in display mode showing user answer and correct answer in quiz - surveyjs

I am new to SurveyJS and have been able to integrate surveys and quizzes into my website. This is my use-case. After a user has completed a quiz, as standard practice user sees the number of correct and incorrect answers. Later, I would like the user to browse through the questions showing the correct answer with the user answer (in case it is different). Ideally, by changing the color. What would be the best manner to provide this functionality? Thanks

Probably the showPreviewBeforeComplete option will help you. Here is the documentation link -


Good review but 1 star on Play Store/App Store. How can I solve this problem?

I have a problem as stated in the title. Sometimes in the Play Store, users make comments saying that they like our application. (Good, super, I like it) But they give 1 star either intentionally or accidentally. I tried to give them all kinds of answers. I offered a free trial to fix the comment. I said, 'I think you gave the wrong star, please correct it'. I made such comments, but no one corrected it. Users who make such comments are usually from the same country. 3-4 similar countries.
What do those of you who encounter this problem do? Any suggestion?
Thank you. Healthy days.
I noticed the same exact thing from Countries that have languages that are written Right-to-Left.
I think this is a user experience problem in Google play with these languages, if the user quickly adds the review then it he/she could accidently put 1 start instead of 5 stars.
Unfortunately you can not do anything about it.

dynamically create form and store it on database

I am working on a survey website for my thesis. As a requirement of my system i need to provide my users the ability to create their own form (like if the want to add a question with radio buttons to place the choices of answers or just a question with a textbox) also, i need to store how my users designed the survey that was created. I tried searching on the internet and hasnt found any realiable source of forum for my problem. So i tried asking here to look for even a good tutorial links or forums that you guys may know that can help me.
If you you need to create your own, you'll need to get a grasp of php and mysql, which is probably quicker to learn

How to train for same phrases but in different contexts? 'Understanding' tab allows us to train phrases for different intents (trait entities). However it is not clear how to train for the same phrase but in different contexts.
For example the phrase "Yes" may be used as the answer for different questions but depending on context it's intent may vary.
"Want to buy milk?" -> Yes (means my positive intention to buy milk)
"Should I send you receipt?" -> Yes (now the intent is to allow sending receipt)
You will have to add a couple of examples for the Yes and No before Wit can get it. Go to the Undestanding section to do that.
Also you should handle Yes/No Answers in Stories tab with flow-based approach.
Please look at the Handle yes/no answers subheading in You will find that example very helpful probably.
Have a nice day.
I faced this problem a while back.
I trained the phrase "Yes" to have intent as refer_back. This basically means that every time user says "yes", wit is telling my back end to refer to the last message (the question) the bot sent.
Now, that question was obviously written by you (for the bot to ask), so you can mark the question with an ID to identify what the user has said Yes to.
switch ( {
case 1: getSomeMilk(); break;
case 2: ...
Of course, this only works if you have a custom back end that makes API calls to wit and handles user interactions.
This strategy has worked quite well for me and hopefully can give you some ideas.

Twitter API search within following

wondering if anyone has heard of a way to filter Twitter search results to the users 'following' list? I'd like to do a search for pics that people I follow have posted. The pics part is fairly trivial (search for image URLs) but I'm guessing that a user-filtered search is beyond the API, even with oAuth.
I've seen a couple of services like that advertise this feature (even though they don't seem to work well), any guesses as to how they go about this?
You can implement this specific image search easily with the help of available as open source here:
Currently searching in your friends is possible but adding yet another filter isn't that hard. Patches are welcome ;)

How do we track the details of a user story? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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So if a user story is a something nebulous like:
As a sales rep, I would like to capture the contact information so that I can follow up later on.
I'm not even sure if that's a valid user story but I'm sure it's close enough.
Then there are details/tasks for implementing that user story.
And I'm sure "The sales rep should be able to tab from one textbox to another." is one of the requirements. How do we capture/track this? Is this part of the user story or is it something that's to be considered separately?
A user story captures the essence of a feature, not the details, a story is a support for the discussion.
So, to answer your question, details are transmitted orally during a discussion, because face to face discussion is the most effective communication media. If you feel the need, details can be captured as notes on the back of the card (if you are using cards) or... in a "notes" field if you are using an electronic tool. Actually, I usually use a "how to demo" field too to capture a high-level description of how this story will be demonstrated at the sprint demo and use very brief "notes" for any other info, clarifications, references to other sources of info, etc (credits to Henrik Kniberg's famous Index card generator). If find this very handy, especially when using executable specifications.
PS: your story is perfectly valid and its a good practice to include the benefits in your template ("As a role, I want action so that benefits").
User stories should be short statements in 1 to 3 sentences.
I want to be able to tab from one textbox to another is another user story.
You can track these things in a tool like, or just any type of task tracking tool (SharePoint, Excel even ... etc.).
Next thing you do is prioritize.
Just taking a rough stab...
As a sales rep,
I want all data entry and navigation to be accomplished using the keyboard
so that I don't have to take my hands off the keyboard
(and so that we comply with accessibility guidelines).
As a business,
We want all our products to be fully usable using only keyboard input
So that we can sell to customers who require accessible software.
The first part belongs to a "business requirements" document (usually written by a business analyst). The first generations of this document are quite high level, but the final versions (several iterations later) are pretty detailed.
The second part (about tabbing) is part of another document - "UX spec" (shows all screens and describes user interaction). This one is usually written by a different person/team (Product or UX team).
Yes, that is problem we also have a lot. On the one hand, user stories need to be conscise, on the other hand all the nitty gritty details must be put somewhere.
We use XPlanner, and we solve this by putting the short description into the text body of the user story. Then we use XPlanners "notes" feature (arbitrary text or files that can be attached to a user story) for the details.
That way we can add as much information as necessary to a user story, without cluttering up the user story text itself. You can also refer to external documentation, if you don't want to have everything in XPlanner.
This approach works quite well for us.
Agree with others, that this is viable story, but capture the (derived) requirements may be better captured elsewhere.
Software Developers and Business types are familiar with different terminology some what may simple to understand by one (data structures) may mean nothing to another. The User Stories is a tool or a means by which business user can convey a message as a starting point which is expanded on (with tests, details, etc).
Oral Communication can be effective, but the effectiveness is dependent on the receivers ability to hear and comprehend the meaning of the message. This is where oral communication can fail. Different types of communication offerring more or less formal forms of communication. Vocal communication is an "informal form of communication" which risks the message being misheard, misinterpretted, and misunderstanding. Just like the game played as a child, where one child whispers a message to another child, who tells another, until all have heard it...When the last child tells the message to the group it usually has been misinterpreted then misinterpretted again, causing a degraded message.