Intellij shutdown while making build with maven - intellij-idea

My intelli j is shutdown while making maven build with intelli j.
Below are maven setting in my intelli j.
please let me know if anyone how to solve this issue.

The issue is caused by your antivirus, it kills IntelliJ IDEA process.
Please contact the AV vendor support or your company IT/security helpdesk for the instructions how to exclude IDE and Java processes from the scan/detection.


Error while Installing TestNG Eclipse Plugin 6.14.3 Version

I am getting the following error while installing TestNG plugin( 6.14.3) in Eclipse.
Missing requirement: TestNG Eclipse Support
(org.testng.eclipse requires 'bundle
org.eclipse.jdt.launching 3.10.0' but it could not be found Cannot
satisfy dependency: From: TestNG
( To:
org.testng.eclipse []
I am using Eclipse Oxygen- March Edition. Could anyone please help me here?
Your version on Eclipse (Oxygen) is too old for that version of TestNG.
Version 3.10.0 of org.eclipse.jdt.launching was not introduced until Eclipse Photon so you need at least that version of Eclipse, but preferably the current version (Eclipse 2018-12 at time time of writing)
We had same issue for several employees. In our case it doesn't relate to Eclipse version.
Seems as new WebSense antivirus blocked the installation of the TestNG from default location. Eclipse showed the error from the description and continued to look for "alternative solution" which took many hours, but finally TestNG was installed successfully. Just have patience. Or try to disable antivirus.
let process to continue in spite of the error
Thanks Greg and Ilana.
TestNG installed successfully when the Eclipse was updated to 2018-12 Version.
If you are facing issue while installing TestNG in Eclipse version there are few simple steps to follow:
Download zipped latest version of Eclipse from below location (
Store it your drive (zipped folder suppose in C drive)
After that go to Eclipse and install new software, click on add, archive, and complete the installation by selecting Next option when prompted)
Restart Eclipse you will see TestNG option in there.
while installing from add new software ,there is an option to check for solution rather than default selection. Please select different version of TestNG which is compatible with your eclipse version .This solution worked for me while using eclipse Mars(4.5.2)

How create a new module in IntelliJ plugin?

I am really new in all the IntelliJ plugins development and I really need to know how can I create a new module type from a IntelliJ plugin.
I have found some similars answers but there dont explain me what I need to do, there is some tutorial about this? I appreciate all the help...
Firstly, make sure you have the latest intelliJ build (12.1.X). Either community or ultimate edition should be ok.
Then, here is some info to get started.
Plugin Development Confluence
Plugin Development Guidelines
Maybe if you try to get it up and running and come back with specific questions we can be of more help.

JProfiler asking for IntelliJ Configuration Director (.IntelliJ...)

I tried to install JProfiler integrated with IntelliJ 10 on MacOS. The installer tries to locate a 'IntelliJ configuration folder' which I dont have and I dont know how to create.
Any assistance or hints would be fantastic.
See the corresponding IntelliJ IDEA FAQ article.

How to resolve a conflict in JetGradle on IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.2?

I am new to the Gradle integration JetGradle in IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.2 and currently I ran into a conflict with a compile time dependency.
Currently I do not know how to solve this conflict since IDEA does not provide me more informations than this little screenshot. Do you ran into a similar problem and were able to fix it? Any hints are appreciated.
Update: I have found out that IntelliJ IDEA is somehow unable to attach the joda-time-2.1.jar to the joda-time-2.1 library .
If I then manually add the JAR the conflict is successfully resolved. Is there a way IntelliJ can tell my why it does not add the JAR?
Yes, the problem is that the library is defined either in gradle or IDE but the jar is not attached to it at the IDE side.
AFAI there is no GUI at the IDE side that helps to resolve this situation. Please create a dedicated feature request at the tracker.

hudson cobertura reporting 0

I have a problem that when I run the cobertura target maven, the report always shows 0%.I've tried forking my junit tests, and no luck. I've tried configuring the cobertura plugin in the reporting section and build section of the pom, and also tried binding it to both the site and package phase. Any thoughts?
On a related note, I've also noticed that running the tests in Cobertura within hudson causes the junit plugin to report that each test was run twice (which doubles the number of tests reported as run). Any way around this?
There is a compatibility issue with JDK 1.6.0_14 and the cobertura plugin. And the plugin also has problems with multithreaded tests. The 0% problem was fixed by used b7 of JDK6, and maybe a fix will come out for the multithreading soon (there is a patch available)
I think it would be helpful to post whatever part of the pom.xml you define your Cobertura plugin and where in your profile you actually use it. Could you provide this so it provides some context for someone to look at? While I'm sure that copying/pasting [] wouldn't help any of us out, perhaps providing your < include> and < excludes> can help out.