We are using Intellij IDEA 2020.1 Community Edition for Windows for development using the Azure DevOps plugin. We recently upgraded from 2019.2.2. We originally had problems with server certificates for the TFS server. We could contact the server by allowing Intellij to automatically accept unknown certificates. However, we couldn't pull a TFVC repo. Here is the stack trace for the error
We solved that on the old version by dropping the cacerts file we were given by the company into the .IdeaC2019.2\system\tasks directory. That didn't work on this version. We are able to browse the TFVC collection, but we can't create a workspace. We are able to get to the TFS repository from Chrome.
Thank you in advance for any help.
EDIT: The problem seems to be in the Microsoft tf command line utility. We are in virtual desktops that are very tightly locked down (extremely risk-sensitive business), so we can't put the cert in the default java keystore. The old tf utility had a profile command that would allow you to set properties. It doesn't exist now.
From the error message, this issue is indeed related with the certificates.
You could try the following steps to import the certificate.
Connect to Azure Devops Sever and export the certificate.
Navigate to the keytool path. I install the Intellij IDEA 2020.1.4. So the path is C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.1.4\jbr\bin
Run the script to import the certificates.
For example:
keytool -keystore "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.1.4\jbr\lib\security\cacerts" -importcert -alias TFS -file "C:\test\tfs.cer"
For more detailed information, you could refer to this Blog.
On the other hand, you could also directly copy the required certificate to security folder path. Intellij IDEA 2020.1.4 -> C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.1.4\jbr\lib\security
You can set custom JVM options in IntelliJ Idea from Help -> Edit Custom VM Options... and add the following in the file then restart IntelliJ Idea.
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=<path to the cacerts file>
This should make IDE to use the cacerts file for trusted certificates.
We solved the problem by creating a separate trust store and importing the certificates. Then we edited the tf script that the plugin uses. We added the TF_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_ARGS environment variable as below (Your paths will be different):
set TF_ADDITIONAL_JAVA_ARGS=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IdealIC2020.1\tasks\cacerts -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit
For one of my POC, I need to get Maven plug-in installed in my Mule Anypoint studio. How I can install the same?
Follow the steps provided by Pratikkumar. Please remember either you need to get settings.xml from your client or get authentication details to connect nexus repository and create settings.xml. This settings.xml should be placed under .m2 folder(Local repository).
click Help > Install New Software and in Work with, click Anypoint Addons Update Site > Maven Tools for Mule. Click Next and follow the install prompts:
you can follow the next instructions from the below links.
maven installed on your local machine contains conf folder under that global (settings.xml) is available.
copy the settings.xml and placed under .m2 folder(Local repository).
.m2 folder is generated by executing mvn in cmd prompt.
place the authentication details in settings.xml to connect with nexus repository(if it enterprise)
In Anypoint studio click on help==>click on install new software and follow the steps provided in the below image url.
After completing this process change the Installed JRE'S in build path to JDK and restart Any point studio.
So, I have been trying on and off to get IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate to connect to our GitLab and JIRA server but both require the use of PKI and I cannot figure out how to get this to work. When attempting to use the VCS menu option for Git to pull or interact with Git, I get Git Pull Failed fata: Could not read from remote repository. If I am using the terminal screen within IntelliJ it works just fine after I enter my passphrase for the cert.
Now note that I am on a Windows system.
A colleague next to me has IntelliJ same version running on a Linux system and he is able to use the Git VCS menu features.
Anybody know how to get Windows to work properly with IntelliJ to Git and or JIRA?
Make sure you have the .ssh/config file in your user home that specified the key to use, by their full path. Then make sure you have Built-in SSH executable selected in Settings - Version control - Git
Workaround - use Native SSH executable and ssh-agent. A similar setup described here
I have downloaded an iFix from IBM fix central ( for Worklight Server and Worklight Studio but I could not locate the below jar files.
Can you confirm if the above jar files are also specific to worklight version and will be seen post WL server installation or are they generic files which can used with any WL version which can be used by jenkins build scripts.
Ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-7.0.-6.0.bin - this is IBM's version of Java. This is not bundled with either a GM or iFix or Fix Pack. You're downloading this yourself prior to any installation, if you choose to use it.
Wlpdevelopers-runtime- - I have no idea what that is. Looks like some WAS or WAS Liberty profile file, which you also install separately from Worklight
Applicationcenterdeploytool.jar - located post-install at install-directory/ApplicationCenter/tools/applicationcenterdeploytool.jar and is the deploy tool of Application Center, used by the ant task scripts.
Json4j.jar - located post-install at install-directory/ApplicationCenter/tools/json4j.jar and is used to handle the JSON file format
I have a Worklight app, created an apk file from it. Created a Test Project.
Adding the apk file to the workbench, it has an error saying:
Application xxx.apk cannot be imported; it is either an invalid one or
it contains specific features that are not supported.
Try opening the .log file for the worklight workspace. I saw an error saying that for the Rational Test Workbench to work, I need to use JDK and not JRE.
The solution that solves my problem is as follow:
In the workspace, go to Window > Preferences
Expand Java > Installed JREs
Add a new JDK and ticky mark it
Open the xxx.ma file
You should still see the error in that file
Select the mobile app from the test workbench file. Delete it
Add the mobile app again to the test workbench file. It will take some time to process.
The problem is most likely to do with the fact that your Eclipse is not pointing to a JDK.
Please edit eclipse.ini to point to your JDK (-vm ... jdk location...)
I need to deploy a web applicataion as an exploded archive (instead of .war) due to some legacy servlet path location code used in it (ServletContext.getRealPath()). I only have web-based admin console access to the WebLogic 11g server that I intend to deploy to. However, I can't figure how to do it. I see an option for deploying archives, but not directories.
"WebLogic Server supports deployments that are packaged either as archive files using the jar utility, or as exploded archive directories".
The link
is for version 8.1. In newer versions this option does not exist in the admin console (production mode).
The only way is if you somehow access the operating system, or ask somebody to, unzip the war file in some place and then install from that directory (through admin console). You can also upload the war using admin console, and then in the uploaded directory ask to whom as access to SO to unzip it in that place.
You can also try some ninja stuff like: upload the war that you want to expand. Then make another war that contains code that unzips the war you want to expand.
To solve your problem in weblogic11gR1,In admin console in configuration tab -->web-App container click the option "Archived Real path enabled" so that you can access the servletcontext.getRealpath().