For core Java imports Intellij gives a description on-hover of the method and what it does, however for maven dependcies such as Spring-Context this does not happen.
I tried in VSCode and I get the on-hover descriptions there too (Eclipse as well). How can I set this up to work in Intellij?
Download Sources / Documentation in the Maven tool window:
When using the following tools to create a sample Karate DSL Test; a "no features found at [classpath: packagename]" is thrown:
IntelliJ 2017.2.3
Gradle 2.9
project structure is shown in screenshot. Note that I have used the exact same project structure in Eclipse Mars 4.5.2 with Gradle and I was not able to replicate this issue. I also used Maven with Intellij and this issue did not occur.
The issue is isolated to Intellij using Gradle! any thoughts?
My best guess is IntelliJ Gradle does not honor the sourceSets tweak needed for the recommended Karate folder structure.
I just had an idea, try switching to the "traditional" Java project structure where *.feature files are in src/test/resources (not src/test/java) and that might just work.
Example project structure, from IDEA 2017.2.6 with Gradle.
How to configure intelliJ to disply errors in java code like eclipse?
see the screenshot
It does show the errors you expect, if you don't have the JUnit jar files in the classpath.
I created the exact same file as you showed in my IntelliJ and it really shows the errors:
What you might have done is that you have probably accidentally added the jar to the classpath.
Check the External Libraries as you can see in the picture. If there is no JUnit there, then it really is missing.
Now I can easily add the JUnit jar from IntelliJ and you'll notice the difference in the External Libraries:
Here it has been added under External Libraries and the error goes away.
You almost certainly already included the junit library into your IntelliJ project configuration.
This is easy to do, since IntelliJ has a quick action (alt-enter) to Add junit to classpath.
Look in Settings -> Libraries / Global Libraries and you will see it there. :)
Or you can look directly in Settings on the relevant Module -> Dependencies
Either that, or the project you are working in is configured already (perhaps via maven?) to have a junit dependency.
I know there is one for play1, but I don't find any for play2.
I hope the plugin can compile the templates to scala code automatically. It's not convenient now.
I just came across Scala IDE Play2 plugin for Eclipse Indigo/Juno and Scala IDE. The current features are
Syntax Highlighting (routes and templates)
Code completion (templates)
Formatter (routes)
Hyperlinking (routes and templates)
Note that hyperlinking to Java files is not supported for now. Also there are some limitations for the code completion feature, just take some time to read the doc. I didn't try it myself as I'm not working with Play2 right now, but thought it might be helpful for someone.
Edit: This answer is outdated. A Play Eclipse plugin has been written, as #Baztoune says.
There is no Play 2 plugin for Eclipse at the time I’m writing these lines. However, there is an eclipsify sbt command, provided by the Play 2 sbt plugin, which is able to generate an Eclipse project from a Play 2 application.
You won’t get syntax highlighting, contextual completion or code navigation inside Play 2 templates, but you can have them to be automatically compiled when saved by using the ~run sbt command (instead of just run). Check the Eclipse “General −> Workspace −> Refresh using native hooks or polling” option is enabled so it will take compiled templates changes into account.
Yes, here's how to get started:
Find the correct update site for your version of Eclipse from
In Eclipse go to Help->Install New Software. Use the update site from above to locate Scala related plugins.
Install both the Scala IDE for Eclipse plugin and the Play2 support in Scala IDE plugin. Note that the Play2 support in Scala IDE plugin is listed under the Scala IDE plugins checkbox.
I was unable to get this working at all starting from bare Eclipse, as many sources have suggested doing. The problem seems to be incompatible dependencies that only show up after much wasted time. The Scala IDE route eliminated this problem.
Yes. That's Scala IDE.
Update Site for Eclipse Juno and Kepler:
Install with the following features:
Scala IDE for Eclipse
Scala IDE Plugins (incubation)
I use Scala IDE from , then eclipsify my play2 project and import.
It works like a charm: it compiles my scala/java code.
You can get more details at this URL
Is there a way to use the ivy cache grails dependency DSL creates within an IDE like eclipse or netbeans? Or must I manually add all dependencies to the IDE lib folder?
I've looked into plugins like ivybeans and ivyde, but they seem to require ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml files, which grails does not produce.
The Grails tooling provided by the SpringSource Tool Suite plugin for Eclipse has the functionality you desire. It reads BuildConfig.groovy and modifies the project classpath accordingly.
I just attached the following to the Jira bug.
In snooping around the STS distribution, I found the following code in
// make sure that we use the Ivy dependency resolution strategy for Grails 1.2
// TODO CD make version number detection more flexible
if (settings.getGrailsVersion().startsWith("1.2")) {
Based on this find, I tried downgrading my project from Grails 1.3.2 to Grails 1.2 and ran "refresh dependencies". Sure enough, the dependencies were correctly loaded from Ivy.
Looks like someone needs to do the TODO. I can take a stab at it once I figure out how to check out the source code...
IntelliJ syncs dependencies between Grails (form and BuildConfig.groovy) and the IDE very nicely.
I have a maven pom file which depends on this plugin, but I can't find it anywhere online. Is this something which needs to be built from some other piece of code?
I searched in Sonatype repository and svn but I also didn't find jar nor sources. Customizable build lifecycle mappings is a experimental feature in m2eclipse. So if you don't need this feature you can comment this plugin.
After some tests I've noticed that if you use Maven 3.0 Embedded runtime your pom will work without complain, but there is still no jar for this plugin in the repository. So there is some kind of magic or I need to read more about Maven3/Embedded :)
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