Dumping a huge List in Intellij-Idea while debugging - intellij-idea

Is there a way in Idea to dump the content of a large List of doubles into the clipboard ?

Right click variable
Evaluate expression
Type arrayName.toString()
Click evaluate


Is there any way that line inputs are auto expanded when there are many data to be displayed?

Json data is passed to Process Maker process, to a Line Input item with the "Read Only" option checked. But in order to see all data I need to put the cursor in the Line Input item and use the key board to go to the last word.
Is it possible that, if there are many data/characters, the Line Input item is automatically expanded to fit all data and so can be easy to see?
As a workaround I tried with a "Text Area" item which seems to display the data in a better way but I wanted to know if there is another way to make it work with Line Input item so I don't have to re-create the fields.
Thanks in advance,

Variable in Generate Rows step in PDI

I want to use variable in 'Generate rows' step in Pentaho. How can i use it. I want to give a file path in a 'Value' field but that should not be static so that i can pass this value into my csv input.
I am not sure to understand your question (see #mat's comment), but as far as I can understand it, I wonder if you really need a Generate Rows.
The CSV Input File can read the file name from a variable. If you look near this field you'll see a small 'S' in a blue diamond shape. It means that you can put a variable in it, in the format ${var_name}.
This suppose that your variable is indeed a variable, as opposed to a field. You can get the list of variables by pressing on Ctrl+Space on any input box near the 'S' in blue diamond shape. You can add a variable either in defining in a previous job, either in the parameter list [Right-click anywhere and select Parameters], either by editing the kettle.properties [on the top menu Edit], either by specifying the variable value on the small panel that is presented to you each time you want to run a transformation.
With a Generate Rows, you define a field and there is no way to use a field for the filename in a CVS Input file. You can however use a field in a Text file input with the Accept file name from an other step check box, and telling spoon from which step and from which field. If you use this step, specify on the Content tab that the filetype is CSV.
you can use "for" javascript lang step and get variable to generate rows,

Selenium VBA code to paste data in browser

I am trying to stimulate the control+v option in a text box in chrome using selenium vba wrapper. I tried using the context click but that function seems to click at a random position based on the cursor position. I tried using the send key function but i am not getting the desired result.
selenium.SendKeys (key.Control & "v")
Please any advise or leads would be much appreciated.
You want to target the text box before using sendkeys. Let's say, hypothetically, that there is an ID called textbox1 for identifying the element then:
driver.FindElementById("textbox1").SendKeys Keys.Control, "v"
The latter assuming info is already in the clipboard with, for example, driver.SetClipBoard "yourString"
I think you'll be better off using a variable to hold your data rather than the clipboard. Then you can use sendkeys to type it in:
myData= "your data here"
selenium.sendkeys myData

Editing contents of a labview array

I'm trying to increment specific elements by 1, in order to log results as they come in. I'm trying to read an element, add 1 to it, and then write it back to the same memory address. Why isn't this simple?
In code it would be something as simple as;
array1[element1] = (array1[element1]+1)
Arrays seem to be either read (indicators) or write (controls)? This is really frustrating, and there's very little help online.
You can use an "Array index/replace" element inside a "In place element structure":
You should use ReplaceArraySubset in the Array palette. For simple replacements, it's much faster than the In Place Element Structure
As an infrequent, novice Labview user I have the same problem ... until I found the code that I used 10 years ago. Surely the answer to sgccarey is:-
Right click on the array control or indicator and 'create local variable'
This variable will appear on the block diagram and can be set as 'Change to Write' or 'Change to Read' as necessary to use as the input and / or output array to a simple 'replace array subset'.
This way the array data only appears once on the Front Panel and is updated as required.
I have no idea if using Local Variables affects runtime efficiency but it works for me. Hope this helps.

execCommand insertHTML breaks stored window.getSelection()

When using methods of selecting text and restoring selected text in a page, I have found that running execCommand('insertHTML... inbetween causes the stored selection to break.
This is a sample of how the text is selected and restored.
// Get Selection
var sel = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
// Clear Selections
// Restore Selection
This works fine, however once you run execCommand('insertHTML.. the selections endOffset sets itself to the same value as the selections startOffset
Is there a reason for this? More importantly is there a way round this?
A full example of the bug, complete with some basic console logging can be seen here.
The objective of this fiddle is to select text , transform it to uppercase and then reselect the text.
How best to save and restore the selection really depends on what you're doing. For your specific example, where existing text is just having its case transformed, I'd suggest a character index-based approach, such as https://stackoverflow.com/a/5596688/96100 (although that answer requires Rangy, but can be trivially changed not to require it: http://jsfiddle.net/Y8pJ7/8).
For some other cases, a better approach is to use invisible marker elements at the start and end of the selection, which is the approach taken by the selection save/restore module of Rangy (disclosure: I am Rangy's author).
UPDATE 18 June 2012
Rangy now has character offset-based save and restore of selections and ranges via a new TextRange module (demo).