IntelliJ "Import Data from File..." - cannot select file - intellij-idea

Using IntelliJ 2020 & 2019, I am unable to select a file when I attempt to "Import data from file...":
Go to data source
Right click on it
Select "Import Data from File..."
When the folder window opens, I am unable to select any files
See image:

For me, it actually turned out that my Mac security settings was prohibiting access to the files.


I have an issue importing. CSV file to pgAdmin

I am not able to import the CSV file to pgAdmin. An error called 'Utility not found' appears and told me to correct the Binary Path in the Preferences dialog when I click the Import/Export Data Button.
I am using PostgreSQL 15 and Windows 11 is my OS.
I went to the preference dialog and imputed "C:\Program Files\PosgresSQL\15\bin" in the binary path so that I will be able import the CSV file but error message " 'C:\Program Files\PosgresSQL\15\bin\psql.exe' file not found. Please correct the Binary Path in the Preferences dialog"
How can I address the issue?

vscode findFiles: remote web version ignores local files

Steps to reproduce:
Open any (I tried github) remote repository
File > "New Text File" > Save that file as "newfile.txt"
F12 (Open dev tools)
F1 > "Developer: Install Extension from location"
F1 > "Find files web-latex"
Expected result:
The console (vscode.workspace.findFiles) should output all files including "newfile.txt".
Actual result:
The console (vscode.workspace.findFiles) outputs all files in the remote repo excluding "newfile.txt".
vscode.workspace.fs.readDirectory(rootPath) correctly returns the list of files including "newfile.txt".
Is this behaviour intended?

any method to export dashboards on pentaho and reused on another pentaho BI server?

I have made some dashboards on pentaho BI server. I want to export them and import on another pentaho BI server. Is there any method to realize this? we have the same datasource.
In Pentaho 5 version, you can use User Console to Download the Dashboard files. It will get download in zip format. Once it is done, take these codes to the New BI Server, use the user console and UPLOAD it.
For e.g : If you have a project folder named "PROJECT_XYZ" then open the user console, select the project folder >> on the right hand screen you will find "DOWNLOAD" option. Just click on it and the project folder will get downloaded in .zip format. Take this .zip file and UPLOAD it in the new Server using the user console (of the new server).
Hope it helps :)
For Exporting:
import-export.bat --export --url=http://localhost:8080/pentaho --username=admin --password=admin --charset=UTF-8 --path=/public --file-path=E:/pentaho/ --overwrite=true --permission=true -retainOwnership=true
For Importing:
import-export.bat --import --url=http://localhost:8080/pentaho --username=admin --password=admin --charset=UTF-8 --path=/public --file-path=E:/pentaho/ --overwrite=true --permission=true -retainOwnership=true

SQL Server Management Studio error "Saved settings file cannot be found"

Here is my problem:
Every time I start the "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio", I get a warning
The automatically saved settings file "\\Settings\CurrentSettings-2012-02-13.vssettings' cannot be found.
The message goes on to say :
"You can change this file on the 'Import and Export Settings' Tools Options page". The IDE will use your most recent settings for this session.
Where is this setting? How to fix this?
you can try with theses steps :
In the Tools menu, select Options.
Select Environment folder, choose Import and Export Settings
In Automatically save my settings to this file, enter the location you will backup.
Select OK.
This file is in : %userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Settings\CurrentSettings.vssettings
Nota : if you don't find file, you can get another file from your coleague
If SQL Server Management Studio is open close it
Open Registry Editor Navigate to the location
_HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL
Edit the value of the Reg Key "VisualStudioLocation" to
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio
Close Registry Editor and check if the problem is fixed
In my case: we have Documents folder as mapped network drive and it seems SQL management studio has issues with that. As a quick workaround I created settings file outside this network drive and it works. Only downside is settings are not synchronized but honestly I don't care :)
Use your favorite registry editor, or use regedt32.exe if you don't have a decent one. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\<vsver>\profile, where <vsver> is the numeric version of visual studio that you are using, e.g. 6.0, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0. In there, you will find an entry AutoSaveFile. Edit this entry to point to a vssettings file that you want as your default settings file. If you don't have such a file, create one via "Tools->Import and Export Settings...->Export selected environments settings" first. Typical value for AutoSaveFile is %vsspv_visualstudio_dir%\Settings\CurrentSettings.vssettings, and typical value for DefaultSettingsDirectory is %vsspv_visualstudio_dir%\Settings\.
The statement in the error message "You can change this file on the 'Import and Export Settings' Tools Options page" seems to be incorrect. In particular, I was unable to reset the defaults no matter how many different ways I saved or loaded settings using the 'Import and Export Settings' Tools Options page. I had to resort to modifying the registry.
I had the same problem.
Turns out I had renamed the drive and this was causing the problem. Renaming it back to the original (as seen in the path in the error message) fixed the issue.
I managed to fix it with no registry changes.
Based on the instructions from this site:
Basically you need to change the default path in options.
Go to Tools/Options then Environment/Import and Export Settings
Change the path to existing one.
I found a lot of solutions which suggested to edit the following registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell\VisualStudioLocation
If there are people(like me) who do not have that entry, I managed to fix it by editing this one:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell\Profile\AutoSaveFile
I run MS SQL Server 2008 R2

How to open multiple .sql files in only one ssms instance

I'm DBA with a new server box running Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP1 with SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server Management Studio.
In my previous box when working in Visual Studio with database solution with lot of .sql files I used to double-click on the .sql files and they were opened in the same SSMS instance (if any already opened). However (even when having exactly the same installation in the new box) I'm now getting a new SSMS instance when double clicking in each sql file. Its really painful one .sql - one SSMS instance so I started my research about that.
What I've tried till now:
1) Right click on the .sql file > "Open With" option > "Add" option > "Program Name: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe" and "Friendly Name: SQL" > "Ok" > "Set as Default". Does NOT work. Still having one sql - one ssms instance.
2) Perfomed Run > regedit > and modify the value data of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\sqlwb.sql.9.0\Shell\Open\Command and replace /dde with "%1". DOES NOT WORK
3) Right click on the .sql file > "Open With" option > "Add" option > "Programe Name: explorer.exe" and "Friendly Name: Explorer" > "Ok" > "Set as default". Does NOT work. When double-clicking on the .sql files Notepad comes with scripts content.
4) Some pages like this
asks to change file association but when opening Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options ... I found there is no "File Type" tab. How annoying!
Can someone help me on that? My patient it's really running out.
Thanks in advance
After spending most of my working day looking for the solution I finally found it. Thanks God, I was almost running out with this issue. Hope it helps somebody else!!!.
Update: linked domain expired, so here's what it said:
Considering how integrated Microsoft tools usually are the result is
frustrating when you tell Visual Studio to open SQL files using Sql
Server Management Studio (SSMS). I really don't like using Visual
Studio to edit T-SQL files but in the past, before I discovered this
tip, each SQL file I opened would open in a new instance of SSMS. Try
Open a solution which contains SQL files
Right-click any SQL file and select “Open With…”
Click “Add”
Browse to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe" or if you're
running x64 Windows "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL
Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe", then click “OK”
Click “Set as Default” and then “OK”
Now open multiple SQL files. Each time you'll get a different instance
of SSMS opened. What a pain!
NOTE: This entire article applies to SQL 2005, just replace SSMS with
How do you resolve this? Repeat steps 1-3 above, but at step #4 enter
the following values:
Program Name: “explorer.exe”
Friendly Name: “Windows Explorer”
Repeat step #5 (set as default) above and then click OK. Now, open
additional files. They should all open in the same instance of SSMS.
It would seem that Visual Studio issues a command to SSMS.exe which
includes the path of the file selected in the solution explorer. It is
up to SSMS to check for a new instance, which it doesn't. But when you
pass the file name to explorer it gets opened up in the same instance.
If SSMS is not already open, the first file you attempt to open (not
first time ever, but every time you open an SQL file from Visual
Studio and SSMS isn't open yet) SSMS will open, but your file will
not. Click the file a 2nd time and it will open the file this time.
Don't ask me to explain it it just is (and I have no idea why).
The result when you tell Visual Studio that SSMS is the default editor
makes sense, but I don't get why it would be different when you tell
explorer to open it. Maybe if I were a Windows developer instead of a
web developer I would know the answer. But either way, now you know.
I have this problem before, I found there is a simple solution -> just check if your SSMS is under "Run this program as an administrator" option (right click on the shortcut icon -> property -> Compability -> Privilege level). If yes, untick the option and try double click the sql file.
Hope this helps.
Similar issues have been reported multiple times, but they aren't addressing the issue (removed links because Microsoft erased Connect without much thought):
Did you install Visual Studio (or any Visual Studio components) after installing SQL Server?
My guess is that the Connect items will not be fixed - SQL will blame Visual Studio, Visual Studio will blame SQL, and the items will remain open...
So here is what I suggest: run a repair of SQL Server from Programs and Features and then re-apply the latest service pack of SQL Server 2008 (SP2).
Also the "File Types" interface was moved from the Tools / Folder Options interface to the Control Panel. Go into Control Panel > Default Programs > "Associate a file type or protocol with a program." However it doesn't seem to have the options here to add command-line options like "%1" or /dde.
Try adding these reg keys as well, but make sure you put the /dde back in:
For the record, here is my entire export for that section:
#="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\Tools\\Binn\\VSShell\\Common7\\IDE\\ssms.exe\" /dde"
Go to Tools >> Folder Options >> File Types and apply below settings. It worked for me finally!!! (after half a day search on google).
Click New/Edit (on this window "Confirm open after download" should be check and "Always show extension" should be unchecked)
In next window, make below entries
- Action: Open
- Application used to perform action : Your ssms.exe path like "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe"
- Check "Use DDE" check box
- DDE Message : Open("%1")
- Applicajtion sqlwb.9.0
- DDE Application Not Running: Keep it empty
- Topic : system
Sandeep Gaadhe
I am using SQL Server Management Studio 2012 Express and I have made this to work by pointing "Program" to "explorer.exe"
This is how my register is set up: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\ssms.exe" /dde
I've 2005 & 2008 SSMS installed so I defaulted to the 2005 instance. If I have 2008 ssms open when opening a .sql file from windows explorer it will now open in the existing 2008 ssms (and not try to open a new instance!)
From Windows Explorer, one can drag-and-drop selected files (single or multiple) into an SSMS window.
One thing to check is if you have multiple versions of SSMS. If you happen to be working in an older version, double clicking on a file will open the new SSM version. Or whatever the default version is for sql files.
A quick note for users who want to have SSMS always open with Administrator privileges.
Find SSMS in your start menu. Right-click>More>Open File Location.
Once you see the shortcut to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio * in Windows Explorer, Right-click>Open File Location.
Then Right-click on Ssms.exe>Troubleshoot compatibility.
Then click Troubleshoot program.
Put a tick by The program requires additional permissions then hit Next.
Now it forces you to press Test the program....
Then press Next and then Yes, save these settings for this program.
Arvo Bowen Jan 30 '20 at 15:27
This work perfectly.
I know this is quite an old post and there are loads of different answers with possible solutions. But here's one I think is new (at least to SO).
I suddenly starting getting this behaviour (i.e. each new file would open in a new session) and couldn't figure out why. Turns out it was because in my SSMS session I had an open dialogue which had dropped into the background.
A soon as I closed the dialogue, new files started opening in my original session /facepalm
Maybe everyone knows this already but just in case it saves anyone 20 mins!
My issue with multiple SSMS instances version 19 was fixed by changing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.sql Default key to