Disregard files in Excluded directories for Intellij/Pycharm searches - intellij-idea

Why are results from the [orange colored] Excluded directories showing up in Find in Path search results?
These are directories managed by ionic and should not be included. How can these be removed from search results?
Note: there is a question from 2015 directly on this topic: Ignore a folder in search results . But that question says to do exactly what I have already done - mark the folder as Excluded. This issue uses the approach of several of the answers - and thus should supposedly work.
I am using Pycharm Ultimate 2020.2 and Intellij Ultimate 2020.2.


How do I search for checked-in files only in IntelliJ IDEA?

I cannot find a way to limit searching to checked-in files only (a la git grep <searchterm>). I really don't need a gazillion results from node-modules and build folders.
node_modules and build folders are excluded from the search already. If you have this problem, please show an example.
You also can configure a custom scope which would include files you want to search and use when you use Find in Files action.
There is no pre-defined scope as all checked-in files. See answer to a similar question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42955231/2000323

Search File by name using Search Everywhere from a specific folder: IntelliJ IDEA

I am using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2017 version and using double shift (in MAC) as a shortcut to search files from the entire project.
Question: I just want to restrict Search everywhere to a particular directory in my project (similar to find In path feature where we can specify InProject, Module, Directory, Scope as the parameter). Is it possible? If yes then how to do it.

CMake search path configuration

we working on a C++/CMake project, that needs to run in both Windows and Linux. On Windows, we have to work with a number Visual Studio versions, both in 32- and 64 bit. In order to alleviate dependency issues in our team, we have manually compiled a number of dependencies for each configuration(vs2013_x64, vs2013_x86, vs2012_x64, vs2013_x86...) and installed them (using make install or similar commands) to a common folder for each configuration. Now we have a folder called "vs2013_x64" for example, that contains similar folders as /usr would on linux: CMake, include, lib, share, ...
Now my question is: How do I have to set up CMake, so that it treats this vs2013_x64 folder just like it does /usr on Linux?
I found a number of variables that seem related, for example
CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH and CMAKE_SYSROOT. However, setting them to my vs2013_x64 folder for example does not work: FindXXX.cmake files in the vs2013_x64/CMake folder are not found, and even when I manually set the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to that CMake folder, the Find* scripts are unable to find the include they are looking for, because the vs2013_x64/include folder does not appear to be searched.
A solution that did work was to set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. This is nice and almost what I need, but lets say that on Linux, I would not want it to look at /usr at all under any circumstances. This would not be possible using the PREFIX_PATH solution if I understand it correctly.
From what I understood from the documentation,
CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is more configurable and has a number of additional variables such as CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM, CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY and CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE. This makes me believe that FIND_ROOT_PATH is what I actually SHOULD be doing - yet I am unable to make it work
Does what I am trying to do make sense? Can anyone clarify when and how to use what? Ideally, I would like a solution that allows me to set the search path to my vs2013_x64 folder on Windows, that defaults to /usr on Linux, but can optionally also be set to another directory containing lib/include/cmake folders. In addition, it would be nice if searching ONLY occurred in the configured path and nowhere else (to avoid mistakenly picking a library that was installed system-wide).

TFS api - candidates excluded by file extension

I am trying to import a set of files into TFS using the API. The method Workspace.GetPendingChangesWithCandidates excludes files that match the globally ignored file extensions (.dll, etc). How can I get these files from the API so that I can PendAdd them?
I found an answer but I think it's a kludge. You can edit the LocalItemExclusions.config file found here:
C:\Users\%username%\appdata\local\microsoft\team foundation\4.0\configuration\versioncontrol.
Ultimately, I think the ignored files should be overridden from the API, but I can't find such an option.
It is an older question, but this may help others: Another way to get files recognized as candidates is to create a file called ".tfignore" within the workspace that enables globally filtered files again.
# Do not ignore .dll files in this folder nor in any of its sub-folders
More details can be found here
MSDN: Add files to the server - Customize which files are ignored by version control

IntelliJ idea and duplicate class issue

The dev env unfortunately is such that it creates a duplicate java file in a hidden directory under the same original root for every .java file. This is just a backup mechanism and can't change it. Good thing is this hidden dir name is same. I have Excluded this dir name pattern in the Settings of Intellij IDEA community edition 10.x. Yet, IDE reports this class as a duplicate one. Usages/References as well.
Bonus Q: Is there an eclipse equivalent of Ctrl-O in my IDEA to quickly navigate to methods?
How exactly did you exclude it? It should be added to the list of ignored folders in Settings | File Types. If it doesn't work, file a bug.
Bonus Q: Is there an eclipse equivalent of Ctrl-O in my IDEA to quickly navigate to methods?
Already replied here and here. Use Ctrl+F12.