Intellij 2020.2 and class named "TestSuite" - intellij-idea

I have a application used as a custom test harness for a system. It includes an abstract class named "TestSuite." All was well until I upgraded to Intellij 2020.2; suddenly my classes that extend "TestSuite" are all marked as "error", with "TestSuite" being not found by intellij, both in the "import" statement and the "extends". If I delete both, and retype, Intellij as usual prompts me to decide which "TestSuite" to import, mine, or JUnit, or one or two others. I tell it to import mine, it fills in the code...then promptly marks it as "not resolved" again.
I restarted IntelliJ, I blew away my source and re-cloned it from git, nothing worked until I renamed my class to "TestSuite2", then the problem suddenly disappeared. My coworkers on IntelliJ 2020.1 don't see this issue (and I didn't see it until I upgraded). Anybody know what is going on? Is there any workaround, other than renaming my class? It seems like the latest IntelliJ treats the class name "TestSuite" specially and chokes when you use it.


When i click on the Kotlin Repl in IntelliJ Idea , the window never opens . Nothing happens . Please anyone tell me how to fix this

Kotlin Repl does not open ,nothing happens on clicking it
My solution/workaround. What happens is, and by the way the Intellij ide warns you about this, that you create the project and when naming it you use a space or similar unsupported character and the ide still seems to create the project just fine but actually it doesn't. Your project comes out misconfigured and you can't use Kotlin Repl. The simplest solution is to replace any spaces (or similar forbidden characters) with a hyphen "-" or an underscore "_" or simply use cammelCase. Best of luck to everybody and hope future learners of kotlin see this and spend less time troubleshooting such a simple issue.
Do you have a project open when you click it? This post states: "At this time the Kotlin REPL requires you to have a project open. You don't need to configure anything specific in the project; a Java project with the default settings will run just fine.
If you want to try Kotlin without configuring anything, you can use the online IDE at"

Incompatible Types Reported by Intellij When Using Gradle

I have a new Java project started that is using Gradle (version 3.4.1) and IntelliJ. I used gradle init at the command line and then imported the project into IntelliJ, using the default wrapper (which is recommended, according the the IDE).
I have the following in the build.gradle file:
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': "com.testerstories.textadv.Voxam"
The attributes line, however, provides a consistent warning that says:
'attributes' cannot be applied to '(['Main-Class':groovy.lang.GString])'
The issue appears to be "incompatible types." But it's unclear what "attributes" is being "applied to". I would presume the manifest block. But then ... what does it want me to do exactly?
I realize this is a warning and I could just ignore it. I also realize I can block inspections. But in all the discussions about this, and I realize there are a few (although most of those seem to deal with 'groovy.lang.Closure'), I have yet to find anything that unambiguously states quite simply what the actual issue is and how to resolve it. I say "resolve it" in contrast to (1) just cover it up or (2) pretend it doesn't exist.
It concerns me that something that appears to be very basic Gradle usage is not recognized or is indicating a problem in one of the core IDEs that supports Java.
Finally, I'll note that before adding to the StackOverflow space, I had asked JetBrains support and their answer was to make sure my .iml file was indicating a "JAVA_MODULE" rather than a "WEB_MODULE", which I did verify. Their next answer was that I needed to provide (quoting directly) a "namespace to resolve the ambiguity, which should resolve erroneous type errors." Ironically, perhaps, that reply needed some ambiguity resolution of its own, but I have gotten no further responses.
If I use something like this in my Gradle:
I'm told that getProperties() is an ambiguous method call. Originally I thought that was unrelated to my original issue, but the IntelliJ inspector reports that this is also an issue with incompatible types.
The conclusion I'm reaching -- and what will probably be the "answer" -- is that Gradle and IntelliJ just don't play nice with each other in a variety of contexts.

How to make intellij detect the errors proactively?

When I develop with intellij (in java fyi), if I update for instance the return type of a method, I'm expecting intellij to mark all the files that are now not compiling without me doing a right-click compile.
I'm looking for such an option but I don't know where this is.
There is no such option 'out of the box'. IntelliJ just works different than, for example, Eclipse when it comes to compiling. Eclipse recompiles all files that are affected by a change as soon as you save your changes. In IntelliJ there are two ways of checking the effect of your changes:
Trigger the compilation explicitly with Make Project or the compile action CTRL-SHIFT-F9.
Open one of the affected classes: only then will IDEA's Inspections mechanism start checking it for errors.
The advantage is that you have less file system load while you are coding.
But as described in this answer, there is a plugin to achieve what you want (even though it seems to have some performance pitfalls):

Baffling Xcode Plugin build trouble

I'm trying to build an Xcode plugin using this template. As a matter of fact the template works perfectly, but the problem is that something strange happened and it stopped loading the plugin. After 3 hours of trial & error, I pinpointed the problem but I cannot get my head around this...
I have a class called MHStatement and when I build without including this class, the plugin works fine and appears in the Xcode menu bar as expected.
However, when I include the MHStatement.h and MHStatement.m files in the project and then build, the plugin fails to load.
Now the fun part is that if I rename MHStatement to Statement and build it still doesn't work.
But if I make a new interface & implementation Statement overwriting the above Statement files it works again.
Moreover, creating new classes named _MHStatement, __MHStatement, MXStatement, MBStatment, MHFatment also make it fail, but XXStatement, DDStatement, XHStatement is OK.
But when I create a class XXStatement, and refactor->rename it to MHStatement and build,
the plugin loads normally.
This is obviously some weird runtime or linking error, but I don't know how to even start looking for what exactly is happening.
I am not sure if this is reproducible by any means, so I would just kindly ask for any advice that might come to your minds.
I tried creating a new class MHStatement and adding it to BBUncustify plugin. Building the plugin like this also prevents it to load, but now I'm getting this warning
objc[6278]: Class MHStatement is implemented in both /Users/marko/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/UncrustifyPlugin.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/UncrustifyPlugin and /Users/marko/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/PluginTest3.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/PluginTest3. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
with tail -f /var/log/system.log
I ended up creating a new project from scratch, and now have 3 separate targets, a framework for the code base that actually does all the work, test cases for the framework, and a simple one class plugin target, which works fine with that setup.
I hope some day someone will be able to answer what exactly was happening, and Apple will become kinder to Xcode modding community.

Where is the error list in Intellij IDEA?

I used to develop a habit in Eclipse to use Error List to check errors and warnings. Is there something like that in IntelliJ IDEA? I don't see it.
Eclipse incrementally builds the whole project all the time and finds all compilation errors even in classes you haven't touched/opened at all.
IntelliJ is not building your whole code base upon every change so there is no such view. The closest you can get is Messages view (available under Alt + 0) but it only shows compilation errors discovered when a file with errors was physically opened (or when the whole project was built).
IntelliJ IDEA 12 will most likely have incremental compilation feature:
Currently supported: incremental compilation of Java, Groovy, resource copying, UI Designer forms, Artifacts, Android, annotation processing, not-null instrumentation
It's also possible to look at tiny red stripes on the scrollbar to find where the errors in a file are located (they couldn't make it less convenient to use :/)