Intellij Cannot resolve symbol on import after indexing - intellij-idea

So the problem only occured after Indexing. The reason why I know this is because I tried invalidating the cache and restarting intellij and the import worked like a charm, but then I noticed in the background task Intellij is Indexing. And right after it finished the import doesn't work anymore. Does anybody has a clue about what happened here?


React Native 0.59 to 0.69 Post Upgrade Error - Facebook.React.Bridge Does Not Exist

After I upgraded React Native from 0.59 to 0.69, and dealing with some various errors, there is one last one I can't seem to solve..I noticed after running my react-native run-android command the following error:
/node_modules/react-native-splash-screen/android/src/main/java/org/devio/rn/splashscreen/ error: package com.facebook.react.bridge does not exist
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext;
it actually generates about 20 errors, all mentioning various sub libraries beneath react.bridge. I've been quite stuck on what to do here and thought maybe I need to rewrite something.
The error references a splash screen module I was using (which I upgraded to the latest) located at:
Is com.facebook.react.bridge no longer used, or do I need to reinstall something and maybe the upgrade caused some sort of problem? I am using Android Studio (which I also had to upgrade) if that helps.
Thank you so much for any help you can provide!

React native app sourcemaps show incorrect location of error when error happens in asynchronous code

I have a react-native app. I recently moved to react-native version 0.61.5 for which I took the long route of creating a new react-native app and porting my code over to avoid any linking issues since new version used PODFILE as the default linking mechanism. Ever since I moved to version 0.61.5, I don't get the correct location of code in error logs. I think this is mainly happening when the code is running in asynchronous fashion which most of the code is. For e.g., look at below screenshot:
It is reporting that it is not able to call map on some array which is apparently undefined but the place where the error is reported is completely incorrect. I have no such file in my codebase and it is probably pointing to some file in some react-native package.
I am using Sentry #sentry/react-native": "^1.1.0". I don't think Sentry can cause issue with the sourcemaps reported during development.
I am not sure how to debug this problem. This problem is causing a lot of issues in debugging any errors as I have to manually figure out where the error happened. Please let me know if you have any tips on how to fix this problem.

Cannot read property 'array' of undefined error occurring in my genymotion while running my react-native project

I recently upgraded an old project that was running in react-native 0.49 to 0.55. So after installing and running the project this pops up. I searched the internet and i did not found any solution. Please help.
Solved. For anyone like me facing this issue. Check your red box and you can see the module where the error is targeting. In my case it was DoctorTiming.js (Check the image in my question. One error is pointing towards it).
Go to that module check if it is importing from any dependencies.
If it does go to node_modules/your_dependency
Check for index.js.
Inside it change import PropTypes from 'react' to import PropTypes from 'prop-types'.
You are good to go after that.

React-Native - Could not find

When trying to install Pushnotifications for Android in a React Native project I get the following error during building
Could not find
I cannot find the place where I would require play-services-analytics. Anyone a clue how I could solve this issue?
I had the same issue. Sometimes, the dependency version used by a package is no longer the recommended minimum that's been pushed by Google. To fix, locate the build.gradle file for the package that is giving you the error (in this case, it should be react-native-push-notification) and change locate the line that contains play-services-analytics under the dependencies, then change the version number to the recommended minimum version listed here. For play-services-analytics, it should be 16.0.5. Here's how it should look like afterward
implementation "${safeExtGet('googlePlayServicesVersion', '16.0.5')}"
By far, the easiest way I've found to debug these package error is to get Android Studio. When you run the App from there, it'll error out on any dependency error and open up the gradle file for you, then you just have to fix it.

Android Eclipse Export Crashlytics Apk failed

I am trying to 'Export Crashlytics-enabled Android application' in eclipse and keep getting this error 'Problem Opening Wizard' with details - The selected wizard could not be started.
Cannot create extension
How do resolve this issue? This was working perfectly fine until now and suddenly keep getting this issue. Tried several time to un-install crashlytics plug in and re-installing, it did not help.
I swas getting same problem. Restart ecllipse and wait till complete loading of external libs, folders etc.
I had to delete my entire workspace and create a new one to solve this issue.