for me with PHPStorm not
registering any ctrl-space command.

Typing 'Ctrl' in webstorm 'Enter Keyboard Shortcut' does not work

I'm trying to configure some keymaps in Webstorm, but when I hit Ctrl or Shift in the 'Enter Keyboard Shortcut' dialog it does not have any effect. I'm using Ubuntu and Webstorm 10.
Do you have any idea what the problem is?